Motivating Monday: It's Time to Rise

It's Time to Rise
Where We Are Going

Happy Monday. It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here. 

Most likely you're here to find out more before you contribute to our fundraising efforts. Thank you in advance. 

Maybe you are here because you want to make sure you did the right thing if you already invested. Thank you for trusting us. I hope you find the confirmation you need.

Perhaps you are here because you are looking for a way to contribute directly or you missed contributing through the campaign. Here are your options: 

Venmo: @KaraKai1313 (last 4 of phone#: 3861)


Cash App: $WisdomsStudent1223

Credit or debit card:

Thank you in advance for your support!

The last few months have been a whirlwind of new discoveries when I thought I already knew everything! (awkward silence) Haahaahaa... I'm kidding...of course. My latest discoveries have set the stage for the complete rising of my son and I from the perils of poverty to the pinnacles of prosperity. And my intention is that as we rise, we will bring others with us. 

I tell people all the time, "my son is village raised". For us to take a solid step out of poverty and be put on a sure road to prosperity, it's going to take a whole village to raise us. Will you please join our village?

$5K To Help Poverty Go Away
(updates below)

To be clear about what the road ahead looks like and why we're looking to collect $5,000 in 3 days. I'm going to go into more detail about what our "From Poverty to Prosperity in 3 Days" fundraiser began to explain. These are our goals and the anticipated budget for them.

  • We are currently living in a house. Normally leaving a house and moving back into a hotel is NOT ideal. However in our situation, moving into an Air BnB or an extended stay hotel for the next 6-8 weeks is the most ideal option.

    I am 7 weeks away from certifying as a parent coach through the Jai Institute for Parenting. I am also coaching 2 practicum clients. Settling into a place that is truly turnkey is the best choice. That's an extended stay hotel or an Air BnB. Our initial budget for this is $2000.

  • Even though I am being certified to be a parent coach. I gained a basic knowledge of peaceful parenting from a Circle of Security (COSP) workshop. That gave me a solid foundation to learn and apply what I'm learning through Jai.

    I want to certify as a COSP workshop facilitator to provide a full spectrum of education services for parents. Our expanded budget for this is $1450. I learn much better when I can read from a piece of paper versus a screen so the "expanded" portion of the budget is for the cost of printing the course materials and any other miscellaneous expenses that might come up. The course itself is $1000.
  • As we transition from poverty to prosperity, a business is being born. That business is called L.U.V. Enterprises. L.U.V. is an acronym that stands for "learn ur value". Our motto is "building the village, raising the child". Our initial budget to get started is $1450.

    This is to cover the start up expenses related to launching a business.
     I need to get registered with the state. I need a logo created. I've had the name for about 15 years. I've had an idea of what the logo should look like for about 8 years. It would be great to see it come to life so I can use it when the business launches. Jai also has some resources for graduates that I would like to take advantage of to make transitioning from a student to a practicing coach easier.

  • Update for 7.18.2022: My superhero is phenomenal. I haven't gone through this journey alone. He has been asking for Mathlink Cubes to make more Numberblocks, his favorite show and characters. The run about $100 for a pack of 1000. So some of the money will go towards him acquiring those for him.

Our goal of $5K is to help our poverty go away. While it seems like it will only cover a few expenses right now, it will help greatly towards self-sufficiency in the long run. With more funds, we can obviously do more and (potentially) faster. $5000 is a great head start!

Update for 7.18.2022: We have moved and are staying in an extended stay hotel. I didn't have the time to focus on marketing this fundraiser before the move so I'm extending it until we can collect the entire amount. My goal is to collect as much as possible in a short amount of time so the money can go towards the expenses it should cover. If it comes in slowly it will all go towards hotel expenses. 

$10K to Help Poverty Go Away

This is actually a more ideal number to help us accomplish all we have in mind. But this campaign is only up for 3 days because I do not have time to manage and market it for longer than that. Should we exceed our total then the additional funds would go towards the following:

  • I would make sure our hotel stay is paid up for a full 2 months so we have stability as I build my clientele and course offerings. 
  • I would help my son's father. He is being challenged by a gambling addiction. This is keeping him unhoused. If I could pay for him to get settled again, he will be able to handle his addiction better. I wouldn't give him the money, I would rent him a room at an extended stay hotel for now. At the moment, he is couch surfing or staying at hotels when he has the money.
  • I would invest some of the money so that in the next year I have what I need to help L.U.V. grow!
  • I woud take care of some of the "basic" extras. I need new glasses. Wisdom should have an eye exam. I need new shoes, insoles for my plantar fasciitis and some clothes to be able to present myself professionally.

Thank You

We have been through a lot and for anyone who helps us take concrete steps to move from poverty to prosperity, we think you deserve the world. We don't have the world to give but we do have a part of our world we would like to offer you.

Once we are settled this fall/winter, we would like to make sure anyone who contributes $100 or more receives a L.U.V. Club Care Package. It includes an official membership to the K.I.S.S. and H.U.G. Club. (our investment club with members-only benefits). The acronym means "Keep It Samaritan Style and Help Us Grow". Besides membership, the package will include:

  • 2 books, 
  • 6 week gratitude journal challege, 
  • Steps to starting a personal self-care routine in order to incorporate the journal, 
  • The full collection of Wisdom-isms (lessons I've learned from and because of my son) and 
  • The L.U.V. L.I.F.E. Fun Pack. 

Anyone who contributes any amount can receive a digital download of the gratitude journal challenge upon request. It will need to be printed out double sided (on the short side), folded in half and stapled in the middle (if possible) to use. In my mind, for it to have the most affect, it should be written in. 

There's so much more I could say but I think you received what you wanted, possibly more. Links to our social media are found at the end of this article. Please check them out and you can check out this blog post about where we are now

After all that, I will end with this: It has been an honor to be on this journey, no matter how hard the challenges have been. It has made me a better person, overall, but more importantly a better mom. 

Despite what we have been through my son has taught me so much and I'm grateful I've been able to go through this with him. I Love my young Black male superhero. He is everything I mentioned and more. If you haven't met him yet, I hope you'll have the opportunity to do so. He has never met a stranger. 

Thank you again for investing your time here. If you've invested funds too, thank you. If you haven't, thank you in advance. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace...

P.S.: Please check out L.U.V. Enterprises Presents at the following links:


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