Thriving Thursday: The Circle is Bold!

The Circle is Bold!

Today is Thursday, August 18, 2022. It is another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here. It is an honor to be your host.

On Monday, I wrote about coming full circle. Usually that means that you started somewhere, took a journey and ended up back where you started. Wellll... I needed to take another trip around the circle so I could get it all the way right. Now the circle is completely complete and BOLD!

Whenever I have thought about hosting a fundraiser, I always want to give back. I don't think about the money that comes in as a donation. I think of it as an investment. And with all investments, there should be a return. 

I have an active fundraiser on the PayPal Generosity Network. It is called "Emancipated Parenting" and ends in 2 days, on Saturday, August 20. (Edited 8.24.2022: The name of the latest fundraiser is called "The NEW Emancipation Proclamation". Here's the link: Emancipated Parenting is the name of the course I will be coaching individuals and parents through (more details below).

To help launch this incredible endeavor, I have a goal of $5K (edited 9.1.2022-it should say $20K because the other campaign was personal; this one is business). More is not expected but definitely appreciated. No matter where we get to we want to express our appreciation. Based on the amount you invest this is what you are entitled to: 

*$1-24: One-on-one Appreciation Conversation (via video conference or phone)

*$25-49: What's above PLUS Parent Coaching Preview 

*$50-99: What's above PLUS Gratitude challenge (2 copies) 

*$100-199: What's above PLUS Wisdom-isms 

*$200-349: What's above PLUS K.I.S.S. and H.U.G. Club membership 

*$350-499: What's above PLUS Bundle of L.U.V.! 

*$500+: What's above PLUS 16-week Emancipated Parenting course

Here are descriptions of each item~

*Parent Coaching Preview: a 2 week introduction to the Emancipated Parenting experience; meet for an hour, once a week for 2 weeks (same day, same time)

*Gratitude challenge (2 copies): a journal set up to write what you're grateful for daily over a period of 6 weeks, the end of each day provides a "pep talk" to bring you back, you'll get 2 copies so you can take the challenge with a friend or family member

*Wisdom-isms: a collection of lessons learned from being Wisdom's mom and student

*K.I.S.S. and H.U.G. Club membership:
~Doubled investment in 6 months or less (for example: invest $200, get $400 back in 6 months),  ~Monthly progress report until investment is returned (sent via email),
~Founding Member membership card

*Bundle of L.U.V.!: this is a signature product of L.U.V. containing L.U.V. branded merchandise and a combination of items to promote self-care through education, relaxation and fun

*Emancipated Parenting 16 week Course: instead of the Parent Coaching preview, this is the entire course; meet weekly for 1 hour (same day, same time), estimated value: $1800 (limited to 15 people)

The base of the Emancipated Parenting Course is the Transformational Parenting Course from the Jai Institute for Parenting. I recently completed my training with Jai to become a certified parent coach and will be adding a touch of L.U.V. to the phenomenal instruction they provide.

The objective of Emancipated Parenting is to invite  individuals and parents to create a "Heaven on Earth" environment in their homes where their children enjoy emancipated living from their youth to their advanced years. After all, we birth babies into the world and are surrounded by children but, technically, we're raising adults. 

We all anticipate healthy children becoming healthy adults. The foundation for how they live their adult lives is established in their infant and toddler years. That foundation determines whether they are a positively productive person in society or a prisoner.

Consider this: your investment could help eliminate the next generation of criminals.

Please join the revolution to become emancipated and help others do the same. Thank you again for your support. Thank you in advance for how we'll continue change the world. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace...

P.S.: For more content from L.U.V., please check out our social media: 




P.S. #2: Perhaps you are here because you are looking for a way to contribute directly or you missed contributing through the campaign. Here are your options: 

Venmo: @KaraKai1313 (last 4 of phone#: 3861)


Cash App: $WisdomsStudent1223

Credit or debit card:


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