From Beggar to Investor: PAID 2 Parent Transcript

This is not an exact transcript. There is some ad lib. The video associated with this transcript can be found here: Here we go:

Alright ya'll... This here is my baby! After that last video, this here is what you've been waiting for. 

Now I should mention this video plays a dual role in that it is the second part to both the Projects and Programs video and the Self-Destruction video. It introduces L.U.V.'s signature program, PAID 2 Parent, which employs the Recipe for L.U.V. We're going to bring pleasure, appreciation, intelligence and dignity back to parenting and pay people to do it.

PAID 2 Parent is the most recent project God has given me to develop and birth. PAID 2 Parent came about because when I came back to N.C. in August I had some expectations. Those expectations didn't come to pass as I hoped. And that is why Wisdom and I ended up being homeless. I was so focused on Wisdom's well-being and keeping him grounded and his activities consistent and making sure he saw our experience as an adventure that I wished I could genuinely get paid for being his mom until I could get him in school. 

Mind you, I'm not talking about any old school. Wisdom will be attending a Spanish immersion Montessori School. Yes, it's a private school that costs money to attend. I say that with confidence even with no money in my pocket at the time of this recording. I know where my son needs to be and that is it. He's got a name and a responsibility to live up to so he needs to be in the places that will help him do it. 

Being paid to parent my son wasn't all I wanted though. I also wanted something that would put me in a position to launch L.U.V. once I graduated back into the working world. Surprise! Surprise! There is NOTHING like that anywhere. Certain there were others like me, I was given the thought to create it. I've come a long way since I first mentioned it, in that I received many of the components of the program before God showed me why they were necessary.

The most revolutionary thing I can tell you about PAID 2 Parent is the way it will be implemented is based on the parable Jesus teaches in His conversation with the "certain" lawyer in Luke 10 KJV. If you're not familiar with the story, it is found in Luke 10:25-37. I used the King James Version. Most people call it the "parable of the Good Samaritan". From an intimate study I did with Google and God as my companions, the only name I can call that "certain" Samaritan is "exceptional". 

You can check out my YouTube series called "The Exceptional Samaritan" for more information. The main thing you need to know about the parable is the Samaritan exhibited 3 characteristics which led him to give aid to the man who went down from Jerusalem to Jericho: Love, compassion and mercy. If you remember, those principles are the foundation of the L.U.V. L.I.F.E. motto.

To be clear, while some may think they are fully engaged in replicating the story of the Good Samaritan, L.U.V. will LIVE the parable of the "Exceptional Samaritan". This starts during the intake. Our four target communities are: people without housing, those in hotels, in low income housing and those in prison. During the intake for all of them, their most immediate needs are addressed AND met. 

We know what they are because they are a part of the questionnaire. Among the first five questions we ask during the intake is "What financial obligations need to be met immediately (for example: housing, bills, old bills)? Please list up to ten items and include the cost where possible." We want to know and we want to make sure they are taken care of so our participants can focus forward not always look back on their past that's hanging over them, begging for attention they obviously can't afford to give it. This one step alone separates PAID 2 Parent from any and every other program there is. 

It mirrors the parable of the Exceptional Samaritan, since it is the very first thing the Samaritan did for the man who fell among thieves. After having compassion on the man the first thing he did was bind up his wounds and and pour in oil and wine. Like a modern day EMT, he stabilized the man's condition before he ever moved him off of the road. And we will do the same. Stabilize someone's external condition before putting them on the path to healing their internal wounds.

That's why the next step we take with our participants is make sure they have stable housing. This specifically means those who are living on the streets, exiting jail or prison and those in hotels. And the accommodations will not fall under the title "affordable housing". It will be what they want for themselves. 

We will have them find a place where they feel comfortable living and that will accommodate their needs. Then we'll pay for them to move in and stay for at least the year they are in the program. We'll provide them with a stipend to shop for whatever furniture they need and also employ an interior designer if they feel they want assistance making those decisions. This is another way P2P is different from other programs AND also in line with the parable of the Exceptional Samaritan. 

Now... these two parts of the P2P program are crucial to implementing the Recipe for L.U.V. We want to set our participants up for success by starting with a clear mind with no skeletons rattling in the closets of their hearts and minds. This sets the stage for L.U.V. to be received. And when L.U.V. is received, change happens by choice. 

That change has to come with information. Let me said this again "if you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you've always got." That is simply a version of the definition of insanity which is "doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result". Our program provides different information so we expect a different result. Keeping with the overall objective of implementing the parable of the Exceptional Samaritan, the Recipe for L.U.V will follow a calendar based on the 5 tenets honored on Black Love Day, celebrated annually on February 13.  

In case you've never heard of Black Love Day here is some information from: 

1. The five tenets are Love of Creator, Love of self, Love of family, Love of race or Black people, and Love of the communities we live in.

2. The goals of this day are to increase peace, stop violence, end Black self-hatred and White supremacy/racism; to offer a spiritual, African-centered, alternative to the commercialized, and sometimes violent, Valentine's Day.

3. BLD also encourages Whites (and other non-Black people I'll add) in the 24 hour period to show love in action towards Blacks by working on their own racial attitudes and behaviors.

Remember how I said while I'm inviting all people of good will to listen to this series, my focus is on the Black community? Well, this is where I begin to make that crystal clear. No matter who goes through this program, the components are the same. It doesn't matter what cultural heritage people come from EVERYONE will go through the exact same program. 

Why? Because America has a long, revolting history with people of African descent. Many people who come to this country become enslaved by the same long-held and extremely damaging perceptions that are perpetuated by Blacks just as well as Whites without ever understanding why those perceptions exist. It's time to not only free ourselves of this history but also stop it from being perpetuated. The components of the P2P program will provide the key to unlock the chains. The individuals participating are the ones who are ultimately responsible for choosing to remove the mental shackles that imprison them.

In order to wake up from captivity and walk in the light of freedom, when a person/family is official they receive their ingredients for implementing their own Recipe For L.U.V. Among the items they receive are: 
⦁ Gratitude Journal
⦁ "I Am Troy Davis" t-shirt 
⦁ "I Am Troy Davis" book
⦁ Play Pack 
⦁ Calendar of Community Conversations
⦁ The Every.Black Family of Services (+ books)
⦁ WAK poster from Artist Statement (11 to choose from)
⦁ Ultimate Power Music Playlist

Gratitude Journal

All these items are critical for the success of each individual but the most important tool,  in my humble opinion, is the gratitude journal. This is where the magic of P2P begins. 

Gratitude is a powerful tool to initiate every aspect of the acronym for PAID: pleasure, appreciation, intelligence and dignity. There will be pleasure found as you rediscover your day on a daily basis since that is where the focus will be.  Appreciation for God, self, family and others happens as you consider their roles in creating your memories. Intelligence is invited as you seek for a different mindset about your life and people you may not have appreciated previously. And dignity will reign as you realize how power filled you are by the God who Loves you and blesses you so fully on a daily basis. 

Writing in the journal daily is a requirement for every participant who can write. It should become a family activity for those with children. Besides being a way to allow focus to shift from negative to positive, it's the one place where each individual engages intimately with themselves and records the exchange. 

There are many effects that writing alone has. One of the main reasons writing is the preferred method for keeping this journal is because the actual exercise of writing clears your mind and allows new information to be presented. Some of this information is presented in the form of books. Yes... real books. 

"I Am Troy Davis" Book

This is the perfect opportunity to re-introduce Troy who I haven't talked about since my introduction. A solid book choice is "I Am Troy Davis". The book is so people can get a glimpse into Troy's life. They won't ever have a chance to meet him but they will have the opportunity to know him. We all need modern heroes. Yes, Jesus is one of mine but so are Troy and his family. My hope is his story will propel our students to succeed in whatever it is they are endeavoring to do.

"I Am Troy Davis" T-shirt

And that's why they will also receive a t-shirt that was created during his fight for justice that simply says "I Am Troy Davis". Many people wore it in their quest to save his life. It was meaningful because it represented the plight we all shared with Troy and his family. False accusations and convictions can and do happen. They can happen to anyone. We were on Death Row because Troy was on Death Row. His story could have been ours. For many people, his story is ours. Especially for those who were infiltrated with the ingredients for the Recipe for Self-Destruction with no other choices available to them.

Though Troy has left this mortal world behind, my desire moving forward is for his story to be ours in a different way. Please let me explain how. Many people living today are confined to Death Row without having ever stepped foot in a jail or prison cell. They are shackled in their minds. Of all the people I ever met, Troy might have been on Death Row but he was never in prison. He was one of the most free people I have ever known. His situation didn't define him. He lived emotionally and mentally and spiritually free even though injustice bound him physically and then stole his life. 

And that's why we're introducing this t-shirt to the program. I want people to wear this shirt with a sense that they are on a journey to be emotionally, mentally and spiritually free just like Troy. They will be freed from Death Row. As a tribute to honor Troy they will live life out loud in a way Troy could never return to.

Calendar of Community Conversations

The five tenets of Black Love make their debut in a format called Community Conversations. The intercultural healing I spoke on earlier starts with having meaningful conversations about what is most important to people of African descent. The tenets provide an ideal summary. These conversations will include people who are program participants as well as community members.

There will be assignments or activities required for each day relating to the topic of the day. Those topics are based on the five tenets. The assignments will change weekly. This will be a set curriculum with a set schedule. One of our discussions will be about the book "I Am Troy Davis". However, "How Does Your Garden Grow?" is the first conversation in the series. 

Everyone 12 and over is required to participate. It is an opportunity to recognize what's growing within by revealing what was planted. For adults, it becomes their responsibility to take control of their garden and choose whether what is there is serving them or if it needs to be weeded out by a trowel or shovel or if an excavator is required. 

For children, it's about starting healthy conversations that will create healing between parent and child and build upon principles for a healthy lasting relationship and a healthy future. Giving a person permission to weed their own garden is powerful. It sets the stage for success by allowing the person to determine what their future will look like when they choose to plant something new. 

This is done under the tenet of Love of God because we are all children of God. And He desires us to produce good fruit. In the Bible some are identified and widely known as the fruits of the Spirit, namely: "love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance (self-control)" based on Galatians 5. I'll add compassion and mercy. The Community Conversations help plant the new seeds.

The Every.Black Family of Services

Now, I believe in this philosophy: 

If you haven't been raised with this mentality, then it is hard to step from the mindset of being an employee to being an entrepreneur even if you want to open a business. To put you on a solid path your participation in the Every.Black meetings, the Every.Black podcasts and the Motivational Reader's Mastermind Network calls are required. The personal responsibility to shift consciousness is elevated with these components, like fertilizer to a garden. Keeping the gratitude journal and becoming familiar with Troy's story lay the ground for your seeds to grow in but these are the elements you need to help them flourish. 

You're probably wondering "why?". Well... there is a disconnect and a lot of disrespect towards the Black community while at the exact same time, Black culture is regularly imitated and exploited. This is known as cultural appropriation. I remember seeing a cartoon once, in a historically Black magazine, where a White man was standing next to two Black men with a notepad waiting for them to say something he could capture and use in his company's advertising.

We see that same type of thing everywhere though. Big lips and big hips are ridiculed when they naturally belong to a Black woman but those very same features on a white woman are held in high esteem. Black skin is a natural reason for instant disregard and disrespect by many people. Yet there are many who spend hours upon hours in the sun to gain a hint of darker brown to their skin. The disparities are huge oxymorons that exist in this country. 

Black people often internalize and perpetuate the hate they receive on other people of color. We are better than this. So much better. BUT... again... it's a mind thing. So to change minds, we provide food for thought. Education is the key to unlocking our potential within.  Knowledge is power. The E.B Family is our chosen method of providing this power.

The Every.Black meeting is currently held once a week on Mondays. You can find their information on the blog post for this transcript. Attending live (when it returns to that format) or virtually, which it currently does, gives our participants a support system to network with especially if they are interested in entrepreneurship. The E.B meeting also allows you to tap into another book since a portion of every meeting is dedicated to reading a book by or about a Black entrepreneur. Currently the discussion is on the book S.B. Fuller: Pioneer in Black Economic Development written by his daughter, Mary Fuller Casey. 

Wisdom knows how to confidently introduce himself because of our attendance at these meetings. He stood up every week with me at the age of 3-1/2 when and I would introduce us. Eventually he wanted to introduce himself. Our children deserve the opportunity to learn to lead and represent themselves in order to confidently create their own legacy. This is an ideal opportunity to show them how to do it. 

Another thing connecting with the E.B network grants you is knowledge of Black owned businesses you can support. Many of those business owners host their own podcast through the E.B podcast network. We will utilize their expertise to our advantage by requiring assignments be completed after listening to them. Now mind you, there are over 900 podcasts recorded so there is a wide variety of topics to choose from all along the lines of Black entrepreneurship from the history books to our present day. This is a remarkable way to educate ourselves. 

We will discuss the contents of the E.B podcasts under the Black Love tenant "Love of race" as a Community Conversation in a different way. At least one podcast of choice should be listened to every week and a report done on it. Then during our Community Conversation there will be a discussion on what people learned and perhaps there will be a guest from one of the podcast hosts. These requirements are for all participants, regardless of nationality and for children over the age of 12. 

The Motivational Reader's Mastermind Network calls come in on the other 5 days per week E.B is not present. A member of the E.B family, the Network connects daily with a group of intelligent, driven people of African descent to discuss success and creating the mentality to achieve. It is power filled. At the beginning of April they started reading  "University of Success" by Og Mandino. 

L.U.V. intends to work with The Network to provide convenient times for all participants to join a call on a daily basis or access a recording of their group's call. Our participants will be required to provide a summary of the discussion or share one thing that stood out to them in the call that they can apply to their lives. For more information please check my blog post with the transcript of this video for more details. 

Now I'm going to get personal for a minute and it's possible I'll get emotional too. Just a warning... 

These two institutions are extremely important to me. They have kept me grounded and focused as Wisdom and I journeyed through homelessness. I introduced PAID 2 Parent while attending the meetings way back in September of last year. I stayed focused on creating P2P because I attended the meetings and had a place to share my dreams. I met people with experience operating a business and people just starting and people just thinking about starting. I met people from all walks of life, representing all ages. AND it was a place where most of the people looked like me and that matters. And yes, I mean most because there were people who came who were not Black.

Some of those people deserve to be recognized beginning with Jimmy Davies, the founder and visionary behind Every.Black. He has provided me with the most supreme support during this journey Wisdom and I have been on. I go to Jimmy with my ideas, even about Every.Black, and Jimmy in return listens, gives me food for thought and we even have discussed how to implement some of the things I have shared. When you're in the midst of struggle and can still dream, to keep those dreams alive you need to share them. Jimmy has been that person for me. Despite his hectic schedule he has made time to listen. I will forever appreciate that.  

He is a humble man with more expertise and experience than he will ever divulge. He warmly welcomed Wisdom to the meetings, as he has done with every child who attends with their parents. Wisdom has grown watching him stand before a group of people to speak. Jimmy Davies is one of the men I want to celebrate during our Father's Day "Celebration of Black Men". 

One of the first people I met at the E.B. meetings was Jean Phillipeaux. Honestly, he intimidated me a little because he's really intelligent but in the most unconventional ways. He talks about things you don't hear most Black people talk about. He is a dedicated father who is forward thinking, innovative and extremely entrepreneurial. In other words, he is an all around good guy. 

I'm grateful for all the things he has introduced me to. I'm forever in debt to  him for being willing to step outside the box and just be different. I'm even more grateful I stopped being intimidated by him enough to speak to him so I could start the process of learning what he knows. I'm grateful he saw something in me that said, "keep sharing with her". He is a game changer not just for me and Wisdom's future, but for so many others who will never realize it. Jean Phillipeaux is one of the men I want to celebrate during our Father's Day "Celebration of Black Men". 

Another brother I met  at an Every.Black meeting I call my "Wonder Twin". He shares the same spirit for change that I do. When he came into my life we instantly connected. He helped me walk in my truths and gave me a safe space to be heard on the most intimate details of my life when I had lived in silence for so long. He listened to me and Loved me without judgment or criticism. 

He is also a big part of me opening up to how many in the Black community have been "conditioned", his word. God actually showed me what my "King Brother" taught me. That conditioning came through the ingredients in the Recipe for Self-Destruction. My "Wonder Twin", Robert Outlaw, is one of the men I want to celebrate during our Father's Day "Celebration of Black Men". 

Lastly, during, what I consider, the most difficult part of me and Wisdom's journey, my mind stayed enlightened and empowered with the Motivational Reader's Mastermind Network calls. The mastermind behind it is Stan Anderson who welcomed both Wisdom and I with a warmth that is hard to describe when the only connection you have is through the phone. Sometimes I would call but there was so much chaos going on around me I couldn't even hear the conversation. It didn't matter though. Being on the call made all the difference in the world. 

It reminded me that there were people like me, Black people like me. Black people like me who enjoy learning. Black people like me who enjoy engaging in intellectual conversations. Black people like me who are well-mannered, well-spoken and are choosing to change their minds to reflect a life of intrinsic gifts to share with the world. 

I have blasted a lot of bushels from people who have tried to bestow false convictions upon me with their inaccurate perceptions of my intelligence because of my living situation. The people I've been inundated with physically, on a daily basis, might have reflected my external circumstances but the people on the call reflected my internal. They kept my mind from submitting to the gang mentality and negativity I was surrounded by. I was a proud member of another network that reflected my infinite worth. 

When I could comment, being called "Mastermind Kai" and being respected for my intelligence helped to strengthen my resolve to birth what was in me and kept me open to the spiritual influences I needed to do so. Mastermind Stan speaks with appreciation and admiration and respect for each and every participant. I don't know how the others feel about that but it made my day to have someone treat me as though my life as a living, not dead, Black woman mattered. 

The most recent gift I received from the Network calls was God used them to let me know when I was ready for the next level of what He was preparing me for. And here we are...! Mastermind Stan Anderson is one of the men I want to celebrate during our Father's Day "Celebration of Black Men".

If I haven't mentioned it yet, I Love being Black and I have a genuine Love and admiration for Black people. My sistahs are my sistahs: intelligent and resilient with a beauty that captures what's both inside and out. Black men though, my brothas... they are a something kind of super ultra extra special. I have felt that way ever since I woke up and became a conscious Black woman. But having the unique opportunity to raise a young Black man in the way I have, has helped me understand the dynamics of their struggles in a way I never would have if I was not a mom. 

These are a few of the Black men who have made me and Wisdom's journey ultra super extra incredible by doing the simplest things, having no romantic involvement or even inclination towards one another. It's just been pure "Black on Black Love", much like what Queen Latifah rapped about in her song of the same title. And that's why I want to celebrate them.

Play Pack

There is a quote by Frederick Douglass at the beginning of the blog post for this video. It was also featured in the last video and is found throughout this one. It says "it is easier to build strong children than repair broken men." I'll add "and women". P2P endeavors to "repair broken men" and women by rebuilding the children within them and making them strong. The most revolutionary way, P2P, will do this is through playing to have fun. 

Go ahead... Laugh! Be shocked! I'll give you a moment to settle back down if you've had some sort of verbal reaction to what I wrote. But I'm as serious as a heart attack. (Wait 5 seconds.)

The Play Pack provides critical components to success in the P2P program. This invites lasting change. 

We will make sure every family member has a healthy supply of bubbles and balloons. There will also be slime and play dough and glow sticks. I've taken my responsibility as God's research assistant so seriously, that recognizing my own lack, I need to invest in a pair of rain boots for myself. My son shouldn't have all the fun of jumping in puddles on rainy days. Every family will receive the same, adult and child, one pair of rain boots for epic puddle jumping. These are the basic contents of the play pack mentioned above. 

Play can also include trips to the park and walking trails. These are essential to getting oxygen to the brain but can also contain elements for play including use of the playground and swings. Mind games, board games and sports are also essential elements in the equation. It is important to keep in mind that the objective is pure fun without competition even when playing a game where someone has to win. At least an hour daily should be dedicated to pure, innocent fun. YES! EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. 

Children open the door to learning by playing. I know this. I see it in my son's life every single day. It is an essential part of growing up, especially during the earliest years of life. All you have to do is search "the importance of play in childhood development" to know how "play is the primary vehicle for optimum growth in childhood" according to one website. 

(Quote courtesy of Bright Horizons. I have no affiliation with them and am not promoting them, I simply agree. You can find the quote here: 

If you want to initiate change and ignite learning in the adult child then you need to help them rebuild their childhood the way it should have played out. With permission to do that, healing is within their grasp and harmful false teachings will not be perpetuated on their own children. Where harmful, false teachings have already been perpetuated, change can come. When you rebuild the inner child in the adult and make them strong, that strong adult will repair him or herself and raise their own strong children.

Right now, many Black children are forced to grow up too soon. While children cannot verbalize what is happening to them, they know something is wrong. We hear the phrases repeated all the time "troubled child", "at risk youth". The effectiveness of their play is compromised. The intention behind it is different, if they play at all. Too often when they do, it is a way to escape the life they are being forced to live instead of it being a vehicle for development and learning.

Along similar lines, with such a technology heavy society too many overwhelmed parents throw their children in front of a TV, tablet or phone to keep them occupied. This can last for hours especially when they consider it educational programming. This is such a great act of disservice to a child because when they are not protected from what is entering their minds it is reflected in their development.

And so an essential part of the PAID 2 Parent program is disconnecting from technology and playing to have fun. Not any perception of fun... fun where everyone laughs at no one else's expense. Play ignites learning in every child. That doesn't change because ages change. What I'm saying here is not unusual. Perhaps you remember the quote, "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". There's even something called Play Therapy. It's generally not for adults though. Yet, they need it the most in order to burst open their minds to learning and creative expression. 

In the Black community we need it most of all, because too many of us have been robbed of our childhoods in a way that has negatively impacted our present lives. L.U.V. is returning what was stolen to ensure a bright future by giving permission for parent AND child to engage in play together and have fun doing it. It is also recommended that parents find some time to disconnect from technology and have playtime among other adults as well. 

The other components to the programs continue the mission of PAID 2 Parent because the mind, heart and spirit need to be engaged in several different ways in order for them to align as one. There is a curriculum. There are classes to be taken. There are services to receive. There are assignments to be completed. These next two pieces provide consistent visual and auditory parts of learning in every personal living space.

WAK poster

Kevin A. Williams, otherwise known as WAK, is an urban artist whose work depicts Black Love and Black potential and Black pride in the most beautiful ways. Each participant will be able to choose from one of eleven poster designs to put in their visual sphere everyday. Every poster has words printed on them describing his personal thoughts on his painting. 

You can check out the selections by visiting his website. Click on the link at the top that says "Open Edition Prints" and scroll down to the very bottom of the page. You'll find all the selections from the "Artist Statement" collection there. We will also provide a frame for you to hang it so you can make it a part of your every day immediately.

The Ultimate Power Music Playlist 

I am partnering with to create the Ultimate Power Music playlist. Everyone has a soundtrack for their lives. I shared some of the songs from mine earlier. Most of the music inundating the Black community today in no way glorifies the gods and goddesses found within each of us. 

In fact, what it does do is perpetuate those self-destructive tendencies. Well if you're implementing the Recipe for L.U.V. your music has got to change. You will recreate the soundtrack for your life from this ultimate playlist. It will provide the best of positive, uplifting, life changing R & B; from Classic Soul to Neo Soul and even some Hip Hop and Rap. 

We need music. More importantly, we need good music. If the music we're listening to tells us it's OK to kill then we're drawn to the concept. If it tells us to have sex with some random chick or dude, then we're drawn to that concept too. 

But if that music tells you about genuine Love between a man and a woman, you'll be drawn to that concept. And if that music tells you about your infinite potential to achieve, you'll be drawn to that concept too. Keeping it clean will improve our mental states as the gratitude journal, books and play will. This is an effective wholesome preliminary program for reconditioning and transformation.
You might be surprised to know this has not completely explained all the elements or requirements of the PAID 2 Parent program. These are the most important aspects though. Other aspects are the "village" that is built for each individual and the volunteer hours. 

And of course, there is also the pay. The participants will be PAID to participate, child and adult alike. Hence the name of the program. Being a parent is the MOST important responsibility in the whole entire world. It's time we acted like it and invested in it with education and pay.

We are raising children here, regardless of their ages. They deserve to be well rounded so we're introducing them to a variety of experiences to help them become well grounded and if their focus is off of money because their needs are taken care of AND they have some money to set them up for the future then success is imminent.

Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, once said, "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land amongst the stars." That's exactly what we're doing. Thinking BIG guarantees success even if you don't hit your intended target. Genuine Love is our target. And it's so big, it's hard to miss.
With the P2P program following the example of the Exceptional Samaritan and building upon the five tenets of Black Love, we will be able to develop stronger individuals who will create stronger families who will create stronger neighborhoods and communities. And strong, united communities working together for each others' greatest good will create a world better than we could ever imagine. 

Government was created to be "by the people, for the people" and it seems we've gotten away from that. This is one way to take it back and leave the government to take care of the things they created a mess of while we take care of one another. This is L.U.V. in action. I hope you choose to join us. 
With all this Love going on we will create an environment where God can flourish, Jesus can heal and "certain" people can be lifted up off the road they were left half dead on and live up to the lights God put in them, whether that's a flashlight, a strobe light, a spotlight or the sun itself. Then we will lead others to do the same.  

In conclusion, this is the beginning of the next aspect of another amazing adventure for Wisdom and I. It causes my heart to overflow! I'm honored God has trusted me this much and I couldn't be more grateful for the experiences I have had. Life is a gift and each person too. It's time to fully embrace both and thrive. Love you all. 

Create today. It's another beautiful day in paradise. May your choices make it the best day ever. Peace...

Every.Black & the Every.Black Podcast Network

Meeting Information: Mondays at 8 p.m. on Zoom

Motivational Reader's Mastermind Network

Call Information~
Tuesday - Saturday, 8 a.m. EST
Phone# 513-386-0000, Access Code 316364#
Course Manual: Og Mandino's University of Success


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