Motivating Monday (on Tuesday): June 1, 2021

Will You Believe in L.U.V.?

Happy June! It's another amazing day in paradise! Thank you so much for being here.

Welcome to the "Will You Believe in L.U.V.?" Social Media Scavenger Hunt. From Tuesday, June 1 to Sunday, June 6 you can "hunt" through the four social media platforms where L.U.V. has a presence to "find" out more about us.

Today you can learn about who we are and what we do. short...

Now if you know anything about our story (Wisdom, my son, and I) then you know we have lived a pretty transient lifestyle. We are currently unhoused and have been staying in a church for the last three weeks. That has pretty much been our situation since we arrived back in North Carolina in August of 2019!

So it might seem odd or unusual to call the business we are launching an investment company. But if you think about it... we are ALL investors. If you have money and you need to purchase something, you are an investor. 

We are simply naming and claiming it as we expand who and what we are able to invest in along with how much we are able to invest. We are encouraged by the theme God gave us for this year: "the best is yet to come in 2021". Despite the challenges we have faced, "the best" has already started to present itself and will only eventually become as flood around us as the year progresses. 

You can continue searching here for more content:

Thank you for your interest. Happy Hunting! Enjoy creating your amazing day. Peace...

#luventerprisespresents #thetimeisnow #thebestisyettocome #spreadLove #spreadLUV #goglobal #ibelieveinLUV #willyoubelieveinLUVtoo #notspeed #precision #parentingistheanswer


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