Motivating Monday (on Tuesday): Where We Are Now
Where We Are Now
It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you for being here. If you have been led here by Monday's post you are interested in finding out more about our current situation. Thank you for continuing to invest your time to learn about us. If found this post and have not read the one that precedes it, you can find it here.
I'm going to stick with bullet points because there is so much I could say. Here is a brief overview of the last 6 months or so:
- In January 2022, Mom received a scholarship to attend the Jai Institute for Parenting to become a parent coach. I am about 7 weeks from completing the program.
- Mom has two practicum clients.
- Mom signed on with NC State as an independent contractor, working with members of the Psychology Department as a parent advisor on a project for the state of NC. My expertise as a parent who has endured homelessness with a young child is being used to create an early childhood education program for families experiencing homelessness. There are two of us hired as parent advisors. We meet with several agencies around the state once a month, sometimes 2. The project is called "Yay Babies".
- In April of this year, Mom spoke at a parent engagement conference as part of the NC State cohort. It was hosted by the State of NC Department of Health and Human Services.
(Yes, that IS a screenshot of my "Bio" from the conference in April. I was so proud. I still am!)

- In June a video of Mom (and son) was featured as part of PBS-NC's Impact Early Childhood Education Summit. The topic of the presentation was Partnering With Families.
- We have been living in Durham since the last day of March. We are in the process of moving. We only knew one family when we moved here. The dad was one of three MBA students who worked with me during the Small Business School Challenge back in October 2020. Those students created a Strategic Plan to help me launch L.U.V. in the midst of the pandemic.
He recently graduated from Duke and accepted a position in the D.C. Metro area. My son and I were able to support their family during their moving preparations by caring for their 4 children while the parents packed. I truly believe we were sent to Durham for them.
- We had a five month lease which changed unexpectedly to a little bit less than four, through no fault of our own. Initially we were supposed to move after my parent coach certification was over. Now we are moving in the midst of it... again. We need to be stable until I finish. We're asking for help to make that happen.
If you want to know WHY we've moved more than once since the beginning of the year, that's a story for tomorrow when I write about Where We've Been. I hope you'll check that out here!
While this doesn't begin to tell our whole story, it celebrates some of our major wins. When the year started, God said "it's time" and every month something significant has happened. This move combined with this campaign is our significant event for July. Thank you for being a part of it.
I'm grateful to be on this journey to launch L.U.V.! When I was pregnant I knew my son was coming to change the world. He started by changing mine and now we're working to change the world for others. for good. Thank you for helping us. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace...
P.S.: Please check out L.U.V. Enterprises Presents at the following links:
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