Funding the NEW Emancipation Proclamation!

Welcome and welcome back! Thank you for being here on this journey with me. I'm so grateful for where I have been and what I'm headed to. And that brings me to where I am today. Funding! 

I had a great question posed to me by a very thoughtful young lady named Ms. Victoria when I was out selling my bags. She asked me where the money was going when I have donations. I explained to her that it was going to training leadership and books

When our conversation was over I had the thought that I needed to be clear about some things because to me L.U.V. Enterprises, the NEW Emancipation Proclamation and being a mom are all wrapped up in one. So please let me explain how the money you invest is used based on what service you received for your payment. 

1. Something I Made: This is personal income. I use it as I please. To be totally transparent, this is the main way I take care of my son. So I have an infinite amount of Love and appreciation for those who purchase. I also reinvest in my crafts so I can make more. 

Payments for my one of a kind creations are accepted via:
a. PayPal: Kara Sanders,, 919.808.1043 and
b. Personal CashApp account: $WCTsMom (W***** T*****)

2. Sponsorship: This is for my YouTube LIVE Broadcast called L.U.V. Notes, produced every Thursday evening from 7-7:30 p. I recently created a post about financing a beach trip I want to take with my son and his father through show sponsors. In the post I explained my attempt to marry my personal life with my professional. The money from the sponsors will first go towards whatever software and equipment I need to create the show I want and what's leftover will go towards the beach trip. 

Payments for a sponsorship are accepted via:
a. PayPal, Zelle:, 919.764.6407 (my business partner)
b. Business CashApp account (meaning a fee is collected when money comes in): $Paid2Parent, The L.U.V. Life Cooperative

3. Investments: When they come... Once I start asking... These funds will fall under the 10/20/30/40 formula. That is 10% - savings, 20% - giving, 30% - reserve for taxes and 40% - invest. Those investments can be to increase cash flow or invested in training staff. Investors will receive back double what they invested within a 2 year time frame. This is based on the parable of the talents found in the Bible.

Investments are accepted via:
a. PayPal:, 919.764.6407 (my business partner)
b. Zelle:

4. Donations/Drops in a Bucket: When I'm out street contacting, I'm talking to people in parking lots, at gas pumps and in places of business. It was through street contacting that I sold my bags to total strangers. Any money that falls into my hands without a name or commitment attached to it is mine to use as I see fit.

This can be for personal use or professional. At the time of this writing, for me, they are one and the same. Because everything I do as a mom, as a co-parent, as a human is in relation to the work I do with launching the NEW Emancipation Proclamation. 

Donations are accepted via:
a. PayPal: Kara Sanders,, 919.808.1043
b. PayPal:, 919.764.6407 (my business partner)
c. Personal CashApp account: $WCTsMom (W***** T*****)
d. Business CashApp account: $Paid2Parent, The L.U.V. Life Cooperative
e. Zelle:, 919.764.6407
f. Cash

If there has been any confusion in the past, I apologize. I hope this clears up any questions. If not, please send me an email, text or give me a call. I'm around. Thank you again for being here.

Create today. It's another amazing day in paradise. May your choices make it the best day ever. 
Peace, Love and God's continued blessings.


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