Motivating Mondays ~ October 12, 2020

Welcome and welcome back! Happy Monday. It's my favorite day of the week. Thank you so much for being here. 

Before I go any further, I need to recognize my moms who had a birthday yesterday (Sunday, October 11). It's not belated because I spoke with her. I'm just catching you up (wink, wink, smile). We had a good conversation about all sorts of things. Some of the more memorable topics included her ideal funeral and that fly on Mike Pence's head. Everyone should have such intriguing conversations with their parent(s).

You can catch up with her on Power Muzic Radio, where "R&B is our universal language". Her show is called Ronnie's Spirit and it airs LIVE every Saturday night to Sunday morning, 10p-5a. You will not be disappointed as she plays the music that "soothes your soul." Happy Birthday Mom! 

Now back to L.U.V., here are this week's topics:

Introducing the NEW Emancipation Proclamation: Intake

#SpreadLove #SpreadLUV

Senior Sponsors

Thank Yous


And the journey continues... The overall objective of everything I am doing is to launch L.U.V. officially through introducing and implementing the NEW Emancipation Proclamation. This is quite a large project that will eventually go across the nation.

To continue introducing it this week's L.U.V. Notes episode, Thursday at 7p is on the intake process. It might seem incredibly odd to talk about the intake process for this unique opportunity but it's one of the most important aspects of it. Most organizations will not talk about their intake process because it's a matter of statistics. It's a matter of funding. For L.U.V. the intake is all about the person who is applying. And that's why we're going to talk about it. 

Please join me this Thursday at 7 p.m. LIVE for L.U.V. Notes, "a thought show not a talk show." 

#SpreadLove #SpreadLUV

And the campaign continues... Please look for a new video everyday from me spreading my own Love. I've only done one and it's time for more. Please remember, you become a junior sponsor when you pay to play your dedication on my show. As a thank you gift for your support you'll receive a downloadable gratitude journal. Thank you in advance for your support. The best is yet to come.


Thank you once again to Tiffany Dias of Beautiful Soul Beauty Apothecary. She is a long term senior sponsor along with Hallmarx Music Group. Hallmarx produced the theme song for L.U.V. Notes, which is Change by Antoine Hilton. It comes from his latest release HeClectic. Please check out his music on all streaming services. 

Please check out my interview with Ms. Tiffany to learn more about Beautiful Soul Beauty Apothecary. It was her first interview ever as the visionary behind Beautiful Soul. I was honored to be the one to do it. I am so grateful we met and look forward to seeing how God continues to cause us to flourish.  

Now I'm so excited to officially introduce Beard and Brawn as my latest senior sponsor for L.U.V. Notes. They will be featured the last week of October. You'll be able to catch my interview with them on Thursday, October 29. 

I met them at a networking event. Here's the thing though. They are selling products for men by men. I'm a woman. That didn't stop them from inviting me to their table to see what they have. These professionals are go getters. From our conversation, their knowledge and passion for their products sets them in an elite class much like my other senior sponsors. And that's why I appreciate the people and businesses God is putting in my life. 

The gentlemen of Beard and Brawn are well educated in THEIR specialty. They are passionate. They are visionary.  They are revolutionary. And they are bringing their gifts to the world in the way only they can bring them. I'm grateful to be associated with them. 

FYI: Every.Black and the Motivation Reader's Mastermind Network are long term sponsors as well. I'm thankful for their support long before Motivating Mondays and L.U.V. Notes ever existed. They keep me focused on succeeding. 


Ya know something? I suck! I usually write down the names of most of the people I get to meet and/or talk to. This week I didn't. It was a crazy busy week both personally and professionally. And I met I lot of people being out and about. Too many of them I didn't write down names for. BUT... I'm going to say thank you anyway. 

Thank you to all those I met this week. Thank you to all those who sent good energy my way. Thank you for all of those who showed their support in a number of ways that helped bring to pass so much good in my world. I know in God's time and by His grace our paths will meet again. 

And thank YOU too. Thank you for joining me for another edition of Motivating Mondays. The best is yet to come, Everyone. Create your life. Create your week. Create today. It's another amazing day in paradise. May your choices make it the best day ever. 



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