Exciting Announcement!!!

Welcome or welcome back! 

It is my incredible honor and pleasure to share this news. As of Sunday, August 7, 2020, the weekly YouTube LIVE broadcast I've been doing now has its first sponsor. Hallmarx Music Group has given me the honor of its support AND the opportunity to feature the music of one of its rising stars, Antoine Hilton. The song "Change", from Mr. Hilton's latest CD HeClectic, will be the theme song for my show! 

Here is a link to check out the CD https://music.apple.com/us/album/heclectic/1521490357

When I received a clip to use for either the intro or outro to the broadcast I burst into tears. It is absolutely perfect. The song is in complete alignment with the mission of L.U.V. Enterprises (the name of my parent company) and the NEW Emancipation Proclamation I've been introducing. So I cannot say enough about how excited and humbled I am.

A special "thank you" goes to Raleigh Hall, CEO of Hallmarx, for seeing value in what has been produced thus far and investing to see it grow. This has been a divine collaboration so far. I look forward to what happens next. 

In conclusion, the message or lesson I want to share from this experience, is "be obedient". Sometimes you don't know why you are doing something but you feel called to do it. Well, for one, you never know who is watching. And for two, the growth in you from being obedient is what is the most important. If the two happen to meet, magic is about to happen. That's what happened for me and I know it's possible for you too. I Love you. 

Create today. It's another amazing day in paradise. May your choices make it the best day ever. 
Peace, Love and God's continued blessings. 


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