Motivating Monday: Be Wise

Be Wise

Welcome and welcome back. It's another amazing day in paradise. Today is Monday, 2.14.2022. Happy Monday. A belate Happy Black Love Day (2.13). For those who celebrate Happy Valentine's Day. Thank you so much for being here. 

If it's your first time, my name is Kara Lynn Sanders (bonus points if you pronounce my first name correctly). Most people know me as Kai (rhymes with hi, sky and bye). That's also the name I use to introduce myself. And yes, Monday is my favorite day of the week.

I have the highest honor ever to be a mom. Being a mom is my career. I am blessed have given birth to a phenomenal young Black male superhero who is 6. 

When I was pregnant the name God gave him was Wisdom. I laughed. Who wouldn't? That's a huge name to live up to and I would have to be the one who did the work to get him there. 

But then God said, "his name isn't going to be Wisdom for what he will learn but for what he will teach". The child growing in my stomach had a call from God. I already had my own so I wasn't going to shirk from that responsibility. 

In my heart, I knew that not only did I want to be his first and best teach, I also wanted to be his first and best student. So I have a son named Wisdom. And he is my greatest teacher. He has also opened the doors to a period of learning like I've never had before. 

When he was still an infant I would occasionally write down things I was learning from him as I watched him grow. Eventually I started adding things I was constantly learning to become a better mom to him and for him. The things I wrote have become a collection of statements called Wisdom-isms. 

To me, most of them are not revolutionary. The vast majority of them are quite simple actually. For instance, the title of this post,"Be Wise", is Wisdom-ism #50. That's not new counsel. 

For me the short definition of the word "wisdom" is the application of knowledge. Knowledge is learning. Wisdom is application. Wisdom should be the main objective of life for everyone. 

What most people don't realize is children do this naturally. My son, Wisdom, taught me that all children are wisdom. All children apply what they learn. It's a natural function of their brain. 

We really don't recognize that none of us is truly originally. We are all reflections of the lives we live, the experiences we have and the people we interact with. 

Our first people are our parents. Our first experiences are with our parents. Our lives as infants are directly affected by the lives our parents are living. This is why I'm so passionate about parenting. 

It's why I say parenting is the problem and the solution. It's why I know parents deserve to be their children's superheroes. It's why I understand that the conscious people we are endeavoring to become can be a threat, and/or very often an enemy, to the sub-conscious people we were conditioned to be. 

This weekend I spent time fighting against (and over powering) my sub-conscious conditioning. I already know I walk in fear. But I'm grateful for those moments when courage overtakes me and I feel I have NOTHING to lose. This weekend I had one of those moments. 

I need funds to launch the Solutions God has put into me. He gave me the instruction that this should be community funded. God directed me to get outside and talk to people. He also reminded me the scriptures says "ask and it shall be given to you".

My challenge is there is sooooooo much information to share. And when I'm nervous, because I am so passionate about what I'm doing, I often forget to keep it simple and I just keep talking. 

This weekend I learned I have the "talk to people" part down (probably too well). But I don't have the second part. I don't ask for money to help launch this. I don't think to ask, "how much would you like to contribute?". 

My solution is to write down what I want to say and use it. I'll let people know I get distracted by all the information I have to share so to honor their time I'm going to use my notes. This is revolutionary for me. 

I actually have scripts or little opening lines typed out. Truth be told, I have what I want to say, in the order I want to say it, printed out on a clipboard in my hand. And I forget to use it. 

It's time to follow my own Wisdom-ism. 

And this is the beauty of life. It's never to late to learn and apply what you learn. It's never to late to gain knowledge and "be wise". And that's why it is yet another amazing day in paradise. 

I'm excited for this week in this super extra special month. I speak about how this month in a post I did last Tuesday called Now and How. I hope as you read you are inspired to either help me or follow your own dreams. Click on the link for Now and How and you will find links to all the ways you can invest. 

Thank you for joining me. It was such an eye opening weekend for me. I'm grateful for this journey my son and I have been on. I'm honored to watch him "be wise" and gain courage to do likewise. Appreciate your support in doing so. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace....


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