Sponsor Spotlight: Guest Post by Pooja Chilukuri

Welcome and welcome back. Thank you for being here with me. I'm so excited to share this post with you. 

I mentioned the Sponsor Spotlight in the Motivating Monday post for this week. I have the exciting opportunity to introduce you to Pooja Chilukuri. Her memoir changed my life. I feel indebted to her for the constant support and encouragement to Launch L.U.V. by introducing the NEW Emancipation Proclamation. 

I interviewed her as a part of the Sponsor Spotlight package and am excited to share her with you. It will broadcast during my pre-show tonight, Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 6:30p. You can find it on my YouTube Channel: L.U.V. Enterprises Presents

Pooja's guest post can be found on her own blog. In her own words, "It is a story of the good shepherd, told with a twist- I dedicated it to anyone who may have experienced any kind of abuse in the context of (but not limited to) religion, to let them know that no matter what, they are loved with an everlasting love and healing is a long road but possible!

"For the affirmation of belief, the following is my motivation:

"English is not my first language and although I did take some English classes a long long long time ago, my training is in scientific writing, not creative writing. If you had told me I would be an author someday, I would have laughed out loud.

"Five years ago when I felt God leading me to write my memoir, I was scared. My dad, who I love and trust even asked me, 'who are you that people would want to read your story?' He was not being mean. He genuinely wanted to know what anyone would gain from reading a memoir of someone who is not a celebrity. He was not trying to discourage me and I remember saying to him, 'I do not know dad, but I believe I must do this and even if no one reads it, I would have fulfilled what I believed God wanted from me at that moment.' So what began with a very tiny spark of belief has led me into my author journey. 

"Four print books and One Ebook later, I am so grateful I followed my heart. No one may need to read them but it does not matter for I know deep down, I believe my soul needs to write them- and that is enough! So if you are being led to create something, even if it has been done before I hope you will believe as Elizabeth Gilbert says, 'but it has not been done by you!'  God made only one you! Do not let disbelief get in the way of being the best you!"

I ABSOLUTELY ADMIRE, ADORE, APPRECIATE AND LOVE THIS WONDERFUL WOMAN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. I am so grateful for how God put her in my path and made it a very clear I was to be connected with her. It has been such an honor for me. 

I hope you will check her out. I hope you will support her. I hope you will benefit from her wise words however you come in contact with her. You will not be disappointed. 

Thank you again for being here. I hope you found the information here to be beneficial to you on your journey to your greatest self. Keep in mind, the best is yet to come.

Create today. It's another amazing day in paradise. May your choices make it the best day ever. 
Peace, Love and God's continued blessings. 


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