Manifest Monday: Do You Know Momma Kai?

Do You Know Momma Kai?

Welcome and welcome back. It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here. 

This posted is inspired by Jimmy Davies of Every.Black. He hosts a mastermind networking group on Mondays where he has a different guest every week speak on the topic of expertise. Because there are always so many new people coming through, Jimmy will take the time to introduce himself and how Every.Black got started.

I'm going to do the same thing here because, even though one day I'll be famous and people might know my story, that's not true for today! Even if I do become famous by the world's standards, I imagine I will still post an update like this to remain humble and because we are always changing and evolving (or at least we should be, right?). 

Now... Let me go back. My government name is Kara Lynn Sanders. As of today I am 41 days away from my 50th birthday, which I have the honor of sharing with Human Rights Day! Every year they have a theme to commemorate the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 

For 2023, it's "Dignity, Freedom and Justice For All". I feel like that's the theme for my life right now and I'm so excited about it. Clearly I was born on the right day to live the life God has put before me. 

But while it is an incredible adventure to advocate for the basic human rights of others, there is no greater honor bestowed upon me than to be the mom and student of a dynamic, charming, intelligent, kind, Loving, wise, emancipated, liberated young Black male superhero. The name God gave him when I was pregnant is Wisdom and he lives up to it.

He will be 8 in December, 13 days after my birthday. And guess what? 13 is my lucky number! I couldn't have even planned that. He was born 3 weeks earlier than expected, because of concerns with my high blood pressure. He came 2 days before Christmas in 2015 instead of the end of January 2016.

He is a light and a joy. He is Love and so Loved. He is an awakener and a disrupter. He's a mover and shaker. He's a disrupter of all evil things and I'm so grateful I get to learn from him. He's fully living up to his name and his calling.

One day I was contemplating the name for the little human I was carrying. I heard God say, "his name will be Wisdom". Of course I laughed! Who is crazy enough to name their first and possibly only child "Wisdom"? 

Thankfully God wasn't offended because we're close like that. Instead He explained why saying, "his name will be Wisdom, not for the things he will learn but for the things he will teach." Dang! God has a way of putting things that makes you have to pay attention. So the being became Wisdom and I became his first teacher and first student!

I have NEVER regretted that decision. It's because of him that we're in the midst of this incredible journey from poverty to prosperity, internally and externally. I wanted to know everything I could to be the best mom for this incredible child so I set out to learn. Yes, from him but I needed to know what I didn't know for him! 

During his earlier years what I learned from Circle of Security carried me through. It wasn't until he started getting older and expressing his independence that I didn't know what to do. That led me to the Jai Institute for Parenting to become a parent coach. That one decision alone has made all the difference in the world for me and Wisdom.

And because of what I learned from that course and the many other conferences, seminars, workshops and docuseries I invested my time in, I'm on a mission to eliminate homelessness, poverty and the next generation of prisoners. This will be done by addressing oppression as a system, clarify what emancipation is and seek liberation for individuals, neighborhoods, cities, counties, districts, states, and nations all over the world. 

It's time for change. We are at a serious crossroads with the earth and one another. There are two violent wars going on right now on the other side of the world. But there are also wars brewing in almost every heart all across America, perhaps even the world.

We all need, want and desire to be free of ourselves. And I'm seeking to invite it by starting with me and then reaching out for others. Liberated people seek to liberate others. Those who are oppressed seek to oppress others. It's time for true liberation.

Knowledge of how to achieve that starts with understanding brain development, nervous system regulation, trauma and nutrition. So let's get to it. A change is going to come, yes! But it's coming sooner versus later. I hope you'll join me for the ride. Stay tuned for more details on how you can get involved. 

Thanks again and in advance. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace...


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