Wise Wednesday: The Importance of Inspiration and Revelation

The Importance of Inspiration and Revelation

Good morning ☀️. Today is Wednesday, July 17th. It's another amazing day in paradise 🤩. Welcome and welcome back. Thank you for investing your time here.

I am on day 2 of my 13 day quest on social media. The wind is blowing again this morning. And not only is God like the wind (see yesterday's entry) but God is also in the wind. 

Today's post is about inspiration and revelation. To me they are two different things. Yesterday I had 2 experiences that highlighted the differences for me.

The first had to do with my post from yesterday, “God is Like the Wind”. I started talking to someone about how I had written on it that morning. I had planned to share some of what I wrote and I couldn't remember any of it. I was totally stumped. I needed to look back to recall what I wrote.

For me that was a revelation because it came through me. Based on my experiences, if I had not recorded it, I might never have remembered it. Revelation is personal. It's for me. And if I'm not careful I'll forget the message.

Now there are some who will say that forgetfulness is more age related. I won't disagree. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I just know and will admit, I've had more moments of revelation that I've forgotten more than I remember simply because I didn't get up and record them or do something with the information. 

Inspiration, on the other hand, is… random, for lack of a better word. Sometimes you don't know why you say or do something, you simply feel compelled to do it. And there are times you'll find out why and other times you won't. Yesterday I had an experience where I found out why. 

Wisdom takes ukulele lessons. We were at the facility where he goes and I happened to get into a conversation with the young lady at the front desk. She's always talking to people. Or people are always talking to her. I had been wondering if I should talk to her too.

Well Wisdom's regular instructor is in Ireland (nice right?) so we were there later than normal and the place was mostly empty. I approached the young lady and asked her two questions, initially. The first was, “how long have you worked there?” She said about 2 years. 

Then I asked, part seriously and part in jest, “what keeps you coming back?”. Her reaction totally shocked me. I was not expected it. She burst into tears she couldn't control and said, “I didn't know! I really don't know.” Whoa 😳!

We talked for over an hour. She was totally vulnerable and transparent and shared so many details about her life. This was humbling since we had really never spoken before, outside of cordial greetings. And of all the times she needed someone to talk to, that was it. 

The thought to talk to her, later followed by what to talk about was inspiration. It came and I followed it and it was an honor for me to hold space for her. My parent coach training prepared me for that moment and I was probably the best person she could have spoken with.

It was phenomenal. It was humbling. It was inspiring.

I know those two epic events on the same day were God trying to tell me, “I've got you since you've got Me”. In both instances I needed to trust and believe and do my part. Not only did I get to have the experiences but they're recorded so I can recall them too. That's pretty cool if you ask me. 

Can I be a little vulnerable right now? I honestly don't know why I'm writing these posts. These are not your typical social media posts. People want short posts, quick engagement but God is saying, “do it this way!” So I am. The ones this is for will get it and perhaps others will come later to receive.

One thing I'm realizing, as I write, is God is calling ME in the wind, to wake up, literally and figuratively. Wake up to my potential. Wake up with no excuses. My situation doesn't define me. My nervous system is regulated and I'm capable of accomplishing anything.

It's really beautiful. I'm doing what I can within the boundaries I'm living in. And God is reminding me, “focus on what you can control”. 

I can wake up and write on my phone. I can even get on my laptop and post it to my blog and then get back on the phone to post it on all my social media. The person who's benefiting most is me.

Thank you for going on this journey with me as I discover more of me in only ways God can lead. I'm grateful for this opportunity to speak of and honor my Higher Powers at this time. I speak of Them collectively as one God, unified in purpose and Love.

To God be the glory in this moment and forever. Now I'm not going to preach, I need to give credit where credit is due. I've felt lonely and at times discouraged but God, like the wind, envelopes me gently and reminds me to “keep a-goin’” (thank you Mastermind Mother Anderson!).

God’s message is They have not left me, will not forsake me and no weapon formed against me shall prosper. And I continue to rise.

I needed to admit I didn't know so I could find out. The answers came as soon as I admitted my conundrum. Thank you again for being here. Thank you in advance if you plan to come back tomorrow. Continued success 👊🏾. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating 🪄✨. ☮️…







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