Sacred Sunday: What's Up?

What's Up?

Welcome and welcome back. It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here.

It's been a while so I think it's a good time to simply check in. The last year has been incredible. This year has brought heartache and despair along with blessings on blessings of the very best kind. 

We're expecting the year to end in a pretty big way and I'm really excited about that. As of today (Sunday, October 29th) I am 42 days away from my 50th birthday. And I get to celebrate my big day with Human Rights Day! It's hard to believe! It's REALLY hard to believe!!

When you're young 50 seems like a big age that's so far away. It seems like it's the end of life or really close to it. Now I think I'm finally hitting my stride with a combination of intelligence and confidence and I'm so honored to be in the space I'm in.

Being here with a child who's young enough to be my grandchild (yes, people occasionally ask me if I'm his grandmother) is really quite remarkable. I'm so grateful I gave birth to this incredibly phenomenal being of light and Love. He truly lives up to his name in the most remarkable ways. To be Wisdom's mom and student continues to be my highest honor.

I need to admit, it can be real challenging to be his parent though. And that's not mostly because of him. I remember when I was pregnant with Wisdom and I knew he was coming to change the world. I knew I was going to do whatever I could to change the world so he could grow up to be whoever he wants to be.

Honestly though... I wasn't ever expecting what we have faced. The experiences we've had absolutely floor me! People are fascinating creatures and they don't even know why they do the things they do or believe the things they believe. I think I've been mostly surprised by how cruel people can be to a child or a mother and a child. 

I can't tell you why that is because "to each his (or her) own", right? But I have identified several categories that are contributing factors:

1. Wisdom is a child. There are many people who expect a child to speak and act in certain ways. Wisdom usually doesn't follow any of those rules! For some people they think it's the coolest thing in the world. But for others it triggers their sympathetic nervous systems and their behaviors reflect their fight or flight activation.

2. Wisdom is a boy. This is different from being a child. You'd be amazed at how people tend to view girls differently than boys.

3. Wisdom is Black. I don't see this one exclusively. It usually is in combination with one of the first two. There are different expectations between Black and White children. The expectations of Black children are usually far more unrealistic without authoritative parenting at their root.

4. I am a woman. Ahhhh... the stories that could be told about how people view me differently because I am a woman.

5. I am Black. Again, usually in combination with #4. Personally, I think the number of people who are in conflict over the value of Black people in general is much smaller than we realize. They simply speak louder and get more attention so they seem to be en masse, but they aren't.

6. I'm educated but unemployed. No one wants to listen to someone who isn't "responsible enough" to work, no matter how much they know. If you're not in the trenches like they are, you can't know anything because you'd be doing differently. There's just no respect for those kinds of choices.

7. We're emancipated. This does not mean we are legally separated from our parents, which is one of the definitions of emancipate. What it does mean is I try not to parent from my subconscious conditioning, courtesy of my parents. I'm grateful Wisdom usually does not make choices based on my actions when I do.

There are so many limiting beliefs about how people should be, that to be free thinkers and doers triggers many sympathetic nervous systems. As I wrote "we're emancipated" a quote came to mind that describes me and Wisdom perfectly. It's by Henry David Thoreau. He once wrote:

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

Yup! That's us! We are definitely stepping to totally different drummers! And we each have our own. They're in sync but they are still different.

8. We are not financially stable. This one is huge! Of all the reasons why I believe people have something against us, it's because we are not financially stable. It doesn't matter how important what I'm doing is. There are so many people who have something against the music I am stepping to! Thankfully, a good majority of my journey recently has been to combat that! 

It's not that I don't care about what people think. It's that I don't care so much when I know they think wrongly. The scripture people always want to throw out is "don't judge". But the reality is we are actually supposed to judge. Our judgment protects us! It's when we judge wrongfully that we're going against the word of God. Most people don't realize that. Yet it's exactly what most people do!

9. People don't Love themselves. They don't have compassion or mercy for themselves. Without those they cannot extend it to others.

10. People are oppressed. That's a huge discussion right there so I'm not going into it. The one thing I will say is that liberated people do not oppress people. Oppressed people oppress other people. 

It's time to change that so that's what I'm working on! The only details I can share right now are I'm working on a 4 book series called "I Apologize". That's the cliff hanger. I'm looking forward to divulging more in the near future.

Please check out my digital business card for other exciting happenings, like the interviews I've done and to connect with me on social media. Thanks again for being here. Thank you in advance for your continued support. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace...


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