Happy Monday (Belated)

I was led to create this post on my Facebook at zero dark thirty on Monday, June 8, 2020. Happy Birthday to my nephew Lucian, by the way. It's belated online but was on time in my heart. His birthday message was not in the post so I'm putting it here. Love you Nephew #1! 

Regarding the post... I feel like it is the start to what might be a short series of post. Since I'm writing this on Tuesday and I already know I've written a message for Tuesday. That message is going to lead to something else. I just going where God leads me. Hope you enjoy the ride!


"God has had me in a period of silence from Facebook for quite a while now. During that time I created a video series on YouTube. The links can be found on my blog: http://luventerprisespresents.blogspot.com/. I was in the midst of creating an event called "Independence Summer: An Epic Summer of Black Love" when all chaos broke loose. To be clear, I'm still working on it.

"And I was told to stay silent until now.

"God put a thought in my head yesterday, Sunday, morning that I had to look up. The only reference I could find comes from a book I've definitely heard about but never read, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" by Steven R. Covey. I'm guessing someone must have said it once and Spirit brought it to my remembrance.

"The thought is Habit #5 from the book which says "Seek first to understand, then to be understood."

"From all I've seen and heard, everyone wants to be understood but few actually want to or do understand. Everyone wants to be heard but so few actually want to or do hear. Perhaps I can help.

"What I think we can all understand AND agree upon is everyone wants to make it home on a daily basis. This goes for the innocent and the guilty. These categories easily apply to all people. If we can agree to that one point, we have common ground to build on.

"There's more to be said. But this is where God told me to start.

"Create today. It's another amazing day in paradise. May your choices make it the best day ever. Peace..."

One thing I will say to correct myself is I should not deny myself the possibility that I am open to pure revelation. It is entirely possible that God put the thought in my head to find and that I had NOT heard it before. I should honor the fact that I'm been on this journey with God for so long now that I'm learning how to understand Him more clearly when He speaks and He can speak independent of anything that is stored in my subconscious mind. That's important to me to state. I've worked hard to be clear about the situations God has allowed me to be in. And He has not disappointed. My hope is the same for you.

Create today. It's another amazing day in paradise. May your choices make it the best day ever. Peace...


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