The Invitation

Welcome to my blog! I'm so honored you're accepting the invitation to take a look at what I've been led to do. There are many people I have met since Wisdom and I arrived in Raleigh, North Carolina back in August 2019 who have played significant roles in our journey. I reached out to you because you are among them. 

If you're from CT, then I'm sharing with you because you are still a significant part of our journey. The memories we have shared are important to us. I feel all of you deserve to know where our lives have been, what we've discovered and where we are headed as we've experienced life with every emotion you can name. 

There are too many people in my heart and mind that I want to share with and this is the easiest... well... perhaps not the easiest but the most convenient way to let a decent sized group of people know what is happening for Wisdom and I. Putting this series together has been more work than I anticipated but oh so worth the effort.

More importantly, what I share over the next few days I pray will help you in all the endeavors you are pursuing. Perhaps there is something I share that will make a difference in the things you are striving for and this truly unique year can live up to all the potential we thought it possessed when it arrived. 

Though I mention the agenda for the series in the Introductory video, the days the videos will launch are wrong. I fell behind the original schedule I recorded. Here is an updated agenda:
*Thursday, May 14, 2020: Introduction
*Friday, May 15, 2020: Funding
*Saturday, May 16, 2020: What I'm Funding
*Sunday, May 17, 2020: Lessons Learned (This may or may not take two days.)

The videos will be posted between 4 & 8 p.m. each day. I will send a new link daily once the videos have been uploaded. If you are not interested in receiving the links to the rest of the videos in the series, please contact me in the same way I contacted you: text, email or Messenger. I am not offended.

Despite the circumstances Wisdom and I have endured in the last 12-18 months, especially the last 9. I'm still living for the theme a colleague of mine coined last year to represent this year. She said, "Two-Oh Two-Oh Get Ready For Your Overflow". Thank you Cynthia Roberts. 

I have found that overflow can not exist in fear and mediocrity. It is found in being willing to push the limits, daring to dream the impossible and believing in the power of individuals to make a significant difference. WE, collectively, possess EVERYTHING we need to create the individual changes we are all craving for yet struggling to find. I expect that the things I share over the next few days will help to change that. 

Please Note: In some cases, the videos are more audio than visual. This is true of the first video especially. The transcript to each one will be posted on this blog within 24 hours of the video itself posting. I'm ahead of schedule now so the transcript for the first video is already here along with other information you might find useful after hearing the presentation. 

Please also note: The links for the video are not for the general public. I would appreciate you not sharing them. If there is someone you would like to share them with, please ask me. 

One last thing... a favor if you would. Please reserve judgment until you have watched the entire series. They build upon one another. So where something may not make any sense when you hear it or read it initially, it's possible that you'll hear something later in the series that will give you clarity on what was originally not clear. 

And here you have it, the link to the first video: Welcome to the "From Beggar to Investor" Series. Thank you again for being here. Create today. It's amazing. May your choices make it the best day ever. Peace...


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