
Showing posts from July, 2024

Let's Talk Tuesday: I'm Pissed!

I'm Pissed! Welcome and welcome back. It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you for being here. Yes, I am pissed!  Over the past couple of weeks I was attempting to do a 13 day social media challenge that would have ended on Sunday, July 28. It ended at day 10 because I was being inundated by so many things that I was getting pissed about. I wasn't ready to be vulnerable and share. My reality is s$*t hasn't stopped (😲 I know right!). So I'm naming it and claiming it so I can move forward. I'm admitting it to be transparent.  Please don't get it twisted. Me being pissed doesn't take away from it being another amazing day in paradise. The fact is, me being pissed adds to my day being amazing. I'm grateful I'm pissed. Wanna know why?  Too often we demonize emotions. But the reality is all emotions are messengers. The actions you take with the message, that's generally where challenges arise. The emotions themselves are there to show we ar

Think Tank Thursday: This is How We Homeless

This is How We Homeless! Welcome and welcome back ☀️. Today is Thursday, July 25, 2024. It's another amazing day in paradise 🤩. Merry Christmas in July ⛱️🌊🍦🕶️🩴🦩. It’s Day 10 of my 13 day quest on social media. I’ve been wanting to talk about nervous system regulation. What I’m realizing is that with all the rain and being sensitive to how it’s affecting those without housing and being among those without housing, I’m struggling to maintain a state of rest and digest. So instead of trying to jump into explaining and becoming unregulated, I’m going to showcase how Wisdom and I “homeless” in order to regulate. Or to describe it more accurately, so I can regulate my nervous system and he can co-regulate with me. I’ll do this through pictures and videos of some of our adventures. Contrary to what others might believe, this is the most important thing I could do for us as I work on getting us into stable housing and implement solutions to eliminate homelessness, internally and exte

Wise Wednesday: Taking a Break Today

Taking a Break Today Welcome and welcome back. Today is Wednesday, July 24, 2024. It's another amazing day in paradise 🤩. Thank you for being here. It's day 9! My nervous system is unregulated. It's been raining off and on for the last week or so here in Raleigh. I always think about those who are unsheltered. Wisdom and I have a car. Thankfully we have gas to sleep with the windows closed and turn on the air conditioning.  I also have the knowledge to do things that put us or keep us in a state of rest or digest. That’s my parasympathetic nervous system saying, it's another amazing day in paradise. Because it truly is. The song, It's a Great Day to Be Alive sums it up pretty good. In an effort to not sound like I'm complaining or preaching, I'm just going to post the picture. That explains how I feel. And I'll keep doing what it takes to make sure it happens sooner versus later. Continued success 👊🏾. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating 🪄✨. ☮️

Let's Talk Tuesday: The Science of Parenting

The Science of Parenting Photo caption: This is one of my ultrasound pictures of Wisdom. It was taken in September 2015. There is so much science involved in the conception, carrying and delivery of a child but for some reason, once their born, the science seems to disappears. In reality, that's when it's needed to most! Welcome and welcome back. Today is Tuesday July 23, 2024. It's another amazing day in paradise 🤩. Thank you so much for being here. I'm on day 8 of my 13 day challenge. I'm excited about the direction today is taking. I want… I need to start off with this quote by Neil deGrasse Tyson. It has taken me some time to find it written out. I saw the video of the occasion where he said it. But to find it in written form has been challenging, until the day I started writing this post👏🏾. Look at God’s providence. Dr. Tyson once said, “... Children are born scientists. They're curious about everything around them. What happens? We spend the first years

Momma's Monday: Recap, Reflect, Refer

Recap, Reflect, Refer  Photo caption: Was working on our plot in the community garden; received gladiolas for free, they are in a bucket filled with water. Brought them to the garden to bring their cheery bright presence to our plot. Welcome and welcome back. Today is Monday, July 22, 2024. Happy Monday 😎. It's another amazing day in paradise 🤩. Thank you so much for being here. I'm on day 7 of my 13 day quest on social media. Today I'm highlighting the posts I've already done, reflecting on the week past plus refer you to a few organizations who are doing their thang to make our community a better place, namely: Equity Before Birth, Fertile Ground and Homeschool Village! Recap: Here are all six articles I've written including pics: Day 1: God is Like the Wind Day 2: The Importance of Revelation and Inspiration

Sacred Sunday: Be Kind

Be Kind! Welcome and welcome back. It's another amazing day in paradise 🤩. Thank you for being here whether it's your first or fiftieth time.  Today is Sunday, July 21, 2024. I'm on day 6 of my 13 day quest on social media. What a journey it's been to just get out there. I've been pushing past excuses and while the posts are quite lengthy, I'm simply grateful to be getting it done. In fact,  I'm posting this much later than the other posts I've done during this challenge. It's already 2 in the afternoon when most have been done by 9a/10a. It's been quite the day already. I had planned to dip into a little more neuroscience today but I'm going to shift based on an experience I had between 6 & 7 this morning, with a stranger. If you need to read that again, go ahead. It happened just as I was about to go back to sleep when this guy, who was walking on the sidewalk not far from where we park, called out to me. “Excuse me” he said and asked

Sagacious Saturday: Wisdom-isms

Wisdom-isms The Spiritual Leadership of a Child, Part 2 It's another amazing day in paradise 🤩. Today is Saturday, July 20, 2024. I'm on day 5 of my 13 day social media quest. As I was laying here this morning contemplating what I should write about, waiting for revelation or inspiration, I realized I wasn't done with yesterday's topic.  Two days ago when I started the Do You Know Momma Kai? series, I wrote so much that I shortened the post. I expected to continue yesterday but was so honored to talk about Wisdom that I didn't.  Looking over what I started then and considering what I wrote yesterday, now is the perfect time to continue by introducing the top 3 lessons I've learned from being Wisdom's mom and student. I've learned them from him, for him and with him. The entire collection of lessons are actually called Wisdom-isms. These are the ones I always feel are the most important to share. This information gives me my superpowers and is how I cla

Favor-full Friday: The Spiritual Leadership of a Child

The Spiritual Leadership of a Child Photo caption: Our guest It's another amazing day in paradise 🤩. Today is Friday, July 19, 2024. Thank you for being here. I'm on day 4 of my 13 day quest on social media. This is my personal challenge to put myself out there. I've been writing whatever I'm impressed to speak on.  Yesterday, I started the “Do You Know Momma Kai?” series. But I need to pivot this morning. It's not a complete detour. Instead of focusing on me, I feel impressed to share a story featuring Wisdom’s spiritual leadership. I’m posting so much later than I have been. Our night did not play out as I anticipated. In fact, the picture is of our hotel room this morning. Wisdom and I normally don't stay in hotel rooms unless someone offers or we have panhandled enough to pay for more than one night. We are comfortable in our car until what I'm working on begins to bear fruit. The money came from a friend who was contributing to my registration to run f

Think Tank Thursday: Do You Know Momma Kai? (We're Goin' Back...)

Do You Know Momma Kai? (We're Goin' Back...) Photo caption: Me and my mini me, around the same age (I think). Today is Thursday, July 18, 2024. It's another amazing day in paradise 🤩. Welcome and welcome back. Thank you so much for being here. It is day 3 of my 13 day social media quest. And I'm asking the question, “do you know Momma Kai?”. That's me 😁. I'll be honest with you. Some days I'm not even sure I know me because I'm in a constant state of becoming 🥹.  Lately I'll do something and be like, “Wow 🤯! I didn't think I was (insert adjective) enough to do that.” I'm not the same person today as I was yesterday. And I LOVE that about me. How about I offer some basics and we can build on that? If you haven't experienced days 1 & 2 , please check them out. I think they do a good job in laying the foundation of who I am, from the spiritual perspective. Now let's begin to delve into my scientific perspective. First of all, my