Motivating Monday (on Tuesday): Addendum 1

It's Time For L.U.V.! 

Welcome and welcome back. It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you for joining me again and so soon! I want to start by mentioning a few things I missed LAST Monday.

First of all, Happy Black History Month (nationally celebrated February 1-28, 2021, privately celebrated daily; so many links, so little time)! 

Second, Happy Black Love Day ❤ and Black Love Day Weekend (celebrated on February 13, this Saturday)! 

Third, Happy Akoma Days 💝Month (celebrated February 14-20, starting this Sunday)!

Also, Happy Resurrection Month to L.U.V. Enterprises! The time is NOW! It's time to Love. It's time for L.U.V! #spreadLove #spreadLUV

Yes! YES!! YAAAAAASSSS 🥳📯🥂!! Whoot! Whoot! 

How I Love Love! I Love Black Love especially! I am who I am today because of Black Love. I am where I am today because of Black Love so it means everything to me (second only to the Love of God). If you click on the links above they will take you to events I'm excited about. I will go into more detail in Addendum 2, which is the post for tomorrow. 

Today I want to talk about L.U.V. and where she is going. Before I do I have to say I'm excited about where Wisdom and I have been during the "period of silence" L.U.V. had. Sadly, I have some people to apologize to because business was on hold. At the same time I cannot deny that overall it's been quite an adventure, one that was needed for L.U.V. to go where she is expected to go.

Great things... the best is coming to pass, not just for Wisdom and I, but for you too. You're here. You're going to receive too. You're going to receive whatever is in God's design for you. Believe me when I tell you, it is the VERY best! 

While the best IS yet to come, in the meantime, we should enjoy the good, the great, the better going on right now. I realize sometimes our current experiences don't feel like any of that. I promise you though, life is a little (sometimes a lot) easier when you choose to enjoy the journey, be grateful for it and bless it no matter what it feels like right now. Love YOU no matter what your external circumstances are. If you do, you'll Love you BECAUSE of your external circumstances.   

Now is a great time to do that. I would even suggest it's the best time. There is so much energy towards Love right now because of the holiday weekend coming. I'm not going to say all that energy is positive but there is great energy during this time of year. There is also great energy and Loving energy this month because of it being Black History Month. 

Ecclesiastes says there is a "time TO Love". Now is that time. That alone makes it a "time FOR L.U.V.!"

As a first step to resurrecting L.U.V. I am relaunching my weekly YouTube series called L.U.V. Notes, "a thought show, not a talk show". It will not be live yet though. This week I will post content on Thursday, Friday and Saturday with each day being dedicated to one of the three pillars of the NEW Emancipation Proclamation project. 

Those three pillars are: 

1. the Black Love I've shared with Black men, 

2. the Parable of the Exceptional Samaritan found in Luke 10,

3. Black Love Day celebrating 28 years on Saturday, February 13!

On Thursday I will talk about the three Black men who have been pillars for me introducing this project. The dynamics of the relationships are totally different from one another which makes it interesting. I hope you'll tune in Thursday at 7 on my YouTube channel for that premiere.

On Friday at 7 p.m., I will premiere a conversation reintroducing the second pillar, the parable of the Exceptional Samaritan. I spoke with two great minds who, in my life, have exemplified "Samaritan style". We didn't spend too much time talking about the details of the parable. We discussed how it relates to us today. This was an incredible conversation I hope to continue one day. 

On Saturday, I will celebrate the third pillar, Black Love Day on Black Love Day. I would really appreciate it if people attended the celebration, BLD founder, Ayo Handy-Kendi is hosting. It is the 1st Virtual Black Love Day Conference. I will write more about it and her tomorrow. My way to celebrate it as a pillar to the NEW Emancipation Proclamation is by premiering short videos throughout the day of people celebrating Black Love in their own unique ways.

My final event is to relaunch the #spreadLove #spreadLUV campaign with a twist. I'll be out talking to people to #spreadLove #spreadLUV person to person. It's a really interesting time to attempt to do this but that's what I feel like I've been called to do. I'm nervous but I hope you can feel my excitement more. 

If L.U.V. is going to grow, I'm going to have to do it in the ways God is calling me. For some reason, person to person is the way He has been directing me for some time. I attended a business marketing seminar recently and old fashioned door knocking is still a way to meet people. I'm not going that far but I will be visibly interacting with people to spread L.U.V. and build a following. 

NOW... let's all take a breath together. Thank you for hanging with me to the end. There was a lot of information here. It's always a humbling honor to be alive to witness, experience and create another day in paradise. Thank you for being here with me as I create this one. Enjoy creating yours. Peace ☮...


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