Let's Talk Tuesday: "Dear White Women..."

Dear White Women...

Welcome and welcome back! It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here. I'm on a roll this week. I only plan to write one more day but it could go two since it is Thanksgiving Week. 

I'm starting to feel compelled to write about gratitude and introduce the Gratitude Groups and Positivity Partners I'll be creating at the beginning of next year once the overwhelm of the holidays ends. We shall see.

In the meantime, here I am talking about the letter I'm compelled to write to White women. I gotta be honest, this letter is going to be a challenge to write so I'm grateful I have a couple more months before I start it. I will have to be in a stable living situation and make sure I'm writing from a parasympathetic state of nervous system activation before I address this one.

I Love people, all people. Again being honest, White women challenge me the most because I've had the hardest yet the most Loving experiences from them, collectively speaking. But I'm grateful I understand the motivations behind both sides of their behavior. 

I'm grateful I have a really good idea on how their brains were developed which led to how their nervous systems get activated. So I'm excited to write this book and honored to write this book.

Being oppression informed I have realized that women hold the most power of all demographics of people. I'm going to write that again so you can read that again. Being oppression informed, I have realized that women hold the most power of all demographics of people. 

Women say we're oppressed but that's only because we don't know where real power comes from. Power comes from brain development. We've made money seem like it's the most powerful component to work with. But power comes from how the brain is developed. And women are primarily responsible for that.

Women, historically, have birthed children into the world. Women are the primary caregivers in child care institutions. Women are the primary instructors from pre-school to primary school graduation. Women have primarily been responsible for shaping the way children think and behave which leads to how adults think and behave.

That's genuine power right there. We just didn't know it. Most of us STILL don't know it. And that's why this series, these letters are so important. They are vital to changing the world.

Can I share that learning about the way our brains are developed is the secondary way I know women are the most powerful? I already knew it, I just didn't know how to get there.

My foundation for knowing the power of women comes from the Bible, the book of Genesis actually. It's in the story of Adam and Eve. Learning neuroscience has empowered my spiritual life. It's so incredibly thrilling to me.

But... It really bothers me that Eve has gotten such a bad rap. When Eve was created God said that aspect of creation was "very good". That designation never changed. Despite the situation with the snake and the apple, she got stuff that Adam didn't. And that's why God placed the calling on her to be Adam's helpmeet.

Now... ask me what my version of "helpmeet" means? (Let me indulge a little here.) 

You: Momma Kai, what does your version of "helpmeet" mean?

Thank you for asking. I'm so grateful for your interest. My version of helpmeet adds a few words to bring some clarity.

I once had an experience when I intentionally read the story of Adam and Eve. I was asking God questions about it. When we got to the helpmeet part, God said Eve was called as a helpmeet to "help Adam meet God's expectations for his life". 

You see... in the initial account, Eve is Adam's sister really, not yet a companion. After the experience with the snake she officially becomes his helpmeet, because the eyes of their understanding were opened. They would eventually be physically attracted to one another as the states of their innocence wore off. 

It's no different than a child coming into the world and as they grow older they start to become attracted to other people. One of the ways that attraction is eventually expressed is through sex. Well before Adam and Eve got to that part, God married them.

So Eve grows from sister, in their state of innocence, to wife and helpmeet, after the fall. But what happens when she births a man child into the world? Regardless of the name he is called, she is birthing an "Adam" into the world for the next Eve. So then she becomes Adam's mother.

Are you picking up what I'm putting down? Women have the most power because we can lead men in the direction they should go when they are raised right from infancy. Besides community, I believe mothers have the most influence over their boys. There's a reason we grow up as momma's boys and daddy's girls.

I'll delve into this more deeply once I write the letter. Can you see why I have to be in a state of parasympathetic activation when I do? I want to be able to write this from a place of absolute Love. 

I want people to know there is "no shame, no blame". I believe we are all doing the very best we can with the education we have, in the circumstances we are living under. My letter is an invitation to know better so we can do better.

Our children deserve this, especially our boys! Can you tell I'm a proud boy mom? I Love, adore and admire my son. I see God in him. He is such a special, beautiful human being. It is so incredible to see the person he is becoming. The person he is being given the freedom to become. 

He really is a superhero, ya know. He's my superhero because he saved my life. I don't know where I would be right now if I wasn't a mom and had not learned the things I know. I'm here right now because I'm a mom. Most importantly I get to be HIS mom. That right there is the highest gift and honor for me.

And that's where I'm going to stop for now. Don't be surprised if you see this as an excerpt in the book. This is how lots of books get compiled anyway. I'm pretty sure I've spoken the letters I'm writing many times in many places. Now it's time to bring all that genius together and organize it so others can tap into it.

Thank you for feeling like what I'm sharing is worth investing your time in. I truly hope you gain something valuable from it that can put you on or keep you on the path to changing your life and being the person you want to be. 

Please remember to be kind to yourself.

This life is not a race. It is a journey. It's not for the swift or the strong. It's for the one who endures to the end. I think that's Biblical. I remember it from a song ("I Got Life" by Take 6). It's taken a long time for us to get to where we are and it's going to take time to get to where we need to be. 

This isn't Star Trek! There's no "Beam me up, Scotty." But when we have the right direction and we're on the right road, that WILL lead us to the place we want to go. For me that looks like Love, compassion, mercy and peace for all. I wish all that and more for you.

Thank you again and in advance. Please share. And if you feel compelled to get a sneak preview of what I'm writing please check out my digital business card for details on how you can gain access to Dear White Men... while I'm writing it or before it's published.

Continued success in all you're pursuing. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace...


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