More Exciting News...

Welcome and welcome back. Thank you for being here. The adventure continues... 

I was honored to receive two more sponsors today: Every.Black and the Motivation Reader's Mastermind Network. These two great institutions are led by Black men with such incredible genius that I feel is really underestimated. But then again, they are not the kind to brag or boast about their credentials so that's why you'll never know how truly great their minds are unless someone like me says so. 

Jimmy Davies is the founder and president of Every.Black. Stan Anderson is the visionary behind the Mastermind Network. It is such a great honor to have them as partners in this endeavor. You will learn more about these services soon since they are an integral part of the NEW Emancipation Proclamation. 

Curious? Good!!! (wink, wink, smile)

For more information about Every.Black just look it up. That is the name and the website:

"Dot black (.black) is the new dot com (.com)."

So ya'll watch out now! 

When you get to the website, click on "Masterminds". Please register for the weekly Entrepreneur Mastermind Meetings held every Monday night at 8 p.m. If you are looking to be connected, educated and inspired, it IS the place to be. 

The NEW Emancipation Proclamation was first introduced in an Every.Black mastermind meeting. I used its "real" name back then. My continued participation is what keeps the fire stoked to bring this opportunity to life. If you need support to see your dreams become your reality, I suggest your first click be "Members". 

You can also find a plethora of information on the E.B YouTube Channel

Here is my testimonial from when we were meeting in person before COVID. 

And here is Every.Black on Facebook.

A new aspect of my show that will be part of my debut is a pre-show before my LIVE broadcast. Jimmy Davies' Anatomy of a Black Economic Movement will play every week at 6:30. This compilation of information is a small introduction to the absolute genius of Jimmy Davies. If I've piqued your curiosity about him, learn more information here and here.

Now about the Motivation Reader's Mastermind Network (a member of the Every.Black family). From the Facebook Group page: "Our Mission is to encourage, inspire and motivate people of all ages, and throughout the world, to engage in focused and diligent self-development, combined with sincere and significant service to humanity."

Please join us on a LIVE call: Every Tues thru Sat 8 a.m. (EST) 513-386-0000, Access Code 316364#. We're currently reading, discussing and implementing Og Mandino's University of Success.

Every Wednesday night is the "Open Minds" call; same number, 8 p.m. (versus a.m.). So yes, on Wednesdays there are two calls!

You want to change your life, you simply have to change your mind, LITERALLY. These two priceless resources will put you on the path to doing just that.

I'm excited, honored and humbled to have them as sponsors. They continue to remind me "the best is yet to come". Create today. It's another amazing day in paradise. May your choices make it the best day ever. Peace...


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