Motivating Mondays ~ October 5, 2020

Welcome and welcome back! Happy Monday! Happy 1st Monday in October! Thank you so much for being here.

It's October Ya'll! 

There is so much on my mind. I hope you will bear with me. Here are the topics of this week's post:

On Loss..., Part 2 (Part 1 can be found here.)

#SpreadLove #SpreadLUV Announcements

Sponsor Spotlight

Thank Yous

ON LOSS..., Part 2

This is a year so many wish would come to an end sooner than it will. There has been so much loss. Death and illness continue even to those not affected by COVID-19. Life is a precious gift. And the ONLY guarantee we have about life is it will come to an end. Knowing the end is coming doesn't make the loss any easier though. 

I need to take a moment to get personal. I want to send Love to my cousins Stevie and Shody (their childhood nicknames) for the loss of their dad on the first of this month. This one is especially challenging to reflect on because they are my only cousins (of my first cousins) who have lost both parents. I can't imagine how their hearts are broken. To my uncle: "Rise In Power Uncle Steve. You're finally reunited with your bride!"

This is probably not the way you'd think a message entitled "Motivating" should start, huh? Actually... It's the perfect way to start. Life is not all champagne and roses everyday. It IS full of challenges and changes. And it is also full of choices. 

One of the lessons I learned recently is: "It doesn't matter if you (or anyone else) call it a reason or an excuse, at the end of every day it's a choice, pure and simple." Choices are powerful. I don't think we ponder on how many choices we actually make in a day or the effects they have on ourselves and others. 

Many people strive to live up to the scripture "Choose you this day whom ye will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." For me personally, I too choose to serve the Lord. But... what that looks like is me ending everyday in Love with me. 

Being as imperfect as I am, I might not exhibit the best behavior or choose the best choices during the day. So at night before I go to bed I reconcile my day so I can end my day back in Love with me. This post started by talking about loss and here it is leading to Love (again). What do the two have to do with one another? What is the winding road that connects them?

To me, being in Love with yourself is the remedy for loss, even the loss of a Loved one. If you are Loving yourself and living your life to the fullest by choosing good choices you beat loss. This reminds me of Chadwick Boseman. 

He is the one who inspired the original post on loss. I wrote it days after the world found out he had passed and the conditions of his death. I have so much respect for him and the choices he made to choose life despite death being his constant companion. I shudder to think how he might have been limited if those in the film industry knew about his illness. 

I am motivated to choose life, and choose it to be more abundant despite what current circumstances look like in the world. I am grateful for all loss because when it is handled right, it will (can, should) lead you back to a greater Love of self. And who can't use more Love of self? 

This is the mission of L.U.V. Enterprises as a whole. L.U.V. is an acronym meaning "learn ur value". Once you do you can't help but "luv"/love yourself. It is a beautiful circle of life. In order to achieve it collectively, we must first seek to obtain it individually. The time is here to make that happen. Please keep reading for more content to bring to pass the grand objectives of more Love of self which will lead to more Love for others.

#SpreadLove #SpreadLUV Announcements

The next evolution of this campaign is we are going with hashtags! That is the purpose of the campaign anyway. Get those hashtags out there to #SpreadLove and #SpreadLUV. Other hashtags to use are:

#GoGlobal (forget viral, had enough of that)





Another aspect of the campaign that has evolved I announced on Saturday in this post. I've added an incentive for everyone who becomes a Junior Sponsor by submitting a video and paying for it to played during my L.U.V. Notes pre-show. You get a digital copy of the "Ideal Starter Journal" all our applicants will receive as part of the NEW Emancipation Proclamation project. 

The "Ideal Starter Journal" is a template for keeping a gratitude journal daily. There are instructions on how to do it, helpful suggestions on how to be successful and thoughts on what you can expect from accepting the challenge. Then each page gives you the space to write down five things daily that you are grateful for up to six weeks. 

I often say, "if you want to change your life, you've got to change your mind." That word change means a lot. It's not just change your mind as in make a different decision. It's also you have to change what enters your mind so you can so it can literally change. You've got to add the right material to the library of your mind so the information in there can help you change the choices you are making that will lead you to the life of your dreams. 

You've probably heard the old phrase that says "misery loves company". That is the absolute truth. But what is also true is "joys shared are joys doubled". That is essentially saying that "joy loves company too". Gratitude brings joy! And that joy wants to be shared! Gratitude forces you to keep company with joy and happiness and more gratitude. Those new "associates" will lead you to a new life.

Needless to say this gratitude journal is not only essential to the growth and success of the NEW Emancipation Proclamation participants but it is required. You're invited to join them on their journey to greatness in the privacy of your own home with your very own gratitude journal. Thank you in advance for your support. 


This week, I'm SOOOOO excited to introduce you to Tiffany Dias of Beautiful Soul Beauty Apothecary. She makes spiritual beauty products! Yes, yes, ya'll! I said, "spiritual beauty products". She will be featured during my L.U.V. Notes pre-show this Thursday, 6:30-7p, on my YouTube Channel: L.U.V. Enterprises Presents

I can't wait for you to meet this visionary as she talks about the meaning of spiritual beauty products and why they are so important to achieving a more beautiful self. 

I also want to say thank you AGAIN to Pooja Chilukuri for being my first Sponsor Spotlight. Her interview was inspiring and thought provoking as her guest blog post was. Besides her website, she recently launched a YouTube channel. She can be contacted at 


I meant a lot of wonderful people this past week. I was really blessed by brief associations with people who made a significant impact on me and my son's lives. Yesterday, Sunday, October 4, I attended a networking/sales event where I was introduced to quite a few new businesses. Among those I was impressed with are: 

~ Anthony and Dominique from Beard and Brawn, a product line to enhance and care for the facial hair and skin of Black men, researched and mixed by Black men  

~ Anthony Clanton of Healing TreAsurez (there's supposed to be an accent pointing to the right over the second e)

~ Kristin with Clean Queen Company

~ Nicole Matthews with Pure Romance and 

~ Tasia with Preciously Press'd

It was a great experience meeting them. I hope you'll check them out and support these entrepreneurs and small business owners. 

Thank you again for being here on this journey with me. Let's make this a great week everyone. Being alive and well on a Monday morning is a great way to start! Keep in mind, "the best is yet to come". That will help you remain focused on achieving your greatest self.

Create today. It's another amazing day in paradise. May your choices make it the best day ever.
Peace, Love and God's continued blessings. Always...(s.m.i.l.e.)


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