Motivating Monday (on Tuesday) - Now and How

Now and How

Welcome and welcome back! Today is Tuesday, February 8, 2022. It's another amazing day in paradise. 

This is a continuation of the post called Solutions. Here I'm going to talk about why the time is now to launch and how you can get involved (because you definitely want to).

February is the time. It is a VERY special month. God has set it apart to launch L.U.V. for several reasons. Here they are: 

1. February is Black History Month. To celebrate Black History Month we are creating Black history. 

2. February is also the home of National Black Love Day. It is held every year on Febraury 13. This year it's on a Sunday, Super Bowl Sunday. That day will mark 29 years since its inception! 

The five tenets and fours goals of Black Love Day are one of the pillars L.U.V. Enterprises stands on. The Global Theme for this year is "Finding Spiritual Joy Through Black Love". I encourage you to check out the website above to join the founder, Sekou Mama Ayo, and others for virtual and live celebrations.

3. The MAIN reason February is super duper extra special is because my maternal grandmother was born on February 25. She will be celebrating heavenly birthday #26 this year. 

I often feel her energy because she's the woman who was a crucial part of my early conditioning. She's most active during February though. I'm excited to find out what she's orchestrating for me and my son. 

4. Now... I have one more reason why the time is now. Actually, it was more like confirmation. I found it when I was invited to like a friend's page on Facebook. 

As I scrolled through the posts on Finding Sarah Fui she shared this to honor the Lunar New Year, “This year is known as the year of the Water Tiger and will bring a confident and authoritative energy to all. Tigers are aggressive, tenacious, ambitious, competitive, and strong. Tigers are also known to be generous to their loved ones." Cool, right? I receive. I receive.

But then the quote ended with "Ox and Goat are the luckiest zodiac signs in the year of 2022.” Well DANG! YEEEEESSSSSSSS! Boo-YAH!

Guess who's an ox and a goat? Yup, me and my son, respectively. Now that we're through with the first month of the year, we can get to making things happen as a celebration of the Lunar Year which started on February 1. It's an exhilarating time to be alive.

With all this electirfying energy surrounding us, I'm sure you'd like to know how to get involved. There are so many ways. Let me describe them. 

1. Funder: This person solely wants to be a financial investor and has the characteristics to "Be 3C With Me". The 3Cs are compassionate, committed and crazy (as in the believe-you-can-change-the-world kind of crazy). 

The suggested investment minimium is $100. All amounts matter and are greatly appreciated. As with all investments there are returns. To keep this short, you can read more about them in a post called The Difference.
2. Founder: This is for people who are interested in getting involved with L.U.V.'s leadership circle, The G.E.T.T.M.A.D. Crew. They may also be funders but it's not required. 

"Get mad" comes from a quote by Malcolm X that says, “Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change.” You have to "get mad" at what's going on to bring about change. 

Now I'm sure you're curious about the extra T and the dots between each letter. You guessed it, the name is an acronym too. It stands for "gathering elect talent to make a difference". And that's exactly what I'm looking for, elect talent. You take the first steps to determine if you are it.

I'm recruiting locally, nationally and internationally. We will work together to see L.U.V. Enterprises present all across the globe. The most important requirement to be a part of G.E.T.T.M.A.D. is successful completion of P.A.I.D. 2 Parent or EmanProclam. Every L.U.V. Leader will know firsthand what it is like for all the people who participate. 

3. A Generation Genius: In order to change the world you have to be a genius. And that is what we call those who want to jump right in and be among the first generation of geniuses for the Let's Talk Wisdom-isms series. Every session will be called a generation. And every participant will be called Genius! 

This is an 8 week prerequisite course to the P.A.I.D. 2 Parent experience. You will be introduced to lessons I've learned from and for my son on my journey to be a positive, peaceful parent. My son's name is Wisdom and the lessons are called Wisdom-isms. 

The initial investment is $60 per adult or $100 for two (one of them has to be you). This includes all the materials you will need for the session. Once the series is successfully completed an offer for employment with P.A.I.D. 2 Parent is extended. This offer includes the salary you'll be paid and/or the expenses that will be covered during your employment. 

4. Sponsor: Maybe you believe in the feasibility of what is happening here but aren't interested for yourself and want nothing in return. Becoming a sponsor would make this opportunity a reality for someone who might not be able to afford it. The investment is $40 per adult. The reason being is we will ask for a $10-20 personal investment from individuals who receive a scholarship.

Which of these four categories resonates the most with you? 

If being a funder, founder and/or sponsor is where your heart is calling you to go, please complete this form

If being a Generation 1 Genius is the direction you see yourself confidently walking in, please fill out this form so we can get to know you better.

If you have gotten to the end of this and just want to help, without any sort of commitment; you can send a monetary gift of any amount, any of the following ways. 

~ Cash App: $WisdomsStudent1223

~ Credit or debit card: (or scan QR code below)

~ PayPal: 

~ Venmo: @KaraKai1313, (last 4 of phone#: 3861)

~ Zelle:

Thank you and thank you in advance for your support. I hope you find that the information shared here leads you closer to living the life of your dreams if you aren't already. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace, Love and Double hugs... 


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