Bringing Dignity to Poverty

I was up early this morning thinking... I knew I had done just about everything I felt I should do. I have to admit I've been slacking a little bit. And that had me wondering, "have I really done enough?" And the answer came... "No!" It was a gentle rebuke but a rebuke none-the-less. My focus had become cloudy. When you're in the midst of struggles, your struggles are often all you can focus on. But God had already let me know that my struggles were actually distractions that didn't deserve the attention I was trying to give them. You see the invitation to be one of God's "research assistants" meant I would go through some rigorous challenges but they would lead me to inviting hearts and minds to be educated and then changed. And the topic that needs the most education is poverty. More specifically, people in poverty and how they are regularly treated. My knowledge of this is firsthand as I've been shocked by how people have tre...