On Loss... Part 1

Welcome and welcome back. Thank you so much for being here. I am honored you have joined me. 

Sooooo... this is a break from my norm but my heart has been heavy lately. This morning, I posted the following on my personal Facebook page.


There has been a lot of loss for all of us. Some of that loss has been through the physical death of others. Some of the loss has been from being physically separated from someone where death wasn't involved. Some of that loss is the memory of our loss. And then there is the loss that taxes us emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually combined with or separate from the physical loss. Loss is loss no matter how it comes. And there is a legion of emotions that accompany it. Very few of those emotions resolve themselves to Love and peace again. So today, I wanted to take a moment to celebrate life. My son's life actually. He is one of the most amazing individuals I know. With less than 4 months until his 5th birthday, I continue to be honored and amazed that I get to be this young man's mom. Last Tuesday, I told him to put his shoes on. When he was done he had on two different shoes. He had accomplished the goal so out the door we went. Over a 3-4 day period, he wore two different shoes. I Loved it and so did everyone who came in contact with him.

On Saturday, we had a unique experience. There was a prayer vigil in Downtown Raleigh. By God's design we were in the park that day. Wisdom (and I) got to meet and speak with a few police officers, the police chief, the mayor and a councilman. Wis received the greatest honor when the police chief, a Black woman, took off her tie tack (in the image of the City of Raleigh police badges) and pinned it on Wisdom. He also received a badge sticker from another officer. He has been the most proud individual since then. And me? I'm a prouder than proud momma.
(Can you see the little police badge tie tack on the right shoulder and the sticker on the other?)
Yesterday when we went out for a walk, I had dressed him in my favorite outfit, an outfit his dad bought him over two years ago that he is finally growing out of. The shirt says "LOVER NOT A FIGHTER". On his ankle he wore a wristband that says "BLACK LIVES MATTER". It is too big for his wrist. On his shirt he wore the tie tack given to him by the police chief. He wanted to wear the sticker too but it is losing its stickiness so he decided against it.

His one small body carried a message for the world.
The world is in a tailspin where it feels like we have to choose between the police and Black people. We are in a society that is painting both communities with a wide brush. Not all police are crooked and against people of color. Not all Black men (women, people) are poor, drug dealers, drug addicts and/or criminals. Wisdom has no idea this is what is going on in the world because it is not his time to know. Yet he possesses a wisdom that is far beyond his few short years. My son's "style" (his word) reminds me and is a reminder for us that people are people and Love is the answer. If you ever have the privilege of receiving one of his double hugs, you'll feel what Love is!
My heart goes out to all of us as we mourn. This has been an extremely challenging year. My hope is this post inspires you. Amidst all the darkness, there is light. And the tiniest light dispels the darkness if you keep your eyes open. We were discussing this last week during one of the Motivation Readers Mastermind Network calls. You are the light needed in the darkness. Don't put bushels on your light. Now is the time to shine. This young Black man... My young Black man dispels the darkness for people regardless of color, regardless of profession. I am the most grateful that he brings light to my darkness and makes me rise up and shine. I never knew motherhood could be like this. I'm tremendously honored to be a mom but especially his. I never knew Love could be like this. I'm humbled and grateful to be both a recipient and a giver. Hoping you feel the same or better. Thank you for reading. Love you! Create today. It's another amazing day in paradise. May your choices make it the best day ever. Peace, Love and God's continued blessings. Always...(s.m.i.l.e.)

P.S.: There's more to come!


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