Motivating Monday (on Wednesday): SCORE!!


Welcome and welcome back. Today is Wednesday, February 9, 2022. It is yet another amazing day in paradise. Thank you for being here. 

This is the third post this week. I introduced L.U.V. Enterprises Presents Solutions on Monday. Yesterday I wrote about Now and How. Today I continue with Score.

As I was pondering this post, the lyrics to a Will Smith song came to mind. I can't remember the name of the song, I have to look it up, but this one line is on repeat in my head. He said, "Every time I shoot I score, got so many awards I can start a Grammy chessboard". That's why I'm calling this post "SCORE!!". 

When I consider what kind of game I'm playing right now, it's a money game. In order to launch the projects God planted in me, I need funds. So my objective is to shoot and score everytime I speak to someone. I'm here to divulge how much I need and what that money will be used for.

First of all the maximum amount I'm looking to collect is $5000. However, if I get to $2500 I can work with that. It's not a lot of money for what needs to be done but it's really all I need. 

My next step after collecting the entire amount is to invest up to half of it. I will work with a financial planner for the best options to grow the money for both short and long term returns. The rest of the money will go towards information. 

When things didn't play out as I had anticipated in December, I was asking God for clarity and direction in January. He told me very clearly "Parenting is your gift". So I've been focused on parenting. 

One of the biggest blessings came when I started my training to become a parent coach with the Jai Institute for Parenting last month. This is something I've been wanting to do for over a year and a half now because I knew it was a huge step to launching all the solutions that are growing in me. 

The classes and course materials have been amazing, completely exhilarating. It's been an answer to prayer. I'm being given everything I had been looking for. But there's more that's needed. 

My next steps are to be certified as a Circle of Security workshop facilitator and invest in The Wisdom of Trauma All Access Pass. The Wisdom of Trauma movie and Trauma Course featuring Dr. Gabor Maté are important aspects of our Solutions. These two elements provide the foundation that the parenting coaching will be built on. The two of those cost about $1200. 

Other needs the funds will be used for are to fully establish the business. This means legal services to create contracts, any insurance to practice, a website for members to get what they need, logos for the different aspects of L.U.V., a brick and mortar office and everything else I'm not thinking of right now. All that needs to be done properly to present a complete package of Solutions in an official manner.

If any of these resonate with you and you'd like to offer a gift or invest you can do so in one of the following ways:

~ Cash App: $WisdomsStudent1223

~ Credit or debit card: (or scan QR code below)

~ PayPal: 

~ Venmo: @KaraKai1313, (last 4 of phone#: 3861)

~ Zelle:

Thank you in advance for your support. 

These projects are extremely daunting. But let me tell you how good my God is. There was a quote in my email this morning. It is by Dorothy Thompson. She said, "Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live." 

I want to share something. I AM afraid. I fight myself daily over things that are easy for other people. What keeps me going and has me here writing yet another post is I trust God. And what overpowers the fear is the protection He gives. What He has allowed to flourish and bear fruit within me is too important to let fear stop me. 

So as I think about this quote it says "when we are no longer afraid". This doesn't necessarily mean the fear is 100% gone. It means that in that moment that you are no longer afraid, you begin to live. And the more you live outloud the fear will eventually leave and life will be more vibrant than you could ever imagine. 

Today is that day for me. YEEEEEESSSSS! It's time to live, not just for me but for my son AND for you too (until you're ready to join). If you're already there, consider this your invitation to join me. We're in for a very wild yet invigorating ride. 

Thank you again for being here. I hope you are inspired and motivated to "no longer be afraid", take the chance to shoot and SCORE! Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace, Love and double hugs!


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