Motivating Monday: February 15, 2021

God's Divine Time

Welcome and welcome back. Happy Monday! It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here. 

Ya know something? I'm still learning. I've been on this journey with God for quite some time now. And the one questions I ALWAYS neglect to ask, when given an assignment, is "when is this due?" 

Last week I had so many grand plans. God stopped me in my tracks mid-week and NOTHING I had planned was going to play out how I wanted it to. If you are wise, hindsight is 20/20. Clear vision is easier to achieve when you're reflecting not reacting. So I reflected, trying to see where I missed the cues God had tried to give. 

Sho' nuff. There they were. And He had not even been subtle. I just wasn't paying attention. I wasn't asking. I was just going forward. This experience reminded me again... once again taught me, having a relationship with God goes two ways. 

I'm not just a slave to His directions. I can ask questions. I am a part of the decision making process. It also reminds me to be patient with the process. Stop rushing. Those two lessons are two sides of the same exact coin. Once I get good at remembering all that it will deter a lot of unnecessary headaches and heartaches. 

Thankfully I am back again for another edition of Motivating Monday. The thought resonating within me is, "And we know that, all things work together for good to them that Love God, to them who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28 KJV)." Even though I tried to rush what I wanted and/or what God said, it's all working out for my good, our good (Wisdom is an automatic recipient). 

Now... you might be curious what I was so rushed about last week. Well I was hoping to get my YouTube show back up and running in time for Black Love Day weekend. Honestly, what I was trying to do totally conflicted with what I wanted to do. But with the direction to relaunch the show, I was going to go ahead and do it. 

Well... the show IS supposed to relaunch. It just wasn't supposed to be this last weekend. I ended up doing exactly what I wanted to do and found out why I was supposed to do it. 

What fascinates me most about last week is I was feeling my grandmother's presence so strongly when I was writing last Monday's post. I even began to write about her. 

If you read the post you'll see I didn't go in depth. It seemed like too much at the time. "I" decided (was led to decide) to submit the post I had started the week of her birthday. Her birthday is not on Monday so it felt right to honor it that week.

Once the mild turmoil of last week passed, I was led to look up my grandmother's birthday... again. The first time I looked to see if it was on a Monday. This time I was looking to see what day of the week it is going to fall on. 

My grandmother's birthday is on a Thursday this year. That's the day my show normally airs. Clearly, she wants a celebration in her honor so she was leading me to the date I need to relaunch. Gotta Love her! She'll get the post on Monday AND the relaunch on her birthday.

Looking back, the question lingering in my mind is: Am I working in God's divine timing or my grandmother's? Heeheehee... Just kidding. It was definitely God's after the weekend I had. I was able to celebrate Black Love Day weekend with my son and thoroughly enjoy it. 

Sooooo... the moral of the story is to remember your grandmother's birthday or she will haunt you until you do (wink, wink, smile). Seriously though... if any of this resonates with you, I've done my job. Be patient with the process. Converse with God. He's talking AND He's listening. All is well. It's all good and getting better all the time. Right? That's all necessary on the road to "the best is yet to come". Good/well, better, best... And, yes, the best IS coming. 

Thank you again for joining me. Enjoy creating today. May your choices make it the best day ever. Peace...


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