PAID 2 Parent

An Initiative of The L.U.V. L.I.F.E. Cooperative 

Mission: To bring pleasure, appreciation, intelligence and dignity to parenting for the parent, non-parent and child while being compensated for succeeding in the most challenging career in the world.

There is a war on families. Giving respect to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, several of their articles are under attack and, dare I suggest, being violated. It is the objective of PAID 2 Parent to stop the war by strengthening and protecting individuals and families.

We strengthen our participants by first treating them as they should, like royalty. To ensure that our participants remain feeling that way we employ the following steps:
  • Intake: to determine individual and family needs, both immediate and long term;
    • Meet the most immediate needs as soon as possible
    • Create a plan to address long term needs
  • Keep gratitude journal
  • Be assigned a L.U.V. Bud ;), someone who will be a confidante to the participant(s) and see them through to their success
  • Solidify housing to ease the burden placed on the family
    • If homeless use “Housing First” model with a twist, a house with services from a certified interior designer; the objective of placing people/families in houses is so they will eventually be able to purchase it once they have obtained sufficient education, employment and/or an established business
    • If they have living arrangements:
      • Make sure they are sufficient for the needs of the family and pay main bills (rent, utilities, phone) or
      • Move participants to a home
  • Counseling to answer the question “what does your dream life look like?”; could include:
    • Life coaching,
    • Mentoring,
    • Career counseling and/or
    • Youth/family services 
  • The following items are a part of the program because “when you look good, you feel good, and you’ll do good and be good”
    • Personal Stylist/Image and Clothing Consultant
    • Meal planning and food preparation 
    • Personal and/or family fitness
    • Professional Photo Shoot
  • Circle of Security Parenting (COSP)
  • Conflict Resolution (Arbinger?)
  • Financial Planning 
    • Budgeting
    • Investing
  • Creating an income with CTFO
  • Build credit with Capital Bank secured credit card
Once our families have gained the confidence and skills they need to navigate life, partnering with other community organizations to assist in solidifying career choices is key to long term success. We anticipate our clients will be ready to achieve whatever is in their hearts and minds to achieve. The following businesses and organizations are our partners in seeing each person live up to their greatest potential.

*Alignment: Life Coaching and Life Strategies (Deborah Wright)
*AKO Interior Design (Anita Oakes)
*Integrative Nutrition with Trecia Debnam
*Quickbooks Pro Advisor Cynthia Roberts
*Real Estate Investing with Purposeful Community Investments (Robert Outlaw)
*Financial literacy and investments through Mutual of Omaha (Christoper McIver)
*Successful support to parents as college students through the BWEL Foundation (Keena Johnson)
*Food Bank at A Place Called Hope Church

Please note: This initiative is the heart of Luv Life. I truly believe it is what will keep our members paying their monthly dues. Knowing a small contribution can have such a large impact on others is what The Cooperative desires to bring about.

Thank you for being here with me on this journey of L.U.V. I hope you are finding what you want and need. Please pass L.U.V. along. Create today. It is amazing. May your choices make it the best day ever. Peace...


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