Motivating Mondays ~ September 28, 2020

Welcome and welcome back! Happy Monday (belated). Mondays are my favorite day of the week. I'm so glad you are here! AND I'm so glad I am here. There is so much going on and I'm excited to be able to share. 

First of all, Happy Tuesday! Please let me explain my absence yesterday. My son and I got to serve someone we deeply care for who wasn't feeling well. It was their second day of not feeling well which is unusual so that was top priority. We made chicken noodle soup and spent time with them to help them feel better. 

Don't worry now. My son and I were careful. We are still healthy with no signs of our own health challenges. 

I'm back today feeling amazing, ready to get to work. There is plenty to do. For this week's edition of Motivating Mondays the topics I'll be addressing are:

Sponsor Spotlight 
Spread Love. Spread L.U.V.! Campaign

~My Thank Yous!

Now you know, so let's go!


It's time to take L.U.V. to the next level. It's been happening in subtle ways over time. With a new month on the horizon the time has come to make bigger moves that will Launch L.U.V. by Introducing the NEW Emancipation Proclamation. Those moves require money. (What doesn't right?) 

The blessing has been that all the progress thus far has been made without much money. It has been with commitment and consistency. Those don't require much money. They require the ultimate investment: time. Trainings and books and staff do require funding though. And that is where most of the money I am looking to raise will be invested.

While I haven't released the details of the NEW Emancipation Proclamation I am in a position to put together the first group of people, perhaps even two groups of people, to pilot this project. That is exciting. In order to officially get started, materials are needed. So are the trainings to present the different components of this opportunity. 

To raise the money, I am dedicated to acquiring sponsors for my weekly YouTube LIVE broadcast. It is called L.U.V. Notes, "a thought show, not a talk show". It's every Thursday at 7p. I have two categories of sponsors. 

Senior Sponsors - Sponsor Spotlight

One sponsorship category is senior sponsors. These are businesses or individuals who have something on their mind and can use my platform as a way to speak it. With this level of sponsorship:

*you get to be interviewed, it will broadcast during my pre-show in a segment called Sponsor Spotlight. 

*you're invited to share a guest blog post and 

*you are promoted on my social media for the week you are a sponsor. 

Pooja Chilukuri was my first Sponsor Spotlight. Her interview was inspiring and thought provoking as her guest blog post was. Besides her website, she recently launched a YouTube channel. She can be contacted at She has one of the kindest hearts and is among the most amazing people I have met. I can't wait to interview her again live during the main show because her book, And Then There Was Jesus, changed my life and is an essential part of the NEW Emancipation Proclamation. 

Junior Sponsors - Spread Love. Spread L.U.V.! Campaign

The other category of sponsorship is junior sponsor. To introduce this category, last week I announced the Spread Love. Spread L.U.V.! Campaign. It took me a minute to realize I never gave it a timeframe. It starts today, Tuesday, September 29, 2020 and goes to Monday, October 5, 2020. That is the last day I will accept submissions. 

With this post getting longer and longer, please check out last week's Motivating Mondays post to find the full details of the campaign. Or you can check out my L.U.V. Notes episode where I talk about this awesome project. Here is a quick summary:

1. Spread Love by creating a short video expressing appreciation to someone or several "someone-s" you adore, admire and appreciate. Post it on your social media pages with the hashtags: #SpreadLove, #SpreadLUV, #theappreciationnation, #proclaimemancipation, #theNEWEmancipationProclamation and #LUVEnterprises  

2. There are several ways to Spread L.U.V. (a) Subscribe to the YouTube Channel: L.U.V. Enterprises Presents. 
(b) Create and post a video on your own social media with the hashtags #SpreadLove, #SpreadLUV, #theappreciationnation, #proclaimemancipation, #theNEWEmancipationProclamation and #LUVEnterprises
(c) Become a junior sponsor by taking your "Spread Love" video and paying to have it played during the pre-show of my weekly L.U.V. Notes show. It will also be posted in my Facebook group, The Appreciation Nation. It's $5 for a video that is under 2 minutes. Video lengths over 2 minutes are priced as follows:
~2:01-3 minutes = $10
~3:01-4 minutes = $15
~4:01-5 minutes = $20
Please Note: Videos over 5 minutes in length will be shortened to be 5 minutes or less. 
(d) Share this blog with others and invite them to do the same. 

Let's put L.U.V. Enterprises on the map by spreading L.U.V.!


Every week I try to say thank you to people I've met in this endeavor of Introducing the NEW Emancipation Proclamation. I was not as active this week as I have been in past two weeks so I want to make this week's thank you personal. 

It's also a great way to kick off the "Spread Love. Spread L.U.V.! Campaign". I will create a video as well but I want this to be recorded in several ways. Here we go!

I want to take a moment to say thank you to my son's father! His birthday is on Wednesday, September 30 so he is heavy on my mind. We have known each other for almost seven years. We met two days before Thanksgiving in 2013. I have often told him he is amazing. But he remains super duper extra special to me because of how he approached me the day we met. 

I was sitting on the bus. He was standing at the bus stop waiting to board the bus I was on. Looking around I caught him glancing at me while he waited and all I could think was "No thank you!" 

Now I knew I was looking particularly scrumptious that day and he was no ugly dude. But I was so tired of men approaching me from the aspect of what they could do to satisfy my sexual desires that I was not in a frame of mind to be polite about those opening remarks. So I braced myself. 

He took up a seat in front of me but on the other side of the bus. He sat with his back to the window so he could turn ever so slightly to look at me without being obvious. There was an older lady who had boarded the bus with him and she was interested in striking up a conversation with him but he was not having that. I don't remember how he settled her down but he did with her dignity still intact. 

I was his target though and he had a plan, a wise one too. He slid to sit at the edge of the seat he was sitting in so his feet were in the aisle. He turned to me and said, "you look tired. Would you like to lay your head on my shoulder?" 

"WHHHHHHHAAAAATTTTT????" was all my mind could scream as an unexpected smile escaped my lips. And of course, I invited him to sit next to me. And yes, I did attempt to lay my head on his shoulder. I WAS tired. But I couldn't even keep my head down because I was so shocked by what he said and how smooth he was. During that short ride, all I wanted to do was get to know him better. And here we are almost seven years later. 

It has not been easy. No relationship is. We've both had a lot of growing up to do. We still do. But we're so much better now than we were when we met. Wisdom, our son, is proof of the goodness we had when we met and of the greatness we still have to release to the world individually, collectively and through him. 

Wisdom's dad has been through so much in the time we've been together, especially in the last five years. I desire nothing more for him than the very best life has to offer. I'm so honored to be able to have a front row seat to his growth as a man, as a father and as a entrepreneur. He is definitely headed in the right direction to attract all the best life has for him to receive. 

So I thank him publicly for all the Love, support and growth we have shared for all these years. In all honesty it is because of him that the NEW Emancipation Proclamation is even a thing. He is the primary reason this project even exists. He inspires and motivates me to Launch L.U.V. by Introducing the NEW Emancipation Proclamation. I'm truly grateful for that push.

Despite all the hurdles we've endured, the blessings have been solid and sure. I also know, the best is yet to come and I look forward to every moment before us. God is positioning him to be a powerful force for good in the world.


And there it is! The best is coming for you too. Believe it and receive it. Thank you again for being here. 

Create today. It's another amazing day in paradise. May your choices make it the best day ever. 
Peace, Love and God's continued blessings. 


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