Sagacious Saturday: Wisdom-isms


The Spiritual Leadership of a Child, Part 2

It's another amazing day in paradise 🤩. Today is Saturday, July 20, 2024. I'm on day 5 of my 13 day social media quest.

As I was laying here this morning contemplating what I should write about, waiting for revelation or inspiration, I realized I wasn't done with yesterday's topic. 

Two days ago when I started the Do You Know Momma Kai? series, I wrote so much that I shortened the post. I expected to continue yesterday but was so honored to talk about Wisdom that I didn't. 

Looking over what I started then and considering what I wrote yesterday, now is the perfect time to continue by introducing the top 3 lessons I've learned from being Wisdom's mom and student. I've learned them from him, for him and with him.

The entire collection of lessons are actually called Wisdom-isms. These are the ones I always feel are the most important to share. This information gives me my superpowers and is how I claimed the super s-hero moniker, Momma Kai. The lessons are: 

  1. Everyone is wisdom. The word wisdom basically means “applied knowledge”. And the reality is, children learn what they live and live what they learn. End of story. Children learn by imitation before instruction. They model everything they see! There have been a number of times I've wondered why Wisdom was doing a certain thing only to realize he was imitating me. My subconscious actions became conscious through him. What makes every human unique is how they take the information they've ingested and regurgitate it back to the world. That's the fun, fascinating and (at times) frustrating part. 

  2. All children are superheroes. They don't just save the world and other people. They actually save themselves first. They change their identities based on who they are around to keep themselves safe. All parents have that experience where their child acts one way around one person and acts totally different around someone else. That's a superpower. It's designed to keep them safe. 

  3. Repair is key. I apologize to Wisdom. I'm not perfect. I make mistakes. He has permission to call me on things I do that make him feel uncomfortable too. I apologize and take responsibility for whatever I did, based on me not him. We have the best relationship because of it.

I only know these things because I'm open to being a mom AND student, not thinking “I'm the instructor. I'm the authority.” To tap into that kind of genius, to access that kind of humility, you have to have a regulated nervous system. That's delving more deeply into science. 

I started down that path again with lesson #2. If you know, you know. But if you don't, you need to. I will head that way again tomorrow because it's the foundation of us all. 

Science is how we are conceived (egg and sperm). Science is how we are born (doctors, nurses, doulas, midwives not pastors, preachers and apostles). Science is how we live (i.e.: eat, pee, poop). Science is how we die (decomposition). Science, neuroscience in particular, is our common denominator (brain development, nervous system regulation, trauma and nutrition). 

Privilege and ignorance cause us not to acknowledge it. I say that because if we are relatively healthy and don't spend a lot of time going to the doctor we don't think about science. 

But…Ask the parent who has a child suffering with cancer. Ask a child who has a parent suffering with dementia. Science rules their worlds.

I'm on a mission to add my voice, in my own unique way, to those who prove that science does not discount spirituality. It adds to it. So tomorrow I'll take another step into the world of neuroscience, my second favorite topic to talk about.

If you haven't noticed, I could talk forever about my incredible young Black male superhero. It is my greatest honor to be his steward and guide through this mortal journey. 

I hope you'll join me and will find something that resonates with you. Thank you again and in advance. Continued success 👊🏾. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating 🪄✨. ☮️…






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