From Beggar to Investor - Funding, Part 2 Transcript
YouTube link to Part 1:
YouTube link to Part 2:
Please Note: I recommend reading this while watching the video, even if you'll read faster than what I speak.
If I were to describe how this business operates it's like an investment opportunity meets a network marketing company in a video game format. Intriguing right? It seems that way because in a video game you hit different levels of proficiency which allow you to access more power, different paths, whatever. Once you've opened up all the levels you can play on any level.
Mind you, the video game experience I'm comparing this to is Super Mario Brothers on Nintendo, like the original one back in the 80s. I know MANY things have changed since then but hitting a new level is generally the name of the game.
It's the same thing with this company. There are twelve levels to attain.
Just like with a video game, you only need to open up each level once. But you can play (get paid) on all levels multiple times once you do.
So how do you "level up"? Simply enroll three people. You're only given three spaces initially to fill, perhaps to not overwhelm you. The next step is to have at least one of those three people enroll three people and so on, until you have reached level 12. In its simplest form the plan looks like this. Repeat 3 times.
You enroll A B C
A enrolls D E F
D enrolls G H I
G enrolls J K L
J enrolls M N O
M enrolls P Q R
P enrolls S T U
S enrolls V W X
V enrolls Y Z AA
Y enrolls BB CC DD
BB enrolls EE FF GG
EE enrolls HH II JJ
THE END! Right? Not quite... Remember how I said "you only need to open up all the levels once"? Well there's a cost to open up each of these levels. In a video game you have to complete the level. In this company you have to pay to advance. Thankfully it is generally the cost of the commission you earned on the level you're leaving. It looks something like this:
Your initial enrollment opens up level 1
The commission for A & B opens up level 2
The commission for D & E opens up level 3
The commission for G & H opens up level 4
The commission for J & K opens up level 5
The commission for M & N opens up level 6
The commission for P & Q opens up level 7
The commission for S & T opens up level 8
The commission for V & W opens up level 9
The commission for Y & Z opens up level 10
The commission for BB & CC opens up level 11
The commission for EE & FF opens up level 12
The importance of getting to level 12 is magnified by this chart when you realize you don't really get to keep any of the commission you earn until you open up all the levels. Of course you can pay to open up the other levels but you can't enroll people under those levels until you've helped others achieve them.
This information answers one of the questions I ask:
6. How does the company earn their money to pay out the commission? They collect the upgrade fees.
Hopefully I haven't confused you by saying you don't really get to keep any commission until you open up all the levels. You're probably curious about the commission from the third letter in the initial set of three.
Remember how I said "Simply enroll three people" because, initially there are only three spaces on each level you can get paid on. Well... the commission from that third letter/person pays for what is called a re-entry fee. It essentially reopens the level so you can enroll a fourth, fifth and sixth... person and get paid to do so. This is how you get to play (get paid) on any level. For every third person you enroll, a re-entry fee is paid. This is not a one time fee like opening up a level. So for enrollment #3, #6, #9 and so forth that re-entry fee actually gets paid to the person who enrolled you.
Let's look at a another example using names. Say you have 14 friends: Anthony, Bernice, Curtis, Danielle, Edgar, Francine, George, Heather, Ignatius, Jacqueline, Kyle, Lucy, Mark, Natalie. Many people would want to enroll all of them on level 1 but there's a catch. Danielle, Francine and Kyle are all very ambitious. They will reach level twelve before you do. If they hit level 12 before you do, you'll miss out on any commission you can earn from them. YIKES! We don't want that to happen. So to get to level 12 immediately, you can stack them beneath one another, like this:
You enroll Anthony, Bernice and Curtis
Curtis enrolls Danielle plus 2 of his own*
Danielle enrolls Edgar plus 2 of her own
Edgar enrolls Francine plus 2 of his own
Francine enrolls George plus 2 of her own
George enrolls Heather plus 2 of his own
Heather enrolls Ignatius plus 2 of her own
Ignatius enrolls Jacqueline plus 2 of his own
Jacqueline enrolls Kyle plus 2 of her own
Kyle enrolls Lucy plus 2 of his own
Lucy enrolls Mark plus 2 of her own
Mark enrolls Natalie plus 2 of his own
*And here's yet another example, similar to the last but with a little bit of a twist. You can also have 36 friends and stack them under each other like this:
You enroll Anthony, Bernice and Curtis
Curtis enrolls Danielle, Edgar and Francine
Francine enrolls George, Heather and Ignatius
Ignatius enrolls Jacqueline, Kyle and Lucy
Lucy enrolls Mark, Natalie and so on and so forth...
The overall point is... level up! Get to Level 12 as quickly as you can. Then do it
again! And again and again and again because that's when the commission is
yours to pocket.
This would be the main objective with everyone I enroll. Obviously some folks I enroll will have an advantage. Going back to the example, Beatrice and George have a greater advantage having enrolled earlier than Kyle and Natalie. Kyle is on level 9 for Beatrice and Natalie is on George's Level 6.
An idea that came to mind is to put the least ambitious enrollments on top so they can get a taste of success without having to do much work. They'll catch on as they earn money with no effort on their part.
Then again, the opposite is a far more wise option. Put your hardest working ones at the top so they can fill the holes beneath you quickly. You just have to make sure you're paying attention so you can purchase your upgrades but other than it's a idea that encourages "work smart, not hard".
In the end, just keep in mind, for everyone who gets their threes you get paid and so do they. And for every level you attain, the commission paid is double what it was for the previous level. This is per person. That looks something like this. (Please note: The numbers are for illustration purposes only.)
If level one is $5 commission per enrollment then level two is...
2. $10
3. $20
4. $40
5. $80
6. $160
7. $320
8. $640
9. $1280
10. $2560
11. $5120
12. $10240
Imagine cycling your through these levels over and over and over again. Cycle through level 1 five times and that's $25, but cycle through level 12 five times that's over $50K. That's why it's important to get to level twelve. I don't intend to get stuck with 5 people on level 1. My plan is to place those 5 in a way that helps me get to level 5 and continue building up from there.
Pretty workable plan right? Simple enough. You know at least 36 ambitious people to get started so it's a pretty good deal, right? Without even knowing the product or when you get paid, the plan is easy to understand, right?
In any network marketing/MLM company the purpose is to enroll people. But did you notice how few people you need to enroll to advance to the next level? You only need to enroll two people to advance to the next level. You might not have realized that because everything is set up in threes. That's the way the company has it set up. That's the way the person who introduced me to it spoke on it. But technically you only need two people to advance. THEN you have to help those two people help two people.
This is how I would get started. I would initially work two lines of people. Per level that leaves me plenty of room to put people if you consider the following to be true. On Level 1, just keeping each level to two people here are the amounts I'd need to fill:
1. 2
2. 4
3. 8
4. 16
5. 32
6. 64
7. 128
8. 256
9. 512
10. 1,024
11. 2,048
12. 4,096
The only way you get to Level 12 is by helping people help people. This seems to be the way with any multi-level marketing company but the truth is: this company is different. And it leads me to answer the next question.
7. How and why is this company different? I'm going to be totally honest with you. I didn't ask or even realize the significance of why this company is so different until recently. And the reason why I'm adding it as a question to ask here is because God revealed it so profoundly. I was studying it so much that I knew there was something missing. I just wasn't clear. Finally it was revealed in a pretty powerful way.
The four points I mentioned earlier and will discuss later partially answer this question regarding the company and opportunity as a whole.
So let me be a little more specific in asking how and why is the compensation plan different?
From the videos I have seen, where most people will get stuck in this company is by enrolling a bunch of people into level one and getting paid multiple times on Level 1 and possibly opening up other levels with the commission they earn. The challenge is they cannot earn money on those levels until they have helped enough people, help other people achieve to those levels.
My plan is to stack people from the top to the bottom instead of enrolling everyone on level one like I showed in the examples above. That means I'll enroll people under someone on my level 3 and higher so I can get paid on that level instead of starting all over at level 1.
My point is the objective of this company is to enroll deep where other people are enrolling wide. In the long run, the way I see this working is I will enroll no more than five people on each level and see how that goes. That way I only pay one re-entry fee for #3. After that I'm going to enroll people under others (this could be you) with the same concept no more than five people per level. This will help them earn money and since I don't care who gets paid and I want to see everyone succeed, I'll have even more success.
Let's look at the numbers... If I have 5 people on my first row and do nothing more with that, these are the amount of spaces I have to fill all the way to Level 12:
1. 5
3. 125
4. 625
5. 3125
6. 15,625
7. 78,125
8. 390,625
9. 1,953,125
10. 9,765,625
12. 244,140,625 (That's almost everyone in the United States)
Go ahead multiply that number by $10240, the answer is $2,500,000,000,000 (11 ZEROS). That's a 13 figure number! And this is where I get excited because I can help anyone, and I mean ANYONE, succeed doing things this way.
What if I told you this was only one of two levels you can get paid on?
This is the first of two streams of income. It gives you the opportunity to earn from 12 levels of income BUT there are another 12 levels, set up in a similar fashion you can earn from as well... WITHOUT doing any additional work!
How are you doing so far? Are you curious about the product yet? Perhaps you've heard of it before.
It's cryptocurrency. Actually that's not entirely true. A more accurate way to explain it is the product is a smart contract and the payout is in cryptocurrency, Ethereum to be exact. The smart contract gives you the license to enroll people so they can do the same. The smart contract is built on the Ethereum Blockchain which means it is decentralized. Everything about this smart contract is written in the program and it cannot be changed. It cannot be regulated. And it can only be destroyed by the end of the internet. The company hosting this unique endeavor is called Forsage.
Ethereum is known as the #2 cryptocurrency in the world, second only to Bitcoin. It is bought and sold on the Stock Market. That is why the entry fee varies. It is based on what the price is at the time you enroll. You're purchasing a small portion of one share when you enroll (.05 for both levels of income) that's what makes the entry fee affordable.
Now... there are options for what you can do with your payout. You can hold onto that ethereum and watch the price grow as the stock market regains some footing OR you can cash it out immediately in U.S. dollars to the account of your choice. Not in the U.S.? No problem. Cryptocurrency can be used by anyone in the world. It can be cashed out in any form of foreign currency. That means you can enroll anyone in the whole entire world as long as they have a smart phone or laptop/computer.
Earlier I mentioned the commission doubles with each level upgrade. That is a reflection of the amount of shares you're able to earn. So for both income streams, the amount of shares you have the potential to earn is as follows. Please Note: While the actual amount of money you earn can change, the amount of shares does not!
1. .025
2. .05
3. .1
4. .2
5. .4
6. .8
7. 1.6
8. 3.2
9. 6.4
10. 12.8
11. 25.6
12. 51.2
With the current price of Ethereum being wavering around $200/share then 51.2 shares is wavering around $10,000. Perhaps you could use a little bit of that kind of cash in your pocket. I know I could. So let me do it for you.
To sum up the most important part of the presentation, I'll explain it like this: once you enroll someone you get paid... immediately.
And this brings me back to the four points I made earlier.
1. We have the opportunity to create wealth for ourselves and our families
2. We have the opportunity to secure a stable future for our children and/or parents
3. We have the opportunity to stimulate the economy in the midst of this pandemic
4. We have the opportunity to help individuals and families obtain true wealth they can pass on to future generations
Let me talk about them.
1. We have the opportunity to create wealth for ourselves, rather rapidly; TODAY even. I think I explained this one pretty good. Once you enroll your first person, you've earned commission. How you choose to use that commission is really the question. I suggest holding onto it to open up additional levels.
The next point answers another question.
8. How can my family benefit from the company, especially my son? If something happens to me is the money I earn, after all the hard work I put in, transferable to him? Some people don't think about that when they go into business. They just see dollar signs. Not me... There is always some sort of an exchange in order to earn your desired income. Find out what it is. Another exchange to consider is: what kind of time will this take away from my son/family?
2. We have the opportunity to secure a stable future for children and/or parents. We can enroll our children and/or our parents and then enroll others under them, creating an independent income stream all their own.
My plan is enroll Wisdom first and then enroll myself under him. The money I earn under him will mostly remain untouched while the money I earn under me will be used to build the businesses we were meant to create. Eventually I will set up a trust fund for him with some of the funds that are being earned to protect him and also invest in the business.
Anything I earn is mine. I can put it into my will that it be transferred wherever I want it to go. That's exciting and empowering.
The time investment I think is significantly minimized simply because I just need to find people who want to earn money. I'll pay for them to get started and do the work to help them. Wisdom will be starting school so this can work as full time employment if I want it to.
Something to note is if you have a not for profit organization you can enroll the organization. I suggest, enrolling the organization first then enrolling under it so it can earn an income from the work that's being done.
3. We have the opportunity to stimulate the economy all in the midst of this pandemic. When everything shut down it stalled the economy. The stock market fell dramatically and has been slow in recovering. When people start buying into a stock in masse, earning money, paying bills and start spending money again, people will be put to work in new and innovative ways. WE stimulate the economy. Spending money is key. We can help others by enrolling them so they can generate an income to spend. They can earn enough to spend on what they need AND want.
4. We have the opportunity to help individuals and families obtain true wealth they can pass on to future generations. Handled correctly the funds can be held as stock or taken and invested in other opportunities. Seeking the advice of a financial advisor to diversify your portfolio with the money you are earning is strongly advised. This way some can be held in reserve, such as a trust account, to protected it and help your funds mature.
What I sense will happen as more people get involved is the potential for Ethereum to outperform Bitcoin and go from $200+/share to thousands more like Bitcoin did 10 or so years ago. If you buy in now at .05 of a $200+ share but build up a reserve of 300-400 shares. When Ethereum explodes, as I expect it to, you could go from owning $45,000-60,000 worth of stock to owning $3-$4 million worth of stock if it skyrockets to $10K/share or more like Bitcoin did.
I'm naming it and claiming it. So call it "Done!"
(Wink, wink, smile)
I've covered all the main questions I want answered of any network marketing company I feel is worth taking my time to investigate. Having those questions answered is crucial before I make any decision. This business captured my attention after all the answers come in. Does it capture yours? We, working together, can use this business to help change the world in a truly significant way.
Now I realize my limitations. And it is very possible I confused you. There is also that other income stream I was telling you about. This is where I'd like you to take some responsibility and investigate on your own.
There is a Forsage presenter by the name of Mark Hamlin who hosts a YouTube channel called "Never Broke Again Club". Go watch one or two of his videos. He is a Black man. That is so exciting to me. I was introduced to this opportunity by a Black man. That is even more exciting to me. Now as a Black woman I'm taking it a step further to see it go even deeper into the Black community.
(Let me help you get a head start. Here's a link:
If you're interested in enrolling, please send me your contact information so we can talk. I'm creating a list of people so I can have a plan of action. I'm working smart not hard. I'll need to let you know who you're enrolling under if you're not one of the two enrolling directly under me.
Let me work this for you so we can achieve together. Because one last thing I believe is as Thoreau once said, "When one advances confidently in the direction of [their] dreams and endeavors to live the life which [they have] imagined, [they] will meet with success unexpected in common hours". Let's do it!
The time is right for something like this with so many people struggling financially. In my mind, the challenge will be to introduce as many people as possible to this program over the next 4-6 weeks before the price of ethereum goes up making the entrance fee more expensive than it is now.
The way I intend to make this a successful endeavor for all those who join me is to help as many people as I can enroll deep versus wide. I see this opportunity affecting the individuals, families and communities this reaches in a way that will drastically change lives. Will you be one among them?
I look forward to hearing from you if that is my blessing. If not, thank you for listening and being a part of my journey.
At this point, one thing I am certain of is: the best is yet to come.
And as a colleague of mine named Cynthia Roberts declared, "Two-Oh, Two-Oh, Get Ready for Your Overflow". I know I'm ready. How about you?
Create today! It's amazing. May your choices make it the best day ever. Peace...
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