Momma's Monday: Human Rights Day 2023

Human Rights Day 2023

Welcome and welcome back! It's another amazing day in paradise. I'm baaaaaack! But then will be gone for 2 weeks. I think that's a schedule I can work with.

Today I want to take a moment to write about Human Rights Day 2023. It's 13 days from today. And it's also my 50th birthday. This year commemorates 75 years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed. And the theme is "Dignity, Freedom and Justice For ALL!" 

Lately, I've been really reflecting on this idea of "for all". As I consider this particular theme, there really is only one way I see this happening: through brain re-development, reconditioning the subconscious conditioning which will lead to the nervous system being able to regulate in a more healthy fashion. Which will lead to emancipation and liberation "for all"!

It really is hard for me to believe this is me some days. All I want to talk about is my BIG 4 (brain development, nervous system regulation, trauma and nutrition). It's because it so strongly relates to oppression, emancipation and liberation. 

And it is only through recognizing our own oppression, giving ourselves permission to move through emancipation and embracing the idea of our complete liberation that a "for all" concept can flourish.

When we can communicate with one another from a place of our own liberation we will regard the dignity of each individual, honor their freedom to be whoever they are and provide justice "for all". All that starts within each and every person. And it can't be extended to others until they are ready to receive it.

But today, right now, around 8a on Monday, November 27, 2023; 13 days from my 50th birthday there is no correlation. No one is talking about it and I'm struggling to get there. It's terrifying to me but I'm getting there. Everyday, in some small way, I'm getting there.

If you're reading this a year from now, I hope you know this already. I hope it's gone viral and it's making a difference in courtrooms and classrooms, homes and offices. But today... I feel like I'm the only one who knows. Even those I explain it to tend to agree. But because I'm sharing some facts that are true and NOT popular they're not communal cheerleaders. 

So this is a long, challenging road I've been on. The biggest challenge has been for me to rise up and accept that the challenge is mine. And I'm so grateful for it. 

I have been reflecting on how God started preparing me years ago for this time in my life. I just didn't know when it would come, where I would be or what it would look like. Now that I AM here, I am in awe.

I was born on the 25th anniversary of the Human Right Declaration being signed. I didn't find that out until I was in my 30s. I spent more of my life not knowing that piece of information than knowing it. Yet my life has followed this path of dignity, freedom and justice for all.

I'm humbled and excited. I'm grateful and in awe. I'm overwhelmed and terrified and know I'm watched over, protected, guided and enlightened. I'm talking about me here. But I just know someone needed to read this. 

If you are at your wits end and tired, please don't give up. Life may not be how you want it right now but keep going. I keep having so many flashbacks to different events in my life and God brings them back to my mind when I'm ready to pay attention and He's ready for me to use them.

You are a gift. Your life is a gift. Despite all you've gone through, your breakthrough is coming. Please don't give up.

I'm almost 50. I'm not discouraged by that. I see the grace and the wisdom in that. I'm grateful. It's such an honor to have struggled because I can see the other side of it now. 

When I look back I now understand that Zig Ziglar quote, "Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude." Or the Charles Swindoll one, "Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." But your attitude, how you react to life is based on your brain development, nervous system regulation, trauma and nutrition. Those are all true.

What's amazing is because of neuroplasticity you can change all that. It takes time but it CAN happen. You can redevelop your brain which will retrain your nervous system. Your traumas no longer have to be a source of your drama. Add the component of plant based nutrition and your physical health will mirror your internal health and wealth. 

These all take time to change. The journey is worth it. Don't give up! Love you. Thank you again for being here. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace...


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