Favor-full Friday: The Spiritual Leadership of a Child

The Spiritual Leadership of a Child

Photo caption: Our guest

It's another amazing day in paradise 🤩. Today is Friday, July 19, 2024. Thank you for being here.

I'm on day 4 of my 13 day quest on social media. This is my personal challenge to put myself out there. I've been writing whatever I'm impressed to speak on. 

Yesterday, I started the “Do You Know Momma Kai?” series. But I need to pivot this morning. It's not a complete detour. Instead of focusing on me, I feel impressed to share a story featuring Wisdom’s spiritual leadership.

I’m posting so much later than I have been. Our night did not play out as I anticipated. In fact, the picture is of our hotel room this morning.

Wisdom and I normally don't stay in hotel rooms unless someone offers or we have panhandled enough to pay for more than one night. We are comfortable in our car until what I'm working on begins to bear fruit.

The money came from a friend who was contributing to my registration to run for mayor of Raleigh in this year’s election. I needed to register by 12 noon today and needed $150 more to do it. Instead I'll be campaigning as a write-in candidate.

Now… perhaps you'll notice there are 3 people in the picture. I'm the one taking it so that makes 4. Do you notice how little the person is on the far left? That's not Wisdom. Wisdom is in the other bed, the bed we shared.

That little guy is 4. He and his mom are without housing. They are completely unsheltered. No car. No emergency shelter. No tent. They live outside!

The first time I met them he was sleeping on the stairs in the Moore Square parking deck in Downtown Raleigh. Mom said he told her he was tired so she brought him there to sleep. My heart broke.

Yesterday Wisdom and I were about to leave Downtown when I saw her. (I will elaborate on that part of the story later.) I was at a stop sign, was about to turn, saw them walking and called out to her asking if she needed a ride. She eventually asked if I could take her to Walmart.

I had to turn the corner and pull over to shift stuff around in our backseat so they could fit. As she approached the car she asked if I had something to put on the seat because they were soaked from getting caught in the rain. We keep towels with us so that was an easy request. They got in and off we went.

Turns out she needed to buy an outfit for her son. She planned to buy it and change him out of his wet clothes in the store. I couldn't let that happen. I asked if she'd like to stay with us in a hotel room and she said, “sure”. So I booked it without hesitation.

I'm not here to preach. I will say that if you'd like to help please check out my digital business card for the plan I’m working to implement to address things like this, the fundraiser Robert Courts launched for me and the interview I did with him.

Right now I want to focus on how we ended up at that stop sign in the first place.

Last week Wisdom was talking about how he wanted to go to Marbles, where we have a “Just the Two of Us” membership we received for Christmas. We made a decision to go yesterday because they're open late and they were doing a series called “Garden Gourmet” which is very cool.

Well our entry time was set for 2-2:30p but during that time of day you generally have to pay for parking. Usually we'll park on Hargett Street, either across from the Raleigh Rescue Mission or a block back between Bloodworth and East Streets.

The spaces in front of RRM were full. And we were prohibited to park a block back by some fire engines who were blocking it. I’ll be honest, I was also looking for shade so I didn’t attempt to park on Bloodworth Street either. The sun had complete access.

Wisdom suggested we park on Blake Street. Now if you're not familiar with Downtown, Blake Street is one of the cobblestone streets. It's in the City Market area.

I was certain there was no empty parking space on that little street at that time of day. But I checked it out anyway. And there was. In fact, there were 2 empty spaces because someone pulled in right behind me.

We got out and walked across the park to spend about 4 hours in Marbles. It was an awesome way to connect with one another and regulate our nervous systems. That's what keeps us content despite our circumstances (more of that on another day).

Plus the Garden Gourmet did a salad on a stick which consisted of sliced tomatoes, mozzarella cheese balls and, if you guessed, basil, you're right. It was a caprese salad on a stick. You could add olive oil and salt too if you wanted.

I saw Mom and her young Black male superhero walking when we pulled up to the stop sign as we were about to turn onto Martin Street to leave. Of course I'm heartbroken by her situation. But I really need to speak to how God is present in children.

Wisdom is so gifted. He's an inspired leader. I really started paying attention to honoring his gift when the line he chose for us to stand in at the grocery store often went faster than the line I chose. Sadly, at that time, we were usually in the line I chose. I stopped ignoring his input and started paying attention.

Recently he had a dream that bothered him so much! He dreamed we had run out of gas, got stopped by the police and our car (our mobile home) got taken away. We have had the car for more than a year and we've never run out of gas. I'm very careful about that.

That night we did. That night I wasn't careful. In fact, I was rushing to run an errand so I could go get gas when the car started sputtering and then stopped. Nothing happened to the car that night but it wasn’t without its traumatic experiences which I won’t go into. We had a knight in shining armor named Austin come to our rescue.

That incident was a reminder to not sleep on what my child says or feels. He might get revelation that may not play out the way he envisioned it but nonetheless a portion of it can. Or he might receive inspiration that will seem to satisfy the moment but could lead to other things.

I’m still learning how to tap into my spiritual gifts. I’m still learning how to honor the impressions. As I learn, I need to make sure I’m doing the same for Wisdom. He came to teach. I’m being reminded that I must always remain a student… of his, of God and life as a whole. The more I do, with a regulated nervous system, the more I will be in direct connection with the eternal realm.

It’s so important to nurture every aspect of our multidimensional selves: the feminine, the masculine, the spiritual, the physical, the emotional, the… You get my point! Tap into creating equity within and life will play out with more harmony externally.

If this resonates with you, please like, comment and/or share. Thanks again and continued success. Enjoy the amazing day you’re creating. Peace…


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