From Beggar to Investor - Funding, Part 1 Transcript

YouTube link to Part 1: 
YouTube link to Part 2: 

Welcome back to the "From Beggar to Investor" video series. My name is Kara Lynn Kai Sanders. 

Thank you for continuing this journey with Wisdom and I. 

Today we're going to talk about funding. 

As I explained in the previous video, the reason why I'm starting with funding is because I have so many plans that you'll be inundated with so much information you may not be able to pay attention to what I want to do if you're distracted by how much it's going to cost. That's the BIG question everybody asks, "how you gonna pay for that? What's the cost? Etc. and so forth" So instead of telling you what I'm going to do first, I'm going to tell you how I'm going to fund it first. 

When I started to put this information together, I hosted a trial webinar. In that presentation, I saved the money aspect for last. God revealed that's not where it should be. I now realize fear was my companion. Why? Well for one thing this entire plan is absoutely NOTHING like what is currently being done and yet, I KNOW that what I'm going to reveal is the most correct way to do things. A rather audacious statement, right? Well... it all makes sense, from the funding in this presentation to what's going to be funded and even why it should be. 

I wasn't properly prepared for the first webinar and that's where the fear came in. I'm prepared now though. I have no fears about what I'm going to share.

Before I go into details I have some favors to ask of you. First of all, if you read my blog post called "The Invitation" you'll know this is an exclusive invitation to listen to this series. Please don't share what you hear, at least not yet. There is information I'll share that is available to the general public, I cannot regulate that. 

Anything I reveal that is personal or a L.U.V. Enterprises or "Kai'z Kreationz" original remains that way until our premier event, which I will speak on in the next video. Right now, this information is for your ears only. If there are individuals in your household you need to make decisions with, I totally respect you sharing with them. But otherwise, please let this information remain between us. 

Another set of favors, I'll say, because they all go together is: 1. Please hear me out. 2. Please do not cut this recording short because I'm starting to say something you don't think you're going to like. 3. Please listen to the end. I know they kinda all sound the same but that was so I didn't miss anything. Honestly, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by what you see and hear. I already told you, I'm working for God so if I'm bringing it to you it's because He brought it to me.  

Now... if you know anything about me I believe in creating personal wealth for all. To create that for families in poverty, homeless, in shelters, living in low income housing, going through programs or whatever I believe the participants should be taught how to invest before they are taught how to budget. 

Let the madness begin, right? It's possible you think I'm crazy. Well... this is just the beginning but you can't say I didn't warn you. I did say this is NOTHING like what is being done. That's why I asked you to please hear me out. Please allow me to explain why I would suggest investing before budgeting. 
If individuals and families are in programs, there is a reason. And the reason is more often than not, they are not making enough money, hence the name "low income" this or that. In my mind they need to be taught how to maximize the income they have without having to spend more time earning more money. 

That's not how it is though. Programs are content to continue to take parents away from their families. That's what we have right now. We have this huge loss of quality family time because parents, many of them single, are working 2 and 3 jobs just trying to make ends meet. We have parents who are overworked and underpaid. And that's ridiculous. It's unfair. And it's really unfair to the children who are raising themselves. 

Also... think about it. Right now we're living in this cycle of insanity, doing the same things over and over again expecting a different result. Times have changed drastically since many of the programs that offer help were established and they have clearly not changed with the times because more and more people going through the system, are not ever exiting the cycle of poverty and very often they are re-entering homelessness. So the programs are not working. 

This pandemic has only caused more and more awareness of how many people were living on the edge of the poverty line. And with unemployment at an all time high and expected to continue to rise from almost 15% where it is now to like 20% in the next few months, they're saying; there has got to be a different way... there has got to be a better way to create more income for individuals and families. There are and they should be taught them. People should be taught them so they can choose how to better regulate their time. 

Now... investing can come in all shapes and forms. I personally believe in multi-level marketing companies as a form of investing to create personal wealth. They're also called network marketing companies or direct sales companies or MLMs. (Cue the dramatic music.) 

YUP! I'm going there. But as I said, please, please hear me out. 

I'm going to use those four names interchangeably but will mostly use "network marketing companies" because while the overall point is sales, the only way to get there is to network.

Now I have found an "ideal" network marketing company. Mind you... I still have three or four other network marketing companies I'm interested in building businesses with right now simply because the opportunity is there to earn a significant income AND receive services I want and need. So it's not just about the money. But the money is definitely an incentive. 

In this video I'm going to share with you how I intend to use network marketing companies to create personal wealth for myself and others so WE can collectively finance what God has been directing me to launch. Let me say that again because what I said and how I said it is extremely important and I don't want you to have any questions about what I mean. I'm going to share with you how I intend to use network marketing companies to create personal wealth for myself and others so we can collectively finance what God has been directing me to launch. 

If you're still struggling with where this is heading because historically multi-level marketing companies have been called pyramid schemes that are going to allow you to earn a bunch of money, I get it. And I totally respect your point of view. I totally honor that. It's not like I haven't thought the same thing... "buncha scam artists". But please allow me to offer you some other perspectives to consider. And yes, I have several!

If you have or have had a job, you are or already have been in a multi-level marketing company, one where you will never truly be boss. You'll always have someone to answer to. Even as the CEO, you are not in charge. There is generally a board you are accountable to and if you are interested in leadership then you are limited in your potential for advancements. You'll never be at the top. You'll never be a true, independent leader. 

And for some people that doesn't matter at all! What matters is the consistent paycheck. Well if there's anything that can show you how quickly that can end in a very unexpected manner then this pandemic definitely does. Not only that but there is a cap to your earning potential. You likely will never get paid what you are truly worth. And if you have dreams to pursue it's possible you're not earning enough money to ever pursue them. 

Now...if you already have a business of your own, YOU are at the top of your own "pyramid scheme". And the same principles apply except you're the one in the way of others who want to get into leadership. You will need to step down for them to replace you. But let's face it, that's your baby. You're irreplaceable. 

And again, there is a cap to your earning potential unless of course you add countless hours to what you have been doing in order to earn more. If you have employees doing the work. you're likely not paying them what they feel they are worth. And they'll need to work more hours, if possible, in order to create a more significant income stream they may need to live.

Lastly, if you're in a family, that is the ultimate pyramid scheme right there. Seriously, who gets to overstep the parents or the Grands for that matter? Not many of us dare to, even when we know they are wrong. I just listen to my parents now. I'm just like, "Mmmhmmm...", "OK!", "Oh really?", "Right!", "OK! If that's working for you go right ahead."

So, long story short, multi-level marketing companies are all a matter of perspective. They exist everywhere in different forms. That's one of the perspectives to take.

The other perspective to look at is generally those who are introducing network marketing companies are either looking for their "big break" and think you can provide it because you'd excel at what their doing OR they have had their "big break" so they're inviting others to join the party. 

I'm more challenged by the second scenario than the first because I think when people have had their "big break" AKA their financial windfall from all the work they've done then it makes sense to me to invest in others so they can succeed too. If they did, their own success would multiply as well. 

Without any particular business in mind, my thought process is, ... "Ok so, I made it to whatever level. I'm making this certain amount of money. I'm comfortable. I'm happy with what I've got and I have plenty to spare. I've got my house, my cars, whatever. Everything is set." 

Then I would turn and find someone I've enrolled who is struggling to get ahead in the business, I'd take some money and I would invest it them. We'd sit down, have a talk about their goals for being in the company and determine what their challenges have been to succeed. More often than not, it's getting people to buy product. 

So here's what I would say: "Let me help you get to the first level of management. If you find however many customers are needed who are interested in trying the product, I'll pay for the first orders of your customers up to $100 so they can try the product. And if you are doing well at getting customers, we'll see what is needed to take you to the next level. 

"Another thing is I'll do the same thing for any of your customers who are interested in creating a business for themselves. The one thing I ask of you is when you get a commission check you pay forward 10% until you get to the level of management you are interested in achieving."

And there you go... You're helping somebody advance AND you're also helping yourself advance AND you're getting the money back you invested, possibly more. 

Why not do that? Because people don't think like that. And I believe this is the main reason people are so disgusted by network marketing. Some people realize the opportunity but don't have the skills, the connections or the time to actualize it. There are others who have seen Loved ones get hurt and won't put themselves through that same heartache. And then there are a lot more people who are trying to advance and achieve and are just not for whatever reason. It's frustrating.

One challenge to advancing in network marketing businesses I believe is so simple it's often overlooked. Let's face it. A vast majority of rich people have rich friends. And if someone has middle class earnings, then the people they associate with generally do too. These two income brackets can generally afford the products or services they're being offered by an associate, colleague or friend even if it is short term support. 

Well the same associations are generally true when people live in poverty. The difference is their associates cannot afford the products or services without a whole lot of extra work to make it happen. Most people who are struggling don't have the time to work to manifest the "MLM miracle" because they are focusing on working what they already have and what they comfortably know to make ends meet. 

I'm coming to you because I'm starting a unique personal business endeavor where I am looking for 25-30 individuals who will let me work for them. Your responsibility would be to make the initial investment(s) for you to enroll in this company I'm excited about. Currently the investment amount is a one time fee that is less than $25 per person. Then I'd like your permission to work for you to build you a business. 

You see? By enrolling, you advance me. And when I've advanced to where I need to be what I can and will do is take the returns from what I have earned and put them into advancing you to where I am. I will do this by paying the enrollment fees for those who are interested. It's that simple.

So what's the catch? I'm sure you're thinking "there has to be an expectation". YUP! Absolutely. 10% of your increase on a weekly basis. This would not go to me personally though. It will actually go into the investment account for L.U.V. Enterprises. 

Remember what I said earlier and then repeated it: "I'm going to share with you how I intend to use a network marketing company to create personal wealth for myself and others so we can collectively finance what God has been directing me to launch." This is how I intend to make that happen. I'm creating my own employment and should you choose, you get to be my client.

The way I plan to personally break down the use of the funds I earn is 


20%-giving; This way I have 10% to pay tithing 10% and 10% to use for offerings or I can put any percentage of that 20% towards another organization I feel is worthy of my support. 

30%-I would save to pay taxes and 

40%-is mine to keep. I can do what I want with it. My thought process is two fold on this income. 1. Reinvest it! And 2. If I don't need it, leave it! Don't touch it.

I suggest following a similar practice with your own investment returns.

Your main responsibility would be to check the growth of your business on a weekly basis to calculate the increase. I'm asking for 10% of the difference between each week, which is "the increase". So if you earn $400 this week and next week your balance is up to $800 the difference between the two weeks is $400. 10% of that difference is $40. Not so bad, right? Especially if you're not doing the work. If I do that for 25-30 people, that's about $1000 per week coming in to spread L.U.V. 

But, what if the difference between two weeks is $4000? That's $400 you're investing. That's about $10,000 coming in every week to spread L.U.V.

The possibility of doing this thoroughly thrills me because there is nothing more that I would like to see than people I admire and adore having the capacity to thrive far beyond their expectations. My greatest hope is you will do two things with the additional income. 1. Go forth and achieve your dreams. 2. Help someone else achieve theirs. 

NOW for you to genuinely consider this, my challenge is to help you be clear how this network marketing company works. Then we'd create a plan to determine your needs so I can make it happen for both of us. 

It's no different than planning your work and working your plan. Information is key. It's not just any old information though. You need to know what you're looking for!

Based on the information I gathered there are at least four things I have found to be true about this opportunity that are more unique than any other company I've been introduced to. They are:

1. We have the opportunity to create wealth for ourselves rather rapidly.

2. We have the opportunity to secure a stable future for our children and/or parents

3. We have the opportunity to stimulate the economy in the midst of this pandemic

4. We have the opportunity to help individuals and families obtain true wealth they can pass on to future generations

I'll go into more detail about these later because it is important to talk about how this company makes these possible. Right now I think it's best to answer some preliminary questions. I've been introduced to A LOT of network marketing companies. I was in one when I was 18, enrolling under my mom. I've had over thirty years of experience being introduced to all kinds of companies. I have the personality that draws people to me to create my own business. There are still about 3 or 4 others I'm interested in being a part of right now. But there are lots of questions I have answered before I consider an opportunity a viable business venture for me.

Here are some of the other questions I had and the answers I either received or researched before I made a decision to invest my time in this epic opportunity. They are not necessarily in order of importance.

1. Do I trust the person introducing me to the business? This is really key. I was introduced to this company with a YouTube video by a colleague of mine who is very entrepreneurial. He is definitely someone I trust. He is ALWAYS looking for opportunities with network marketing companies and he's introduced me to lots of information I would not have found if I hadn't met him. 

2. Can I learn about the business on my own without having the person who introduced me, spoon feed the information? Do they have pamphlets, videos or a website? Or is information hard to find independently? 

Of course I wanted to know my earning potential and what I need to do to succeed in this endeavor. Watching the video, I had a basic understanding. But I had never heard of the product so that was the first question I needed to investigate on my own. I was introduced in February. It's now May. I'm just saying.

I hope you understand this was no small investigation because when I first watched the video I was sure this was the scam of the year since I had never heard of the product. So I went to work: Me and Google and God. Google and God, they are my co-parents. They are my study partners. They are Who I go to when I need information. I investigated all the information my colleague shared plus found some of my own until I was completely clear and satisfied by how this company and its compensation plan worked. It was maybe a week ago that God helped me understand the last piece I was missing. I'm finally comfortable sharing what I know.

And yes, I do give God credit because for the last 5 weeks I've been without regular internet access and I've had NO access to a phone to be able to reach out to the person who introduced me to the company to have him answer questions in the manner I wanted. So I've watched a video here or there when I could catch an internet connection in order to see what was being talked about. Then I would go to God to get some clarity on what I had watched or to try to figure out what I missed. And He has not disappointed me.

Now those are great questions. The answers give you a taste of my history with this company but that's just the beginning. Let's get to the nitty-gritty.

3. What's the product (or the products)? I need something consumable and affordable. It has to be worth more than I have to pay for it, shipping included. I also need to know: who my target market is and if it's a product the vast majority of people will want to buy. If there are too many products I tend to shy away and if there are not enough products I might shy away too. If it's a single item, it better be a dang good one! 

I recently spoke with someone who got involved in an MLM that sold wine. She whined about how it would take working 60 hours a week to be successful. I could NOT disagree. I would have never joined such a company. While it is a consumable product, I don't even drink wine. Their target market is way too specific. I need something I can share with the general population. It's even better if I can target it to specific groups for marketing purposes. 

As with any direct sales opportunity, you get paid on who you get to buy your product. That means you have to talk to people. But for me, the biggest difference between this and other companies is the product. And this product is so remarkable I want to share it with everyone! AND... I can because it is consumable and the way the originator created this company they made the product extremely affordable as well. I'm not going to divulge what the actual product is until later on in the presentation just to keep it interesting. 

4. How much do I have to invest to get started? Enough said. We always want to know what's going to come out of our pocket.

The cost to enroll in this business opportunity is a one time fee that is currently under $25. The cost fluctuates based on the value of the product when you enter. You're really curious now, right? Let's keep going.

5. What is the return? How long is it gonna take to earn money? I especially want to know when I will earn back the money I invested. How many people do I need to make success happen? What's the cap? This is also known as the compensation plan. Do I feel it is workable? If it is then I can "plan my work and work my plan" all the way to the bank. Cha-ching!

In order for you to believe OUR success is possible, I'm going to explain the compensation plan then I want to give you MY workable plan to succeed. Notice I said "workable plan". This is a plan that has the ability to work and rather quickly too. 

If I were to describe how this business operates it's like an investment opportunity meets a network marketing company in a video game format. Intriguing right? It seems that way because in a video game you hit different levels of proficiency which allow you to access more power, different paths, whatever. Once you've opened up all the levels you can play on any level.

Mind you, the video game experience I'm comparing this to is Super Mario Brothers on Nintendo, like the original one back in the 80s. I know MANY things have changed since then but hitting a new level is generally the name of the game. 

It's the same thing with this company. There are twelve levels to attain. 

Just like with a video game, you only need to open up each level once. But you can play (get paid) on all levels multiple times once you do.


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