Motivating Monday (on Thursday): June 3, 2021

Will You Believe in L.U.V.?

Welcome and welcome back! It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you for being here!

Please watch this short video now. 

From Tuesday, June 1 to Sunday, June 6 you can "hunt" through the four social media platforms where L.U.V. has a presence to "find" out more about us.

Today you can learn about our motto.

Based on the experiences my son, Wisdom, and I have had over the past year and a half, this aspect of the motto is the icing on the cake. We entered the most challenging and final aspect of our assignment last fall, October 2021. The series of events that have followed since then made this statement really resonate in my heart and mind.

This statement became the most recent and final component to create the motto as it stands today. None of them can really exist without the other if there is a genuine desire to make change in the world.

The meaning of "bringing dignity to poverty" is simply to give those in poverty a choice. The choices that currently exist are extremely limiting. There is something about always being given a choice of the lowliest things that does very little to empower a broken spirit to discover their greatness within. 

So L.U.V. exists, in part, to make a wider variety of choices available. Whether it be in housing or education or employment or entrepreneurship, we will not only bestow dignity, we will also give people the right to maintain and sustain it within.

If you think and/or feel what you are discovering resonates with you please share, like, follow and/or subscribe. You can continue your search for more content here:

~ Facebook:

~ YouTube:

~ Instagram:


Thank you again. Happy Hunting! Enjoy creating your amazing day. Peace...
#luventerprisespresents #thetimeisnow #thebestisyettocome #spreadLove #spreadLUV #goglobal #ibelieveinLUV #willyoubelieveinLUVtoo #notspeed #precision #parentingistheanswer


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