Bringing Dignity to Poverty

I was up early this morning thinking... I knew I had done just about everything I felt I should do. I have to admit I've been slacking a little bit. And that had me wondering, "have I really done enough?" 

And the answer came... "No!" It was a gentle rebuke but a rebuke none-the-less. My focus had become cloudy. When you're in the midst of struggles, your struggles are often all you can focus on. But God had already let me know that my struggles were actually distractions that didn't deserve the attention I was trying to give them.

You see the invitation to be one of God's "research assistants" meant I would go through some rigorous challenges but they would lead me to inviting hearts and minds to be educated and then changed. And the topic that needs the most education is poverty. More specifically, people in poverty and how they are regularly treated. 

My knowledge of this is firsthand as I've been shocked by how people have treated me. God graced me with the mission to "bring dignity to poverty." And it has not been easy.

It is amazing how people treat you when they know you're struggling. I'm not just talking about strangers or people you may owe money to. I'm also addressing the people who work in the industries who are supposed to serve those in need. The behavior is rather disheartening as well as shocking. So my mission has become to not only to eradicate poverty one person at a time but to bring dignity to those who are suffering through it until full relief can be received.

Creating an outlet of self-discovery for people who may have less than others is why these gratitude journals are so important. The gratitude journal is an essential part of the PAID 2 Parent program I am launching in January 2020. But people in financial poverty are not the only ones who "have less than others". There are far too many people who live with a diminished view of themselves even when being taught they are children of the MOST High God. 

I truly believe in the power of keeping a gratitude journal because of what you will learn about yourself in doing so. 

I also believe in being able to take care of my son and I on my own terms from creating a product that produces an income stream to help me do so.

AND I believe in the power and ability to help others even when you are struggling yourself. After all, that is what the Savior of mankind did, so why can't I?

With $1.11 that's exactly what will happen because "one-one-one gets the job done". When $1 is joined with other single dollars they make a whole lot more dollars. And those dollars can change lives when used properly. 

Here are a couple of pictures of what the journal looks like. This is a sampling of pages so you can see it's very simple. It prints out well on a regular letter size sheet of paper. You can do it double sided or single. I recommend single just in case you run out of room on the lines provided. You can use the back for overflow. 

Now I invite you to be among the "one-one-one getting the job done". That's about the price of that candy bar you are no longer going to eat because you're giving it up as a new years resolution (wink, wink, smile). 

Thank you in advance for your purchase. You have two ways to pay.

1. Cash App $1.11 to cash tag: $Paid2Parent (The L.U.V. L.I.F.E. Cooperative), include your email address in the section that says "For:" and I'll email the journal to you.

2. Purchase through SendOwl:

And there it is. Go ahead and spend that dollar to make a difference. You can find lots of information on what I plan on doing with the money that is earned if you peruse this blog. In the meantime, thank you for your support. May you find what you are looking for should you choose to stick around and/or receive far greater. 

Create today. It's amazing. May your choices make it the best day ever. Peace...


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