Me Celebrating Me, You Celebrating You: Part 1

Welcome and welcome back! Thank you for being here. Happy Monday! It's my favorite day of the week! 

Go ahead. I'm waiting... Call me crazy. It's OK. I have my own kind of craziness so I'm not offended. 

I invite you to consider that I'm not crazy but rather maybe you should join me. Don't you think it would be far better for you to be so excited about life that Mondays are your favorite day too? Something to think about right? 

Let's get down to business... can we agree that 2020 has been a pretty fascinating year? There were two posts a Facebook friend shared on her page recently that I thought were hilarious. 

Here's the first:

A man goes to a bar in New Orleans and asks, 
"Can I have a corona and two hurricanes please?"
Bartender replies, "That’ll be $20.20."

Here's the second:


Yup! That about sums it up right there. 

But you know something? Last year Cynthia Roberts, Quickbooks Pro Master, coined the theme of this year "Two-Oh, Two-Oh, Get Ready for Your Overflow". I cannot deny how true that has been. There has been LOTS of overflow in ways, that globally, none of us could have expected. 

But on a personal level I've experienced my own personal overflow in ways I could never have expected either. I think the main way my overflow has played out is how God revealed the NEW Emancipation Proclamation to me. This is what every experience in my whole entire life was meant for. 

I don't know how many people live to be able to find out, let alone pursue, the work God ordained for their life but I'm doing it. It's little by little, day by day. Sometimes it's not even day by day. It has to be moment by moment because there is so much to do that it's overwhelming. But I'm doing it. 

That's not all though. I'm watching God reveal Himself in all kinds of ways and through so many different people. To say I'm blessed is an understatement. Favored is better. Highly favored is a definite. But saying I'm one of "God's favorites" sounds more like it (Thank you for that lesson so many years ago Brother Fenton). So I'm celebrating. I'm celebrating myself and all I've been through this year. 

Continued in Part 2


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