Happy Tuesday!

From my Facebook post this morning:

"This is the follow up to the post I was led to create yesterday about seeking first to understand, then to be understood.

"There is one thing about the current state of the world we are in today that all this turmoil has helped me realize. It is what the quote by Malcolm X, on cover image, really means. Malcolm truly embraced the "5th Habit" and I didn't even get that until the chaos erupted. He said, "Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about change."

"If you read The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley you will learn that when he was young and in prison he read the history of Europeans all around the world. He sought first to understand and was pissed about what he learned. But because of what he learned, he didn't just understand Europeans better, he understood himself better too.

"So... as a person angry from what he had endeavored to understand, the change he brought about was to himself. And as he brought about to change himself, he also sought to bring about change to and for others like him. The change he made was so significant that once he was released from prison there was no way or reason anyone would ever find him guilty of a crime that would land him back in prison.

"He changed himself! He realized there was no one else he could control. It reminds me of this quote, "peace is an inside job. We cannot legislate peace. It must come from within. It emanates from our connection with Our Creator, and from experiencing that love. 

*We mentioned...a simple truth: whatever you resist will persist. Which means if someone is coming at you with negative ideas, words, attitudes, and actions, and if you start throwing negativity right back as your idea of creating peace because 'I'm right and you're wrong,' there will never be any peace."

"It is the same with change. Change is an inside job. And it will never come in the midst of negativity exchange.

"The quote comes from page 28 of a book by community organizers Don and Sheyenne Kreamer called Skip the Politics & Create Heaven on Earth. NOW. You can purchase the digital version for only $6 here: http://www.wecare-partnerships.com/dothechange.html

And that's it for now! Create today. Despite the turmoil, it is another amazing day in paradise. May your choices make it the best day ever. Peace...


  1. I agree change is an inside job! By the way, I love the Kreamers, they do awesome work in the community. Enjoyed reading your blog.


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