Spread Love. Spread L.U.V.! Campaign Updates

Welcome and welcome back! Thank you so much for being here. This is a special post from L.U.V. Enterprises Presents. 

A couple of weeks ago I announced I would be doing a regular weekly blog post on Mondays. But today, Saturday, October 3rd is a special day, the beginning of a very special weekend. Personally, two of my sisters have birthdays today, born 11 years apart (Happy Birthday Keya and Kourtney). Professionally, I'm adding an incentive to the Spread Love. Spread L.U.V.! Campaign. 

Before I talk about the incentive though, I want to explain how everything I'm doing right now is connected. I have my hands in so many things that I get but from the outside world it might make no sense. Thank you to Eric Rainey for that insight! So let me take a minute to play catch up and introduce the different aspects of what is happening with L.U.V. right now!

1. L.U.V. Enterprises is the parent company for all the projects I'm working on right now and any in the future.

2. The NEW Emancipation Proclamation is an employment opportunity that will launch through L.U.V. Enterprises. That is the nickname, the business name is PAID 2 Parent.

3. I host a YouTube Live broadcast called L.U.V. Notes, every Thursday at 7p. I have been using this as a way to introduce different aspects of the NEW Emancipation Proclamation as well as generate some funds through sponsors to begin to implement all the components of PAID 2 Parent. 

4. Spread Love. Spread L.U.V.! is an income generating campaign to spread Love, get sponsors and bring awareness to L.U.V. Enterprises and all the projects. For more information about what the money will be used for please check out this blog post. The list of needs you will find is not complete but it's a good start.

So here we are...!

You can keep reading this post OR learn more about the actual campaign from this mini video series found on my YouTube Channel. It's called a mini video series because there are only 3 videos and they are only about 5 minutes each. If you know me, you know that's very mini (wink, wink, smile).


Here are the details of the campaign:

1. To Spread Love: Create a short video expressing appreciation to someone or several "someone-s" you adore, admire and appreciate. Post it on your social media pages with the hashtags: #SpreadLove, #SpreadLUV, #theappreciationnation, #proclaimemancipation, #theNEWEmancipationProclamation and #LUVEnterprises  

2. To Spread L.U.V.!: Please choose one or more of the following.
Subscribe to the YouTube Channel: L.U.V. Enterprises Presents

(b) Like the Facebook page

(c) Create and post a video on your own social media with the hashtags #SpreadLove, #SpreadLUV, #theappreciationnation, #proclaimemancipation, #theNEWEmancipationProclamation and #LUVEnterprises. 

THEN become a junior sponsor by paying to have your Spread Love video played during the pre-show of my weekly "L.U.V. Notes" show. The video will also be posted in my Facebook group, The Appreciation Nation. 

It's $5 for a video up to 2 minutes in length. Video lengths over 2 minutes are priced as follows:
~2:01-3 minutes = $10
~3:01-4 minutes = $15
~4:01-5 minutes = $20
Please Note: Videos over 5 minutes in length will be shortened to be 5 minutes or less. 

Payments can be made via:
*Cash App: $PAID2Parent, The NEW Emancipation Proclamation (Don't have Cash App? Please use this link - https://cash.app/app/ZCNFQFR)
*PayPal: kai.timetoluv@gmail.com, 919.808.1043
*Debit/Credit card via Square Checkout

(d) Share this blog, this YouTube Channel and this Facebook page with others and invite them to do the same. 

Let's make L.U.V. Enterprises #GoGlobal by spreading L.U.V.!


One of the signature aspects of the NEW Emancipation Proclamation opportunity is how you get involved. After completing and submitting an intake form, all applicants receive a package. In that package is a gratitude journal. The applicant is challenged to record daily entries for two consecutive weeks before becoming officially enrolled. 

There are two objectives with this challenge: 

1. Create a habit. Writing in the journal is required for the entire program. And... 

2. Start the process of changing your life by changing your mind. Expressing gratitude helps to change your mind, literally. It starts the process of changing the way you think. Everyone should have this experience.

Everyone who becomes a Junior Sponsor through the Spread Love. Spread L.U.V.! Campaign will receive a digital copy of "It's Time to L.U.V. - Your Ideal Starter (Gratitude) Journal".

(The cover and a journal page)

Once you pay for your sponsorship, I'll just need your email address to send it to you. You can add it in the "note" section of your preferred method of payment if it doesn't already require it. And that's all! 

I'm so excited. Gratitude journals are not given enough credit for the power they have to transform lives. And that's why they are an essential part of the NEW Emancipation Proclamation. Get yours by creating your video and becoming a Junior Sponsor today!

Thank you for letting me join you this weekend. 
Create today. It's another amazing day in paradise. May your choices make it the best day ever. 
Peace, Love and God's continued blessings.


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