Motivating Mondays ~ September 28, 2020
Welcome and welcome back! Happy Monday (belated). Mondays are my favorite day of the week. I'm so glad you are here! AND I'm so glad I am here. There is so much going on and I'm excited to be able to share. First of all, Happy Tuesday! Please let me explain my absence yesterday. My son and I got to serve someone we deeply care for who wasn't feeling well. It was their second day of not feeling well which is unusual so that was top priority. We made chicken noodle soup and spent time with them to help them feel better. Don't worry now. My son and I were careful. We are still healthy with no signs of our own health challenges. I'm back today feeling amazing, ready to get to work. There is plenty to do. For this week's edition of Motivating Mondays the topics I'll be addressing are: ~Sponsors: Sponsor Spotlight Spread Love. Spread L.U.V.! Campaign ~My Thank Yous! Now you know, so let's go! SPONSORS It's time to take L.U.V. to the next level. It...