The Dilemma, The Direction, The Decision

So yesterday was my birthday AND Human Rights Day. YAAAAAAY! (Clearly that was not the dilemma.) I have had this desire to give back on my birthday for years now. I want to give presents rather than get them. My intention was to start the membership site for my community cooperative to raise money to help stop the hurt people are going through. 

The Dilemma 
But I had/have a dilemma! There has been too much going on to focus on the launch like I wanted to focus on it. I could not pinpoint what the problem was until after my Every.Black meeting on Monday night. And that is why I go.

Now... if you have read my profile or perused this blog you already know I am an Every.Black Entrepreneurial Mastermind. OH YEAH! Every.Black is the name and the website. You can check it out here:, "dot black is the new dot com". Holla! 

Every Monday night there is a Mastermind meeting my son and I attend as often as we can. This past Monday night Dr. Herbert Harris taught on his book "The Twelve Universal Laws of Success" (which you can order here:; I get no commission from you purchasing). Dr. Harris is no ordinary teacher though. He employs some valuable techniques to engage his students in what he calls "super learning". 

This means he wants his students to utilize as many senses as possible to learn so he passed out "work sheets" for us to fill out as he spoke. With the papers we were seeing and touching from writing. With his speaking we were hearing. And with the affirmations he had us repeat we were speaking life into our goals and dreams allowing us to taste success (his success and our own)! That's four senses out of five! Whoot! Whoot! 

The Direction
For me, one of the most poignant things he said was about his universal law regarding relationships. He said, "If the five closest people around you are turkeys, you will never fly." That struck me to the core. Not because I am surrounded by turkeys. It's quite the opposite. I am surrounded by a bunch of eagles who are soaring. 

However... there is one person in my life who, in some ways, reminds me of Scar from "The Lion King". While not endeavoring to physically kill me or take my throne, they do kill my spirit. THEY don't think so but they do. They underestimate me and overinflate themselves. They endeavor to keep me in their mental cage while this eagle was born to soar. 

This "work shop", as Dr. Harris coined it, confirmed so many feelings I was already having about this person. And he also clarified my dilemma with something else he said, "You cannot permit interruptions. You cannot permit distractions." And I had! My "loss of focus" was because I had "permitted" the interruption. I had "permitted" the distraction. After hearing that I had to declare, "NOT ANYMORE!" 

Now what though? Well, thankfully the next day (yesterday) was my celebration of the day I was born AND it was Human Rights Day as I mentioned earlier. Another concept Dr. Harris spoke on was vibrations, teaching how the energy you put out has to equal the type of energy you want to receive. I know I was putting out high energy as well as receiving it from all the birthday wishes that came through. So I got clear, real clear. 

My focus came back. 

I employed another one of Dr. Harris' lessons: creating a DMO, a daily method of operation. I actively made strides and plans on how to move forward. As I did yesterday, I will continue to do today. Carpe Diem! Seize the day! 

The Decision
This means I had to come to a decision about The Cooperative website. The launch, obviously, is being postponed. I won't give a date just yet. If I had not permitted interruptions, distractions and my own pride to step in the way, it would have launched yesterday. But I did so it didn't. 

It's OK though because this is one thing I am not only committed to doing; I'm committed to doing to the correct way for longevity. This is God's work coming through me and I refuse to see it done in a way that is beneath what He expects. You feel me?

Yet still I rise to the top (Thank you Maya and Rakim)! And I hope the same for you. One last lesson that Dr. Harris shared was that when you're an entrepreneur you are the employer AND the employee. If you don't get a paycheck on Friday you have to look yourself in the mirror. So I encourage you as I continue to encourage me. 

Check your associates. Find new ones if you need to.
Do NOT permit interruptions.
Do NOT permit distractions.
Make the energy you put out equal to the energy you want to receive. 
Employ a DMO, daily method of operation
Carpe Diem. Seize the day.
Do the work so you can get paid
Continue to rise!
Amen? Amen!

There was so much more to what Dr. Harris taught but this will go on for a lot longer if I don't stop now. I hope you found something you might have been looking for as you read through this article. Thank you for taking the time to read. I look forward to the next time. Create today. It is amazing. May your choices make it the best day ever. Peace, Love and Double hugs.


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