Sacred Sunday: "Dear White Men..."

Dear White Men...

Welcome and welcome back! It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here whether you've been here before or it's your first time. I'm honored you are here.

Did the title catch your attention?

I gotta be honest. It still catches mine. When God put it in my spirit that I was to write a letter with and turn it into a book I shrunk from the task. I remember the day (though not the date) clearly.

I was sitting in a church. This particular congregation does meditation during its service and that was one of the reasons I attended. It made me sit still and connect not only to God, but to myself. I appreciated that.

As I was sitting there I was told I needed to write this book to White men. I've since gotten more direction that I also need to write 3 more to Black men, White women and Black women, in that order. 

At this point I'm sure you're wondering, "Why?" Perhaps you're even saying, "Who are you and what do you know that you would be instructed to write books, in the form of letters, to these four demographics of people?" Well... I'll tell you "why?" 

Because I'm an emancipated momma. 

Because I'm THE Emancipated Momma (almost, I'm working on it - wink).

Confused yet? That's Okay! That's why you are here. Please let me explain. 

Please Note: Before I do, I need to let you know... if you don't know me then you'll find out I'm quite loquacious. Now... I'm going to try to keep this short so I'm going to remove some of the details but hopefully the message will come out loud and clear anyway.

I'll start by explaining what it means to be THE Emancipated Momma. The only time I've heard a form of the word emancipate is regarding the Emancipation Proclamation. Not long into our journey of being without stable housing I got really interested in knowing what emancipation was.

At the time I was realizing that on January 1, 2023 it would be 160 years since The Emancipation Proclamation had been enacted and I wanted to know what the wording actually meant. Legally, the word emancipate means a child is legally separated from their parents. The other definitions include, "to free from restraint, influence or the like" and "to free (a person) from bondage or slavery".

After I went through my parent coaching course I became aware that very often the way we parent is based on how we were parented. Our nervous systems are often triggered by our children based on the limiting beliefs that were instilled in us at a very young age, when our brains were very fertile and impressionable.

Now as a parent, my goal is NOT to parent from my triggers but to parent consciously, "emancipated" from the subconscious conditioning of my nervous system. I am literally separating myself, freeing myself from the restraints, the bondage, the slavery of my subconscious conditioning, thereby being emancipated. 

I try my hardest to parent from an emancipating state of being. That's why I'm THE Emancipated Momma. And that is really important to me because watching my son go into fight or flight over any instance of being oppressed, even if it's by me, is beautiful to me.

Please Note: I'm going to clarify that his version of being oppressed means he's being asked to do something he doesn't want to do. And I honor that, even when I still need it to get done. There are occasions where the oppression is real, where someone is powering over him for no good reason except that they can or think they have to. Wisdom doesn't play that! NOPE! No sir-eeeee! I don't either.

Now your mind must be questioning how that relates to the title "Dear White Men...". No worries. I got you! Let me continue.

In all my experiences over the last couple of years it's been my training with Jai and a statement I heard once that really put the pieces of my life together for me. I wish I could remember who said it but I spent so much time listening to so many different recordings of conferences and talks earlier this year that I just don't remember who said it.

What I do remember is that it resonated with me so strongly and deeply. I reflect on it now and see how much more meaningful it is to me. The person said we all live out of our nervous systems first. And that our nervous systems are based on our hunter-gatherer heritage. 

When I thought about how regardless of what we look like, we all come from a hunter-gatherer heritage I began to see behavior differently. I realized the circumstances behind our nervous systems are more alike than different. And I began to understand how distinct characteristics came to pass. 

So I'm writing four letters from the perspective of a trauma informed, "power with", emancipated mom to the four demographics I have the most experience with. They will highlight the characteristics I've experienced the most and explain them from the brain development, nervous system regulation, trauma informed perspective. 

I'm starting with "Dear White Men..." because personally White men are the most oppressed group in society, as far as adults are concerned. Most people will disagree with me and perhaps even call me out of my name for that one so I'm going to explain it in the book.

Because we don't really understand oppression. We toss the word around and use it carelessly without really knowing what it means. Not me. While my Big 4 are brain development, nervous system regulation, trauma and nutrition, my areas of expertise are oppression, emancipation and liberation. To be clear, emancipation and liberation are 2 totally different things, related but not synonymous.

Just revealing this on a public platform where anyone can see it is a little terrifying to me. But that's my gift. It's what I've been called to share with people. And the reason it's me is because I am a Black female super s-hero mom and student of a young Black male superhero. I would not have known what I know if it wasn't for me striving to be wisdom for my Wisdom.

I keep telling people that my favorite thing about Jesus isn't the Atonement or even the miracles He performed. My favorite thing about Jesus is He knew who He was and what He was called to do. He didn't let anyone stand in his way! I've for about half that and I'm continuously. moving towards getting there. 

It's humbling to be where I am, knowing what I know and attempting to live up to what I've been called to do. What an adventure! There is more to share... There is ALWAYS more to share but time will reveal it all.

I plan to have the first book finished by my birthday, which is 20 days away. My goal is to release this book for his birthday on December 23rd. I'm doing this while we are unhoused and it is quite the adventure.

If you'd like to help us get housed so we can get stable during this time, please consider contributing to my fundraiser. For every contribution, I'm offering access to the first book I'm writing now, "Dear White Men...". Here are the incentive levels: 

~ Gift up to $25: Read the introduction

~ Gift $26-49: Read the letter AFTER it's finished, but BEFORE it's published in print form (it will be published as an ebook first)

~ Gift $50-74: Read the letter and comment AFTER it's finished, but BEFORE it's published

~ Gift $75-99: Read the letter AS it's being written

~ Gift $100 or more: Read and comment on the whole letter AS it's being written

If you don't feel impressed to contribute to the fundraiser for me and Wisdom, please consider making a tax deductible donation to Yeshua's Way. Zelle is their preferred platform but they accept donations via Cash App and Venmo too. They are one of the boot on the ground organizations L.U.V. is partnering with.

Please gift and share as you feel led. Thank you again and in advance. I appreciate you taking the time to find out more about my endeavors. Continued success in all you're pursuing. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace...


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