Motivating Monday (on Wednesday): Where We've Been!

It's Time To Rise
Where We've Been

It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you for being here (potentially again). I'm so excited and grateful to share a little bit about where we've been.

This entry could be long so I'm going to direct you to an entry I posted a little more than a year ago called "Portraits of Our Poverty". It will give you a good idea of where we've been. Even if you don't read the post, the pictures will speak to you.

The date on the title of the blog post is actually wrong. It's NINE months off! It says November but it was written in February. I decided not to fix it. Perhaps that will give you a glimpse into my state of mind back then!

Right now, I want to give you some of the highlights of the last 3 years. In case you missed it, on Monday, I wrote about Where We're Headed. On Tuesday, I wrote about Where We Are Now. Today it's about some of the lessons I've learned based on where we've been. There have been many... oh, so many. I'm only going to mention a few. 

Before I go into details, I need to tell you about my son, if you haven't heard already. When I was pregnant the name God gave me for him is Wisdom. I laughed. I was like, "NOPE!" 

It's OK. God didn't mind. We got it like that. He does the same thing to me ALLLLLL the time (wink, wink, smile). 

What changed my mind was Him saying, "his name will be Wisdom, not for the things he will learn but for the things he will teach." Well DANG! He threw a name AND responsibility at me. I couldn't resist. 

But then I was like, "wait a minute... if he's going to be Wisdom... wisdom... I need to have some!" YIKES! So I endeavored to be not only my son's first teacher but his first student as well. After 6 and a half years, he lives up to his name. And I'm still learning! 

And... that's why we are here! I needed to go through this journey through the perils of poverty so I could watch how my son endures it, perseveres through it. Lo and behold, he fine! He has flourished. 

Why? Because my parenting goal is to be an intentional, peaceful, trauma-free parent. It's not a perfect, surefire thing but I've done it often enough for my son to flourish under the most difficult of circumstances. Now I'm going to start listing the lessons:

  • My biggest take away is parenting is the problem AND the solution.
  • Our external poverty was a reflection of my internal poverty.
  • The system that is set up to help people who are homeless only serves to move people from one level of poverty to another. (L.U.V. intends to change that.)
  • I'm raising an adult, not a child. When children come into the world, the expectation is that they will become adults. My behavior towards my son should be a reflection of how I would treat an adult I Love. He's not lesser than because he's a child. If anything he's greater than because he is a child. When I hold a child in a place of awe and respect I will reap the benefits.
  • Children are superheroes. They can change the way they act based on who they are around. They live what they learn and they learn what they live. 
  • Parents deserve to be their children's superheroes. They deserve the opportunity to help their children develop their gifts, talents and skills to benefit themselves, their families and the world. 
  • Parenting is my superpower. It is my passion. It is my gift. I Love being a mom. It is my greatest honor in the whole universe. 
  • Parents should be trained and paid to be parents.

And with those thoughts in mind, the foundation of L.U.V. formed in my mind. I mentioned in a previous post I've had the name for years. God gave it to me when I lived in Hawaii in 2008. 

I've been on this quest to launch it at different times and with different people. It never worked. That's because I didn't really know what I needed to know until I had my son, until I had Wisdom... wisdom! Now that I've got it, it's time to share it with others. This wisdom will change the world for good. Will you help us? 

Will you help my son and I grow and spread L.U.V.? 

Will you help us to rise from the perils of poverty we have endured to the pinnacles of prosperity? We've done it on the inside. Will you help us manifest it on the outside?

Will you be a part of our village and raise us to a new level of living? It's time! 

Thank you for the investment of you mind here. Thank you in advance for any financial support you will offer. I hope you find something in what I've written that changes your world for good. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace...

P.S.: Please check out L.U.V. Enterprises Presents at the following links:


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