Motivating Monday (on Thursday): Bringing Dignity...

Bringing Dignity to OUR Poverty

Welcome and welcome back. It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here. 

There are so many themes that have resonated with me this month. But for today... for THIS special edition of Motivating Monday (on Thursday) the theme is "bringing dignity to OUR poverty". 

"Bringing dignity to poverty" is the overall mission of the NEW Emancipation Proclamation project I've been working on. There is very little about poverty that is dignified so this might seem like a tall order to fill. To be clear, for me "bringing dignity to poverty" simply means giving people the opportunity to choose again. 

Many people, including those who are involved in helping others, do not realize how they strip people needing help of their power to choose. With so many of those people being Christian or working for organizations or programs influenced by Christians, it is hypocrisy to strip people of their right to choose. Believing they are doing good, they are in error.

The entire reason Christ came was to give people the right to choose, even if it meant they were not going to choose Him. He came, lived and died so they could choose against Him if they so desired. He knew that many would. But He came anyway for everyone, knowing only a few would choose Him! He came to give choice and people (good, kind-hearted people, meaning well) strip that power of choice from many simply because of poverty.

The first thing that happens when you apply for assistance (at many, not all, places) is they strip you of your right to choose. You can only live in certain places. You can only earn a certain amount of money or you will get cut off. You cannot be the primary caregiver for your child. You are stripped of the right to parent the child(ren) you birthed into the world.

I'm taking back the right for people like me to have the right to choose. It is time for my son, Wisdom, and I to bring dignity to OUR own poverty. We will be creating the environment we need so we can choose the life we want to live. 

I know the choice I want to be making is spending time with and educating my son without having to worry about the roof over our heads being taken away. And I want Wisdom to play and learn without having to worry about that either. I know Wisdom wants more space (not the limitations of a single room) to play and learn and explore. I know he wants to help cook. It's not ideal to have him standing on the toilet to help fix meals. So it's time to change our circumstances.

Once we are in the position to live the lives we want to choose, we can do it for others. It's time for us to take the next step on this journey we've been on together. Our next step is move to a house. And we could use some help getting there, literally. I'm working on the money aspect. Will you please help us with the other stuff? Here are some ways we can use your assistance:

1. Do you know a real estate agent who can help us find out more about the properties I've been looking at? Currently there are two. 

2. Do you know anyone who is getting rid of furniture, in good condition, they no longer want or need (preferably from a pet free and smoke free home)?

3. Can you help us move? There are two spaces we need to move out of. 

    a. We have been living in a hotel for over 9 weeks and we have 9 weeks worth of stuff in here. We are on the second floor. The elevator has been out of service since mid-January 2021. They don't expect it to be replaced until some time next month, in March. We need to get our belongings from the 2nd floor to the first. 

Thankfully there is a large open area in the wall at the end of the second floor that looks down into the foyer of the hotel. With some ropes we may be able to lower some of our belongings that way. Please note: Physical labor would definitely be appreciated but so would some sturdy ropes and brain power to help figure out how to make lowering boxes into the lobby feasible. 

    b. We have a storage unit to clean out. Our stuff needs to be loaded from the third floor of the storage unit to a truck on the first. I believe it's a 10x10 unit. It is not filled to capacity. There are two elevators. I believe both of them are working. 

4. Do you know someone with a moving truck who can let us use it for a couple of days? Because we have so many belongings it would be ideal to move stuff out of the room a little each day instead of all at once, especially if I am moving it by myself (hope not but gotta have a backup plan). Little by little is how I got it all in there. If I have to, I'll get it out the same way. 

5. On social media? Please check out my pages. Click, like, follow, comment and invite others to do the same. There is enough fascinating content there. More is coming. In the meantime any attention placed there will bring more awareness to what I have been working on. That would be awesome. 

Here are my pages with direct links:

❧ Comment on a blog post
❧ Follow my Instagram, let me know you were there
❧ Like my Facebook business page, say hi!
❧ Subscribe to my YouTube channel, leave a word of encouragement
❧ You can learn a little more about me and Wisdom by checking out my personal Facebook page. It's not private.
❧ Invite others to visit my pages too

6. More than anything else good vibes and prayers to go to the right places and be doing the right things would be great. 

7. Obviously money is needed to make any move possible. As I said, I'm working on that. If you want to contribute to that fund, by all means, it is appreciated. Please email me for more information on how to send funds:

If you can do any of these things it would help so much. Thank you in advance for your help. Thank you again for being here. I'm excited about how this next aspect of our adventure will play out. It's going to be another amazing aspect to report on. 

For you, I hope you're "[using] wisely your power of choice". That is from "The God Memorandum" by Og Mandino. He goes on to say: 
"Choose to love. . . rather than hate.
Choose to laugh. . . rather than cry.
Choose to create. . . rather than destroy.
Choose to persevere. . . rather than quit.
Choose to praise. . . rather than gossip.
Choose to heal. . . rather than wound.
Choose to give. . . rather than steal.
Choose to act. . . rather than procrastinate.
Choose to grow. . . rather than rot.
Choose to pray. . . rather than curse.
Choose to live. . . rather than die."

I invite you to do the same. Thank you again for being here. Enjoy creating today. Peace...


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