Motivating Mondays: September 21, 2020

Welcome and welcome back! Happy MONDAY Ya'll! Whoot! Whoot! Mondays are my favorite day of the week. 

More people would feel that way if they were living the lives of their dreams. Honestly, I'm not! BUT... (drum roll please) I'm on my way, doing the things that God is asking of me. He is kind enough to provide me with experiences with the angels and messengers He deploys to let me know I'm still heading in the right direction. My life is such a beautiful and amazing adventure. I hope nothing less for you. 

Now... let's talk about this week! There are so many things on my mind. Here's an overview: 

*Remembering Troy Anthony Davis

*Sponsor Spotlight: Pooja Chilukuri

*Spread Love, Spread L.U.V. Campaign

*Many to Thank


Today, September 21, 2020 makes 9 years since Troy Anthony Davis, an innocent man on death row was murdered by the state of Georgia. I know this might not sound like motivation to kick off this week's message. But I promise you, Troy's tragedy will be the pathway to someone else's triumph, many "someone-s" actually. 

I can honestly and humbly say Troy was a personal friend of mine. I went and visited him in prison three times. Each visit was part of miraculous experience to get there and get back. The prison is in the middle of nowhere.

Troy is so important to me because he really opened my eyes to false accusations and false convictions. Those false accusations and false convictions don't just lead to physical incarceration. There are too many individuals, living physically free, never having been incarcerated, who are shackled to the falsehoods that rule their life. 

Mental, spiritual and emotional incarceration can be initiated by ANYONE: family, friend or foe. Unaware of ourselves, we can aid in our own imprisonment. This is the reason why the NEW Emancipation Proclamation is needed today. So we can proclaim emancipation from the shackles that hold us bound. 

I have to take a moment to thank Troy for the life he lived. I'm grateful for the example he set for me of being physically bound, under the very worst circumstances, yet being so free in every other way. He was one of the most genuinely Loving individuals I have ever met. 

The world lost a truly gentle soul. That's why I'm dedicated to perpetuating his story. He was an advocate for the youth. He wanted to tell people his story and help them not get caught up in situations as he did. He had complete faith he would be declared innocent, as he should have been. Instead he was murdered as an innocent man, just as the officer he was accused of killing had been.

Troy's freedom came at a high personal price. He lost his life to be free. Yet I know his loss will free so many others. I'm committed to making that happen because he helped set me free from my own shackles.  

So today it is important for me to continue to honor Troy AND his family. They were all affected by his plight. In fact the year Troy was executed Momma V (his mom) passed unexpectedly in April 2011. One of his sisters, his frontline advocate, Martina, finally lost her life in December 2011 to the cancer she had been enduring while fighting for her brother's life. It was a crazy year.

Now... here we are nine years later. I'm grateful for the roles the Davis family played to help me rise to the call God has on my life. It's not just Troy, Martina and Ms. Virginia (Momma V). Their family was a team. 

Troy has other siblings, a niece and nephew. Martina left behind a young son, Troy's nephew. He continued to be raised by his aunt after his mom passed. Today he is a college graduate, gainfully employed in a lucrative career AND starting his own business. 

This young man is not the nephew of a formerly incarcerated man. He is Troy's nephew, living up to the greatness everyone expected of him despite the situation he was birthed into. This is because their family continues to be a team. 

I'm honored to know the Davises. I'm excited about what the future will bring for them. They all deserve success, peace and joy that transcends all understanding in this earthly realm. May we all strive for the same.  


From one remarkable person to another, I am so excited to introduce this woman of God to you. She purchased an opportunity to be a one-time show sponsor and got a keychain as part of the special package I offered. The keychain says "she believed she could so she did". If there is any woman I personally know who completely embodies this, it is Pooja Chilukuri. She doesn't take credit for it though. She is a true servant of God.

From her website (so I don't mess it up), she is a "Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), Certified Health Coach, Wellness Educator and published author". From my personal interactions with her, she is one of my present day angels. Her book, And Then There Was Jesus, changed my life and helped me heal from some religious trauma I didn't even realize was affecting so much of my life, especially since it had been years since I endured it. 

There is a pretty miraculous story around how we met. I speak about it in the L.U.V. Enterprises Presents YouTube Series From Beggar to Investor: Lessons I've Learned video. This blog contains the transcript to the video.

Pooja will be featured in my pre-show. I will be sharing an interview with her.  She is such a humble and kind person. I'm excited to introduce her to all of you. You can check her out at any of the links above. You can also check out her YouTube Channel: Pooja Chilukuri for more information.


Would you like to be a Junior Sponsor for the YouTube LIVE broadcast, L.U.V. Notes, Thursdays @ 7p? Well... For as low as $5 you can with the Spread Love, Spread L.U.V Campaign. 

First of all, let's face our present realities:

  • We are living in turbulent times.
  • We are experiencing a global health pandemic
  • We are in the midst of voting season where the most despicable natures of people are blatantly displayed before the entire world.
  • We are still faced with the humiliation of racial injustice, poverty and systemic racism. 
The good news is L.U.V. is all about Love no matter what is happening in the world. We are all about: 
  • Love of God
  • Love of self and
  • Love of others
So this is an invitation.
It's time to "spread Love". 
It's time to "spread L.U.V.".

How can you do this? And what does this have to do with being a junior sponsor? I'm glad you asked. Here's what you need to do.
  1. Subscribe to YouTube Channel: L.U.V. Enterprises Presents.
  2. Create and submit a 60-90 second video openly expressing your thoughts and feelings to those you admire, adore and appreciate. Let's spread Love to them. The video should include your name, location and who the dedication is for.
    • Perhaps this is someone you have taken for granted recently or since life has been flipped upside down for so many people. 
    • Perhaps it's your spouse or children who have not seen the best of you since the pandemic hit. 
    • Perhaps it's someone who is in the midst of experiencing so much loss and is trying to reclaim their sanity and/or stability. 
  3. Choose any Thursday before the end of the year. This will be the date your video will be aired during the L.U.V. Notes pre-show. 
  4. Send payment of $5 for up to two minutes of video. Please Note: Every minute over 2 minutes is an additional $5/minute. Please keep your video to 5 minute/$20 max. Payments are accepted by:

    • PayPal: or 919.808.3861
    • Cash App: $Paid2Parent, The L.U.V. Life Cooperative
Please share this flyer with someone else to spread L.U.V. and L.U.V. will do the rest!

Thank you in advance for your support. 


Last week I set out to achieve a pretty lofty goal. I didn't achieve it. BUT I met a lot of people along the way who allowed me to share my vision. Here are the names of those I remembered to ask:

Curtis S.             Sheena            D        

Kirstie                Lee                Tevin 

Floyd                Domingo        

Pool (yes, that's what he said)      

The two gentlemen in the van

Some actually helped me get closer to realizing it. They deserve an extra special thank you.

Jake                Tyler                John

Mike T            Paul                Jimmy

The guy in the green Camry

Erica from Taylor Made Sweets 
(Ya'll need to check out this visionary creator,
Wisdom [my son] was able to get through the Black Flea Market because of her cupcakes.)

I want to mention Eaton and Kayla from Black Dollar NC for the time they took to listen to me share my vision and provide feedback on resources they might be aware of to help me.

I also appreciate the introduction to the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce. I spoke with someone from there and he was able to provide additional counsel to move the launching of L.U.V. forward. That was cool. 

I'm looking forward to this week being another incredible adventure with all I have planned to do and with all the people I have yet to meet.


We have finally come to an end. I did warn you there was a lot on my mind. I hope you will find inspiration here to live the life of your dreams. I hope you'll join me in some aspect of this adventure. The best is yet to come. I say that despite all the bests I have already had. There is still more coming!

Life is an amazing adventure. Above all I hope you know God Loves you and so do I. And yes, I can Love you even if I don't know you. It's just one of those God things. Lastly, in case you didn't know, #lovealwayswins. If you haven't heard that song yet, you need to. Believe me. It's true.

Create today. It's another amazing day in paradise. May your choices make it the best day ever. 
Peace, Love and God's continued blessings.


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