Momma's Monday: Recap, Reflect, Refer

Recap, Reflect, Refer

 Photo caption: Was working on our plot in the community garden; received gladiolas for free, they are in a bucket filled with water. Brought them to the garden to bring their cheery bright presence to our plot.

Welcome and welcome back. Today is Monday, July 22, 2024. Happy Monday 😎. It's another amazing day in paradise 🤩. Thank you so much for being here.

I'm on day 7 of my 13 day quest on social media. Today I'm highlighting the posts I've already done, reflecting on the week past plus refer you to a few organizations who are doing their thang to make our community a better place, namely: Equity Before Birth, Fertile Ground and Homeschool Village!


Here are all six articles I've written including pics:

Day 1: God is Like the Wind

Day 2: The Importance of Revelation and Inspiration

Day 3: Do You Know Momma Kai?

Day 4: 
The Spiritual Leadership of a Child  

Day 5: 

Day 6: Be Kind 


That was quite the week. The biggest lesson I learned is: It takes planning to be intentional about what you post. The thing I noticed the most is how often I was going to do something the next day or "tomorrow". But what happened after I had posted, even the morning I was going to post, really determined what I had to say. 

I am grateful for the opportunity to learn this lesson. It makes me want to be more intentional about what I'm doing while balancing the need and/or desire to be spontaneous.


As I seek to become more influential, these are some of the organizations I'm partnered with and hope to bring into the spotlight as I step into it myself. Last night I was led to a report about how Black women do much with limited resources. I felt like that was the story of my life.

Imagine what we would do if we had what we needed? And yet, these organizations are doing what needs to be done, walking by faith, hoping to eventually operate like their being paid out of God's wallet not man's. What would happen if we extended our grace and added funds to their initiatives?

If you're in a position to gift any amount, grab a membership or volunteer, here are the organizations I'm inviting you to invest time and/or money in.

Equity Before Birth: this organization is having a significant impact in reducing the infant and maternal mortality rates in BIPOC communities, they support moms and other birthing persons from pregnancy through the first 18 months of a child's life; Wisdom and I made it. So many others don't ☹️😢😔. Please donate and/or volunteer.

Fertile Ground: Their vision "To establish a multi-stakeholder grocery store and community gathering space that increases access to healthy/affordable food and serves as a community/cultural center in Southeast Raleigh." Please donate, grab a membership and/or volunteer.

Homeschool Village: (no web presence) a small but might group of parents dedicated to homeschooling their children. They're not a registered nonprofit. Wisdom and I are involved and know any extra funds could magnify the impact they're already making. Please consider a donation. 

If you'd like your family to get involved, I can connect you to the visionary behind it. Listed below are the ways you can contribute. The name on the accounts is Cassandra (Bellinger) Hudson.
Cashapp: $homeschoolvillage23
Venmo: @homeschoolvillage23 (Please send using family & friends' option)
Paypal: @homeschoolvillage23 (Please send using family & friends' option)

That's it for now. Thank you in advance. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating 🪄✨. ☮️ Peace...






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