
Showing posts from August, 2020

Introducing the NEW Emancipation Proclamation... AGAIN!

Welcome and welcome back. Thank you so much for being here. I am honored you have chosen to join me for a little while. Today (Monday, August 31, 2020 to be exact) has been a busy day. I have had so much on my mind that I posted it all since I don't know when I'll post again. This is not consistent. That is what I have the weekly YouTube LIVE show, L.U.V. Notes , for. This is a copy of the flyer I've been handing out about the NEW Emancipation Proclamation. It is a good time to post this information again. L.U.V. Enterprises Presents… The NEW  Emancipation Proclamation Usually when people are sad, they don’t do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about change.     -Malcolm X L.U.V. Note: They change themselves! Q. What is the NEW Emancipation Proclamation? A. It is an employment opportunity to systemically combat poverty, racial injustice and systemic racism by inviting changes in any given community by each individua...

On Loss... Part 1

Welcome and welcome back. Thank you so much for being here. I am honored you have joined me.  Sooooo... this is a break from my norm but my heart has been heavy lately. This morning, I posted the following on my personal Facebook page . ***************************** There has been a lot of loss for all of us. Some of that loss has been through the physical death of others. Some of the loss has been from being physically separated from someone where death wasn't involved. Some of that loss is the memory of our loss. And then there is the loss that taxes us emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually combined with or separate from the physical loss. Loss is loss no matter how it comes. And there is a legion of emotions that accompany it. Very few of those emotions resolve themselves to Love and peace again. So today, I wanted to take a moment to celebrate life. My son's life actually. He is one of the most amazing individuals I know. With less than 4 months until his 5th birthday...

Taking L.U.V. to Another Level

Welcome and welcome back. Thank you for being here. I am honored you have come to visit. There is a lot going on with Launching L.U.V. by introducing the NEW Emancipation Proclamation. My heart has been telling me it's time to start. So I'm gathering people and resources to make that happen.  I am being compelled to start with two groups. One will be people interested in going through the program and remaining as a member of the Leadership Circle. The other group will be a mix of community members, preferably leaders, and people from one of the four target communities in greatest need of this opportunity. So I'm looking for volunteers, people interested in being mentors. I'm looking for people who might be interested in piloting the program. And I'm also searching for investors to help provide the resources so we can acquire the training L.U.V. needs to successfully implement this opportunity.  Let me be clear. I am not looking for donations. I am looking for invest...

Thank YOU!! The key chains SOLD OUT and more...

Welcome and welcome back! Thank you so much for being here.  Before I jump in, I need to say something. And here it is: Please, please, PLEASE bear with me. This journey I'm on now is so intense. The personal and the professional cross lines as I navigate moving things forward in all aspects of life for my son and I. I'm experiencing as much gain as I am loss.  The most consistent thing I have right now is the weekly YouTube Live broadcast on Thursday night from 7-7:30p. I have only missed it once since I started. That was only because I helped someone and got back too late to get ready.  This blog challenges me. But I'm so grateful because it is here. And though it is not consistent, it is here. And I'm doing it until something happens that makes me more consistent with it.  I'm grateful for the opportunity to write and get my thoughts out. My next step is to learn how to do it more succinctly. I know I can be long-winded. There is so much in my head I want to get ...

Introducing Bags, Bags and More Bags... (7 in all)

Welcome and welcome back! Thank you so much for being here. I am honored you have joined me.  I gave a sneak peak of two of these bags in the last post I did about the key chains. They are for sale. These bags are a labor of Love/L.U.V. My ideal life allows me more space to express my creativity. That life is coming. Now I'm going to warn you, these pictures are not the best. Good photography plagues me without a good phone to capture pics with. And the bags need to be ironed. Please look beyond that. Before they are mailed out they will be washed again and ironed!  At this time I invite you to peruse my collection called: T-shirts and Jeans Re-imagined! 1. Reversible MJ/Denim Patchwork Tote! $90 includes shipping Front:        Back:        2. Fun! A Denim "ruffle" with reverse patchwork straps (inside out, showing raw edge) -  $45 includes shipping      3. Different! Designer jeans with finger crocheted han...

Me Celebrating Me, You Celebrating You: Part 2

Part 2... You often hear, that as women, we don't give ourselves enough credit. I know that even as a woman of faith, walking in the confidence of God, I've been beating myself up internally about what did n't happen and how I could have done things differently.  To combat that,  I decided to make something for myself.  I've been in creation mode, working on making things to sell to earn some income.  I had a handful of these little metal charms that say "she believed she could so she did".  So I started a pair of earrings. By starting, I mean that I put the earring hooks on them and that's as far as I had gotten because I didn't know what else to do. And I've been wearing them like that because they make me remember that "[I] believed [I] could and [I] did", over and over and over again. They make me... they invite me to give myself credit.  As I began to celebrate myself, I wondered if there were any other women who might want to celebr...

Me Celebrating Me, You Celebrating You: Part 1

Welcome and welcome back! Thank you for being here.  Happy Monday! It's my favorite day of the week!  Go ahead. I'm waiting... Call me crazy.  It's OK.   I have my own kind of craziness so I'm not offended.  I invite you to consider that I'm not crazy but rather maybe you should join me. Don't you think it would be far better for you to be so excited about life that Mondays are your favorite day too? Something to think about right?  Let's get down to business... can we agree that 2020 has been a pretty fascinating year? There were two posts a Facebook friend shared on her page recently that I thought were hilarious.  Here's the first: A man goes to a bar in New Orleans and asks,  "Can I have a corona and two hurricanes please?" Bartender replies, "That’ll be $20.20." Here's the second: Haahaahaa... Yup! That about sums it up right there.  But you know something? Last year Cynthia Roberts, Quickbooks Pro Master, coined the theme of...

Thoughts on Broadcasting Live

Welcome and welcome back! Thank you for being here. Life has presented some interesting situations in the last little while. I have to tell you... God is SOOOOOOOO infinitely and amazingly and brilliantly good, great and AWE-INSPIRING! And me? Well... I'm just proud of myself for be ing  so consistent in broadcasting LIVE every Thursday at 7 p.m. on my YouTube Channel.  Gotta be honest though... my marketing sucks! I just haven't been able to cross the bridge to successfully do it yet. But that is not discouraging to me because I'm still in practice mode.  One day these videos will mean something and save me time from doing them when there is a demand for my time elsewhere. The same thing is true with this blog. It's nice to have a record that you were doing something, somewhere even if no one else was aware BUT God! And that is all that really matters anyway! If God called you to do it, then do it. And the reward will come FROM HIM. And I've seen them.  Maybe this ...

Resurrecting Black Love Week, August Schedule

Welcome and welcome back! Thank you for being here. This is the schedule of topics for Resurrecting Black Love Week which started yesterday, Thursday, August 13, 2020. I will be broadcasting live daily to explore how the Parable of the Exceptional Samaritan fulfills the five tenets celebrated on Black Love Day, February 13.  This schedule starts with tonight, Friday, August 14, 2020. Friday, August 14, 2020: Part 1 of 5 - The Certain Lawyer Saturday, August 15, 2020: Part 2 of 5 - The Certain Man Sunday, August 16, 2020: Part 3 of 5 - The Certain Samaritan Monday, August 17, 2020: Part 4 of 5 - The Process of Healing Tuesday, August 18, 2020: Part 5 of 5 - Conclusion Wednesday, August 19, 2020: It's All About Black on Black Love Thursday, August 20, 2020 - The Recipe for Self-Destruction Thursday, August 27, 2020 ☆ The New Emancipation Proclamation AKA The Recipe for L.U.V.; this is a s pecial segment with Q & A, from 7-8:30p I hope you'll join me. Create today. It's a...

More Exciting News...

Welcome and welcome back. Thank you for being here.  The adventure continues...  I was honored to receive two more sponsors today: Every.Black and the Motivation Reader's Mastermind Network. These two great institutions are led by Black men with such incredible genius that I feel is really underestimated. But then again, they are not the kind to brag or boast about their credentials so that's why you'll never know how truly great their minds are unless someone like me says so.  Jimmy Davies is the founder and president of Every.Black. Stan Anderson is the visionary behind the Mastermind Network. It is such a great honor to have them as partners in this endeavor. You will learn more about these services soon since they are an integral part of the NEW Emancipation Proclamation.  Curious? Good!!! (wink, wink, smile) For more information about Every.Black just look it up. That is the name and the website: .  "Dot black (.black) is the ...

Official Debut, Gift Giveaway

Welcome and welcome back! Thank you so much for being here.  I've been doing a live broadcast for the last three weeks now. It's time I made this official. So... this Thursday, August 13, 202 0 (yes, that's tomorrow if you're reading it the day I post this) will be my debut show. Personally, it is an important date because it's 6 months from (the last) and to (the next) Black Love Day which is commemorated on February 13.  Even though the show has been broadcast weekly on Thursdays from 7-7:30 p.m., for my debut week I'm going to broadcast LIVE daily from Thursday, August 13 - Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 7-7:30 p.m. on my YouTube Channel: L.U.V. Enterprises Presents. It is a continuation of "Introducing the NEW Emancipation Proclamation" but we're about to get deep.  I'm designating the week as "Resurrecting Black Love Week". I will be exploring how the Parable of the Exceptional Samaritan fulfills the five tenets of Black Love Day co...

Exciting Announcement!!!

Welcome or welcome back!  It is my incredible honor and pleasure to share this news. As of Sunday, August 7, 2020, the weekly YouTube LIVE broadcast I've been doing now has its first sponsor. Hallmarx Music Group has given me the honor of its support AND the opportunity to feature the music of one of its rising stars, Antoine Hilton.  The song " Change" , from Mr. Hilton's latest CD HeClectic , will be the theme song for my show!  Here is a link to check out the CD When I received a clip to use for either the intro or outro to the broadcast I burst into tears. It is absolutely perfect. The song is in complete alignment with the mission of L.U.V. Enterprises (the name of my parent company) and the NEW Emancipation Proclamation I've been introducing. So I cannot say enough about how excited and humbled I am. A special "thank you" goes to Raleigh Hall, CEO of Hallmarx, for seeing value in what has been ...

"As Is" Clearance Sale

Welcome or welcome back. I'm so glad you are here. I have a bunch of partially finished products I'm selling. Recently I was forced to make a decision. Desiring to have all my time and energy going towards being a mom but having the responsibility of launching L.U.V. I don't have time to finish some of the crafts I've started.  Now you might think I should hold onto them until I'm ready to start again. The challenge with that is I want a signature style when I launch my personal line. After finally figuring out what that will be, I realized the projects I started are not in line with what I'll be creating in the future. So I'm selling them as is.  I will be continuing with up-cycled fashion accessories in the future but the way I'm going to be making them won't allow me to use these.  So you are in luck.  I have 9 bags made from jeans. They are already sealed at the bottom with either fabric glue or they were sewn.  With some embellishments and handl...