Let's Talk Tuesday: How Do You Change a Light Bulb? (Professional Update)

How Do You Change A Light Bulb?

Welcome and welcome back. It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you for being here.

I'm doing a double update because so much has been going on. I was in the midst of working on launching the "How Do You Change a Light Bulb?" masterclass when my dad passed. I found out about all the drama surrounding his passing and was compelled to get involved. You can learn more about it in the post, "My Dad Died". 

Right now I want to tell you about how I got the idea to create this masterclass. 

I attended a lot of events in March and April. I've been looking for where I fit in. I've been trying to figure out what my "niche for now" is and where it fits into what others are doing (that I'm interested in). 

In attending all these events I realized that people were talking about implementing change without ever addressing how change really comes. Or why they even have the behaviors they want to change in the first place.

This is a subject I am very passionate about especially when it comes to violence in general. But violence among our youth, which is at an all time high, hits home as the parent of a young Black male superhero. 

Back in December I attended a community meeting because there had been a stabbing at one of the high schools which resulted in the death of one student and serious injury to another. The young Black male student who did it had been bullied. He brought a weapon to school in what I'm sure was an act of self-defense and ended up using it. 

I had carefully prepared my thoughts called, "The Science of Violence" but never got to deliver them. By the time I was able to speak they were attempting to limit the time to 2 minutes and I knew I couldn't finish in that time. Looking back I should have read them anyway.

This young man is being prosecuted as an adult when he was 14 or 15 at the time. I am sickened by that position because I haven't heard answers to the most important questions. And the reason for that is I don't hear them being asked.

Here is a recording of the heart of my comments

Even though I gave a copy to the superintendent and hoped the BOE rep for that district received one as well, nothing came of it. So it's time I step up and start having these conversations on my own. 

Brain development, nervous system regulation, trauma and nutrition are at the root of all behaviors. These contribute to secure and insecure attachment styles and determine whether we have healthy vibrant mental health or suffer from mental illness. 

The correlation between adverse childhood experiences and adult mental illness is as well documented as the correlation between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. So why aren't we talking about it?

It's because I need to! This is the doorway to introducing my areas of expertise.

Please check out the Science of Violence video. It's about 9 minutes long so I recommend changing the speed to 1.25x or 1.5x to hold your attention and get through it quicker. If that intrigues you enough to want to learn more, please contribute to my fundraiser. 

Anyone who contributes will receive an invitation to my masterclass entitled "How Do You Change a Light Bulb? Revealing the Powerful Gift of Neuroplasticity!" There will be both live and virtual options to choose from.

The fundraiser is to hire legal counsel to protect my dad's estate and allow me and Wisdom to be able to travel back and forth to CT in my responsibilities as co-trustee. The post entitled "My Dad Died" goes into more details about it. Or you can join me for a Facebook Live on Tuesday, May 7 at 7:30p. The recording will also be available through this link.

All amounts are welcome. All dollars matter.

No matter what you choose to do, even if it is nothing, thank you again for taking the time to be here today. Continued success in all your endeavors. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace...


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