The L.U.V. L.I.F.E. Cooperative: Membership!

*Register as an individual (not a business)
*Share talents, skills, abilities (for free or for pay)
*Find skills, talents and abilities (for free or for pay)
*Get involved in a community investment team called a L.U.V. Circle, based on a topic you are passionate about (the first membership Circle will address homelessness)

In an effort to create equity, members choose a plan based on what they can afford. The requirements and benefits are exactly the same.

Basic Monthly: per person, per month

*$5.55 Makes The Community Come Alive
*$9.99 Makes The Community Divine 
Please Note: Children under 5 or not yet enrolled in school are free


FOUR levels of Family Jewels 

A. Red Diamond Level: one time gift of $999.00
One year discounted membership for 10 individuals or 
Two year discounted membership for 5 individuals

B. Emerald Level: one time gift of $555.00
One year discounted membership for 10 individuals or
Two year discounted membership for 5 individuals

C. Black Star Sapphire Level: one time gift of $99.90 
One year discounted membership for one individual

D. Tiger's Eye Level: one time gift of $55.50 
One year discounted membership for one individual


The Investor
The target amount for this fund is $250,000. This is our business investment fund. Those who contribute choose whatever amount they want to invest (up to $1000) for the opportunity to have a 150% return on their investment within the next 3 years. Smaller amounts have a shorter return time, while larger investments have a longer return time. As the business ventures for The Cooperative grow we want to give back to those who helped us get started.

Immediate Benefits 
*Having a voice by participating in a L.U.V. Circle
*Priority registration and free entrance to Pop-up Events and meetings

Future Benefits (funded by Luv Life)
Free access to or discounts on the following:
*Classes, workshops and community conversations
*Participation in PAID 2 Parent (a Luv Life initiative)
*Logged Off: starting off as pop-up events this will evolve into a drop in family, friends and community fun space "where phones and fun do not meet"; phones are locked in lockers and participants have fun with each other; plans to include karaoke, board games, pool, Foosball, conversation corners, etc. 
*Small Business Center with meeting spaces and Share Care Centers
*Community Kitchen
*Community Gardens with apiary (It would be advantageous to partner with the Interfaith Food Shuttle since they are already doing this)
*Lounges: a casual place to simply chill, loitering allowed 
*Family Rec Space (offering something different than what the community rec centers offer)
*M.O.M. & P.O.P.: Mommas on the Move, Poppas on Patrol: in town, one on one transportation service

The Future of Luv Life
This is the start of something BIG! While this endeavor is launching in Raleigh, North Carolina it will go national and then international. Enough said! Let's do this!

Thank you again for being here with me and getting what you need. Create today. It is amazing. May your choices make it the best day ever. Peace, Love and Double hugs...


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