Motivating Monday (On Sunday): November 21, 2021

The Difference

Welcome and welcome back! It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here. We appreciate your interest. 

This post is about the funds we're raising. There are two campaigns. Between the two of them, the goal is to raise $5000 (or more if possible): $3500 from the Go Fund Me and $1500 from the Be 3C With Me funders. (Please note: At the time this post was created $745 of the $3500 was generated from the GFM and $100 from the Funders.)

Here is a summary of the two campaigns:

Go Fund Me

*Hosted by NC State student (those are her dogs in the picture with Wisdom)

*Goal: $3500

*Fund use: Personal

*Benefits: Gratitude journal upon request; goodie box with donation over $100

Be 3C With Me Funder

(AKA The K.I.S.S. and H.U.G. Club)

*Hosted by Kai and Wisdom for L.U.V. Enterprises

*Goal: $1500

*Fund use: Investing

*Benefits: double return in 60 days, update meetings, downloads and other goodies

*Notes: $100 minimum to participate, not to exceed $500 per person

There is a 3rd alternative too. The benefits are personal to you and you alone. That's to invest without involvement. Any funds we receive I consider an investment. Here is the information you need if that's the route you want to take. 

Cash App: $WisdomsStudent1223

Credit or debit card:


Venmo: @KaraKai1313, (last 4 of phone#: 3861)


You can continue reading for a more detailed synopsis of the campaigns. There are two significant differences between them. The first is the Go Fund Me (GFM) was created on our behalf by an NC State student who invited us to stay in her spare bedroom for a period of time. When you become a Be 3C With Me Funder, you are trusting Wisdom and I with your funds as the governing body of L.U.V. Enterprises. 

The second difference is how the funds will be used. The money we receive from the GFM will be for our personal use AKA bills, bills, bills. When you become a Be 3C With Me Funder, you automatically are a founding member of the investment club which will fund the investing endeavors of L.U.V. Enterprises so we can become a self-sustaining company early on. 

The name of the investment club is The K.I.S.S. and H.U.G. Club. The acronym stands for "Keep It Samaritan Style and Help Us Grow". Samaritan Style relates to the Parable of the Exceptional Samaritan found in Luke 10. The parable is a foundational element of L.U.V. Enterprises.

As a way to say thank you, there are different benefits for contributing to both campaigns. Anyone who donates to the GFM is invited to receive the gratitude journal I was led to create. Just contact Rachel through the campaign page. If you donate more than $100, you will receive a goodie box (which contains the journal) in celebration of Human Rights Day, December 10! 

To become a funder, the minimum investment required is $100. The main benefit of investing is the double return on your investment within 60 days. Because I am seeking a relatively small amount of money, I am very comfortable with my anticipation of being able to double that $1500 to provide the returns. 

Other benefits of membership are:
~ Bi-weekly updates on the financial journey your money is taking, 
~ Printable downloads and 
~Most importantly eternal gratitude for:
1. being willing to help change the world by moving individuals and families from poverty to prosperity,
2. being 3C with me (committed, compassionate and crazy) and/or also
3. having a passion for parenting as the problem and the solution. 

The downloads include, but are not limited to my personal parenting guidelines, philosophies, tips and lessons found in a collection called "Wisdom-isms". They are lessons I have learned from being a parent and parenting my son. In fact, many I learned directly from him, so they are named after him. 

You will also receive a voucher to attend the 8 week Circle of Security training to use or gift. And finally, we will be hosting private events and celebrations during Human Rights Day Weekend (Friday, December 10-Monday, December 13, 2021). You will receive an invitation to participate in the various activities. 

One of the events I'm planning to execute is renting places for people to live, then going to places where people are living in the streets and invite them to move into a home, apartment, townhome, condo, whatever. It would be for 6 months, no strings attached. Within those 6 months they will be invited to participate in the P.A.I.D. 2 Parent program. The more people I have who can help talk to people and transport people, the easier this endeavor will be. 

I've been there. Honestly, I'm there. We're there, Wisdom and I. We need a home too, our own space. To have an ideal living situation for a 6 month period, where you are not worried about it being taken away and you have a definite time frame is ideal. Most people will figure things out in that time. For those who can't, the P.A.I.D. 2 Parent program would be a great transition to helping them. 

And BAM!! Take a deep breath. WhoooooSA!!! 

There's a lot of information here. I felt a need to share because the time has come for people to realize that the way to end homelessness is to put people in homes. I'm going to start the trend. 

It's also time for people to realize that the foundation of civilization is the family. This means parenting is the problem and the solution to ALLLLLLLL things. It's time for parenting to be recognized as a career with education and pay. In order for our society to have the changes we need, this is where we need to begin.

In closing I need to say, "Happy Heavenly Birthday Auntie Cynthia!" She passed away peacefully 11 years ago, 10 days before her 40th wedding anniversary (which would have been on Halloween 2010). She had recently been to the doctor who gave her a clean bill of health and she passed away sitting on the couch folding clothes not long after.

There was a brief torrential downpour that day. I remember thinking that was her getting to the Pearly Gates and having a tantrum about being there so unexpectedly. If you knew my Auntie Cynthia, you would not have been surprised by that one. She had a bigger than life personality on earth and I can't imagine how that would be silenced on the other side.

I mention her because being on this adventure of acquiring money, management and media who will be 3C With Me, one of the Cs is crazy! My aunt was definitely one of them. She had the best laugh. She would get so tickled about things and "giggle". I can still hear her "giggle". She had the biggest smile to go along with the best laugh. 

It's been a while since she's been on my mind. I'm not surprised though. My ancestors show up at the times I need them most. I need her vibrant, crazy energy as I launch these campaigns that will change the world. 

I know my grandmother is there with her. She is my constant angel. And I feel my Auntie Pam and Uncle Steve (Auntie Cynthia's husband) cheering me on too with their more subtle personalities. 

Another reason I feel my ancestors close to me is because it's my birthday month... Sorta... Well, in one way. November is not my birthday month; December is. But we are in the month (or 30 days) before my birthday. And we are almost a month before Wisdom's birthday too. So the ancestors are gathering with some "birthday month miracle" energy. 

This is our year. This is the year for Wisdom and I to rise to another level of greatness. Remember the theme? "The best is yet to come in 2021." And December is the month for the VERY best to arrive. 

Oh, don't get me wrong. We've had a lot of bests throughout the year. But this time of year... This month... Our birthday month... It will bring the "best of the best of the best, Sir!" (Do you know what movie that comes from? I'll give you something if you do.) 

Needless to say, I'm excited. I'm thrilled. Thank you again for being here. Thank you in advance for your contribution. Thank you for your help to change the world. We Love you. Enjoy creating your amazing day. Peace...


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