Motivating Monday (On Friday): From Poverty to Prosperity

From Poverty to Prosperity

Today is Friday, August 5, 2022. It is yet another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here. 

This post is connected to the PayPal Fundraiser of the same name. To give you a little history, my name is Kara Lynn Sanders. Most people know me as Kai or Momma Kai. I have the honor, pleasure and privilege of being the mom of a vibrant, dynamic, charming, intelligent, Loving, handsome, beautiful and liberated young Black male superhero. 

We have been without stable housing for the last 3 years. At some point in our journey God told me not to take it personal. I needed to pay attention because He needed me to learn some things. It has been a wild ride, "OH the stories I could tell!" But I'm grateful God chose me and I chose Him because here we are today.

I recently completed my parent coach training with the Jai Institute for Parenting. It is a compilation of the lessons I learned in class and the information God directed me to "pay attention" to while being unhoused that led me to understanding the role my son and I play moving forward. We are here to "change the world" by training parents to NOT raise racist or oppressed children.

This is the heart of our campaign's message. You can learn more about it on the YouTube channel for L.U.V. Enterprises:

The name of the business we're leading to do this is called L.U.V. Enterprises! We have developed two training programs for parents named The NEW Emancipation Proclamation and P.A.I.D. 2 Parent. Parent coaching is a part of that curriculum.

Because my son and I have been on this "beautiful terrible" journey, we are without a solid source of stable income. Our needs are now deep and wide. To be honest with you, as far as cash is concerned, $3000-5000 is to cover our personal expenses. The rest of the money is for launching the business. 

We are currently staying at a hotel in Durham. If you would like to help by paying directly for our hotel stay please call 919.808.1043. We would like to transition back to Raleigh but we are here for now. 

My son's father is also struggling. And though we are not together, if I can support him by solidifying a room for him (at the same hotel or one close by) that would be ideal. He would be able to spend more time with our son which would allow me to focus on this. If you would like to help me help him, please call me as well.  

If you're not comfortable giving cash, then gift cards would be awesome too. Here are a list of places where we would appreciate gift cards from: 

*Grocery stores: Food Lion, Harris Teeter and/or Aldi 
Please Note: I do not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes so the funds will not be used for any of those types of purchases. I'm even willing to show how the gift cards are spent if you like to know. I am on a path to embracing a more plant based, organic way of living to support the health of my vagal tone. 

*Amazon Gift Cards: MathLink cubes for my superhero. He is a HUGE Numberblocks fan and wants to be able to build more characters. We look up the face on the internet and use paper and colored pencils to create the faces.

*Business supply and print services: Staples, Office Depot and/or Fed Ex Office

*Professional clothing for mom: Lane Bryant and/or Avenue

To support the launch of L.U.V., there are some items that could be purchased in our behalf to be used in our curriculum for training parents.  Here are things we need or ways you can help.

*Purchase copies of "I Am Troy Davis": This book is part of the curriculum for parents.

*Purchase copies of "And Then There Was Jesus": This is another book that is part of the curriculum.

*Provide print services for "It's Time to L.U.V. - A 6-Week Gratitude Challenge". This is a journal God gave me all the resources to print and sell myself. It is one of the most important parts of the curriculum. I would like to have them professionally edited and printed in a larger format as a spiral bound journal for easier writing.

Other items needed/wanted are a logo, promotional items (t-shirts, hats, pin buttons, etc.) contracts, attorney services, registering the business; hence the need for cash so I can get what's best for the business. 

I will be taking about $1000 to start an investment fund that will become an emergency fund to help people meet their most immediate needs. There is nothing like this anywhere. And if it does exist, it's defunct or there are a lot of hoops people have to go through to get assistance. It's time to bring dignity to people's poverty. It's time to L.U.V.! 

Thank you again for the investment of your time. Thank you in advance for helping us make our dreams of a better world a reality. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace... 


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