Momma's Monday: "Dear Black Men..."

Dear Black Men...

Welcome and welcome back! Happy Monday. It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here. 

I'm so excited to be talking about this topic today. I haven't written on Monday in quite a while now. And Mondays are my favorite day of the week. So what a great way to start today speaking on the letter I'm going to write to Black men.

I have the greatest honor in the world of being the mom and student of a young Black male superhero. I often call him my "man child" because that's what he is physically though not mentally, emotionally or spiritually. I'm working on it. We're working on it. 

It's important to understand that with all children but especially my own, I am grooming this beautiful child to be an adult. God willing he will spend many more years as an adult than a child. But it's important to note that everything he is learning now will transition with him to adulthood. So everything I do now has to be intentional so that he can make the best choices in the future.

The best choices in the future doesn't mean there won't be room for error, no one is perfect. What it does mean is I want him to be able to successfully navigate his nervous system, speak up for himself when something is not in sync with his values and know how to respect other people when they don't agree with him.

I want him to offer grace because he has lived with grace. I want him to have a healthy body and live without unhealthy addictions. I want him to be committed to a lifestyle of wellness for all of his internal and external good. 

That starts now! Really though, that started 8 years ago when he was just an infant. The ways I've treated him and the things he's learned over the last almost 8 years are sticking to form the foundation of his adulthood. He's in a period now where things are very hard to change if they need to.

And I would need to lead that change by example, not by coercion or force. I don't want him to think he has to please me to change. I want him to be pleased with the decisions he makes because they are the best decisions for him. 

These are big thoughts for a young mind to consider. And they don't. They have no idea they should be considering them. That's why children have parents and caregivers. To consider these things and then do the work to make it happen. And that's why I'm writing this book to Black men.

Honestly, it's more like I'm writing a letter to Wisdom for him to read as an adult. I'll be sharing with him all the things I hope he's learned. But in the event he finds himself making choices that don't best serve him, I want him to see this as a guidebook to navigate his nervous system to tap into his executive brain function and lead himself back in the direction he wants to go. 

I'm not a perfect mom. I am constantly working with the gift of neuroplasticity (the brain's ability to change and create new neural pathways) to recondition my own subconscious. So I also want to make sure I apologize for not giving him those tools when he was young.

He's about a month away from being 8 and I pray daily that we still have a lot of time together. But in case I'm not here or he wants and needs some direction to figure it out for himself, this book will be there.

He came into this world with a calling to teach. And he already lives up to that. I wouldn't be where I'm at, writing this series or knowing what I know if it wasn't for him. He laid the path for me to come full circle on what I know. 

He was a big piece to my puzzle. And I've gained many more pieces with all I'm learning and doing. I'm feeling more complete and at ease in my own mind, body, heart and spirit because I know who I am and what I'm supposed to do. That's a beautiful thing. And I'm grateful for the young Black male superhero I am honored to truly raise who helps me get there.

I plan to have the first book finished by my birthday, which is 20 days away. My goal is to release this book for his birthday on December 23rd. I'm doing this while we are unhoused and it is quite the adventure.

If you'd like to help us get housed so we can get stable during this time, please consider contributing to my fundraiser. For every contribution, I'm offering access to the first book I'm writing now, "Dear White Men...". Here are the incentive levels: 

~ Gift up to $25: Read the introduction

~ Gift $26-49: Read the letter AFTER it's finished, but BEFORE it's published in print form (it will be published as an ebook first)

~ Gift $50-74: Read the letter and comment AFTER it's finished, but BEFORE it's published

~ Gift $75-99: Read the letter AS it's being written

~ Gift $100 or more: Read and comment on the whole letter AS it's being written

If you don't feel impressed to contribute to the fundraiser for me and Wisdom, please consider making a tax deductible donation to Yeshua's Way. Zelle is their preferred platform but they accept donations via Cash App and Venmo too. They are one of the boot on the ground organizations L.U.V. is partnering with.

Please gift and share as you feel led. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Please stay tuned for more information on this book series. Thank you again for being here. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace...

P.S.: Encouragement from a friend and colleague!

Dear Life Investors,

Join us in transforming lives! Meet Momma Kai, an extraordinary advocate combating homelessness with love and determination. And meet her resilient young Black male superhero, Wisdom.

Despite facing unstable housing, Momma Kai has achieved remarkable milestones in her mission to spread the Love of God to every individual.

This fundraiser will provide Momma Kai and her superhero son with stable housing and cover vital expenses for their current home-on-wheels.

Explore Momma Kai's story and achievements on her blog which can be accessed through her digital business card:

Your support ensures a home and empowers them to make a lasting impact. And by contributing to her campaign, you become a part of Momma Kai and Wisdom's rise from poverty to prosperity.

Thank you for supporting positive change in the unhoused community and beyond.


Shea Gorham

Yeshuas-Way Board Chair


Thanks again! Peace, Love and double hugs from Momma Kai & Wisdom Son-shine!


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